

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

New Companion

Hello everyone who is interested in what I have to say!
How's it going? So I now have a new companion whose name is Elder Ross
and he is so hard working and diligent and an amazing kid. He actually
has a similar personality as mine and we are getting along super great
so far. He is my brother, the kid who was also trained by my trainer.
This cycle will be amazing and this area will blow up with how
dedicated Elder Ross is, and he will teach me things that will help me
be a better missionary.
So elder Neuerburg has been dying so we haven't had a crazy amount of
time to do much of anything. He has needed a lot of time to do his
mission experience and get ready to go home.
Friday was great because we were lucky to do some service for some
people in the Danbury Ward, that elder Neuerburg knows. We made a big
bond fire with everything in the yard and roasted hot dogs and made
s'mores. It was very fun and we had a great dinner appointment and I
found out that I only have 17.5% body fat! We also ate pizza that
night so I'm not sure how much that helped towards losing weight.. But
everything was awesome. We learned more about physical fitness and
things to help us be more healthy especially if there is no gym. We
learned exercises that we can do just in our apartment if no gym is
Saturday we went to the Lincoln square chapel to hear from Elder
Quentin L Cook, and I could  just feel of his spirit, and that he
truly was an apostle of the lord Jesus Christ. On thing that was
really cool is after we all shook his hand he told us this "thank you
for shaking my hand and allowing me to personally interview each one
of you". He looked into our eyes and could tell if something was off
or how we are living our lives. He knows, he is so in tune with the
spirit. Also his testimony was so inspiring. He told us that he knows
that Jesus Christ lives and that he knows what he looks and sounds
like. I know that Jesus Christ has called apostles and that Quentin L
Cook is one of them. Saturday night a member took us to outback steak
house and that was a good steak, and coconut shrimp oh and a blooming
onion.. I can't forget that! The bread as well.
I got another hair cut and pretty much that's the sum up of what
happened this week. I really can't wait to go out and do the Lords
work and tract and find and do all things that we have to do in order
to be successful. It has been hard killing 2 missionaries and sending
them home and it has made me die a little inside but that won't stop
me from doing the Lords work! I can't wait for Elder Ross and I to do
what we need to, and be so tired every night that we just collapse
after we hit our beds. I love this work and I know that the gospel is
true, I know that Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God and
that through Christ we can be saved. All I do as a missionary is to
invite others to come to Christ, I can't force anyone. It all depends
on how bad the person wants their life to improve and everything to be
so perfect. I love it and I could do this without all the experiences
I've had in my life.
The Mother's Day call was great and I really loved to talk to you
guys. I hope all is well and I loved sharing my testimony with you and
I hope it touched you in some way! Love you and hope you have a great

Elder Casper.

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