

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Friday, January 15, 2016

Happy New Year!

Hello everyone, this week has been crazy. There is a lot of stuff
happening and we were very busy this past week. Thursday morning,
Elder Beardall went with Elder Gore who used to be an AP and is again
an AP. Elder Gore's companion went home mid cycle and Elder Beardall
went with him to his area for the day. We cleaned the church, did our
car inspection and then went to a dinner appointment. And oh my did we
get pounded at that dinner appointment with foods of different kinds.
We got to try some Filipino desert which is kind of like potato with
coconut flakes? Or something like that. It was yummy! Also we tried
banana sauce which is another Filipino thing. This member is from
Manila in the Philippines.

Friday morning we woke up at 3:15 A.M. To go to presidents house to
bring missionaries luggage to JFK. I got to drive by myself for a bit,
president told us that if the JFK people come around and tell us to
move, then drive it around JFK. That's what we did for a while. It was
weird to not have a companion in the passenger seat. It was stressful
but we got there and then headed through queens to the Ed Koch
queensboro bridge and made our way to the temple because we were
picking up a senior couple who was going to JFK as well. We seriously
had the greatest of time. It was 8 o clock when we got to Scarsdale to
help pick people up for MLC. MLC was so much fun, I was delusional but
it was a great time. This Saturday we are having a mission wide
conference. Elder Jeffrey R Holland is coming to our mission for
acouple of hours and he wants to speak to us. I'm excited! When
president told us everyone at MLC literally shifted in their seats and
elder Burtons response was the best. He said "we're gonna die". We
started a split as well with the zone leaders, elder Sanford came into
our area and it was a great split!

Saturday we went tracting around a media referral and we knocked into
this lady named Rose and we talked a lot and then she invited us in
and we taught the restoration to her and her sister Karen. They both
are awesome and they believe what we are saying. The sisters are going
back this Saturday! They say their family would love to learn more. We
ended the split a bit early because Elder Burton had to go to the city
for an appointment. I went on a split with elder Leishman who is one
of the APs and it was so much fun. We taught this guy named Emmanuel
the restoration and we invited him to be baptized and he immediately
says yes. And he really wants this in his life. Elder Leishman and I
were jumping for joy after we got out of the appointment. We also
tracted. Elder Leishman tells me the secret to missionary work.. It's
done through the members. And he said something else "God wants to
help you so much but if you don't leave your apartment and do the work
then God can't do anything for you. Go out and do work and you will
see gods hand in your work.

Sunday we went to church and it turns out I'm giving a talk in 2
weeks, luckily I'm the youth speaker. We went home to start weekly
planning and then Elder Burton was tested by President and he wanted
to meet with him at the Scarsdale chapel. I got to see all the members
in the Scarsdale Ward. We talked a lot because we waited for over an
hour. We went up to the mission home to get our car and we ask
president if we could get a protein bar and he invites us in and yells
"hungry elders" and they start cooking for us but we tell them we are
supposed to have a dinner appointment so he gives us a cliff mint
chocolate chip protein bar. He always has protein bars because that's
what he lives off. He is a very healthy mission president. We finish
weekly planning to end the night. It's funny how your plans can just
get thrown out the window.

Monday we had zone meeting and we talked a lot about how we could be
better missionaries and what we can do to help our investigators
repent and progress. It was super spiritual. We filled orders
afterwards and then went to meet with Bob and we threw down with love
about how he needs to read the Book of Mormon, we talked about how we
have agency and how bobs accountable and how he should be reading. You
could see the spirit change him and he wants to read now. Let's hope
he actually reads.

Tuesday we did city deliveries and cleaned the Bat cave, which is
where we store all the materials for the mission. All the supplies
like books, pamphlets, cards and all that stuff. We are not even done
cleaning yet. Sometimes we do that as an office Elder. We also need to
do a couple deliveries of some things that missionaries need. It was
so fun! I love cleaning!

I am seriously so grateful to be a missionary. I see myself growing
even though I sometimes feel like I'm the same as I was before my
mission. I see myself relying on Jesus Christ a lot more and I know
what the atonement feels like in my life. Jesus Christ can help you
through anything, don't be afraid to ask for help. He knows what it
feels like, he knows how you can over come it. I love you all dearly,
I hope you have a fantastic week! Talk to you next week!

Elder Casper

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