

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Working Hard in Connecticut

Hello all,

What's all going on? Everything is going great here in Newtown. For
anyone who doesn't know I now have a new companion whose name is Elder
Ross. He is from Green River Wyoming and he was trained by the same
missionary as I was. He is a hard working missionary and he is very
obedient so that is good. He is a good influence on me after having 2
companions who went home aha.

I've been sick for this whole past week and I'm slowly recovering! We
have still been getting our tracting in and finding people who weren't
interested in learning anything but they were super nice to us. One
guy we ran into was on the grass with his dog and we came up and
introduced ourselves. He immediately asks us where we are from and
talks to us and he knows members who live outside of our mission and
we gave him the gospel of Jesus Christ pamphlet and our number if he
was ever interested. We haven't seen too many miracles happen this
week but I can list out what happened this week! 

Wednesday we looked up a potential investigator and she told us to
come back later. I wasn't feeling to great so we went in early to
rest, oh and we made a bunk bed in our apartment and settled in. And
it was the start of a wonderful companionship!

Thursday was Weekly Planning and a cool little lesson with a member
and 2 non members. So this guy from Yuma Arizona has his sister who
lives in Ridgefield Connecticut. The non members are both a little
older and the man has bladder cancer and the women broke her leg bone
or something but they both work at Keller Williams. We talked a lot
about what we do as missionaries and just answered the questions they
had. We will be calling them soon to set up a time to come back.

Friday we went to see some of the less active older people and just to
be there for them and read with them! I love being around old people
because they are super nice to us and love us and always thankful for
us being there! Did a lot of finding as well and weren't too

Saturday we did some service for a non member who knows a member from
our Ward and we were in the forest pretty much, cutting vines from the
ground and ripping them out and all that fun stuff. Yeah it was a good
opportunity to talk to him about what we do and we left a good
impression with him. We went up to sandy hook to do some finding and
we decided to knock this entire street and we did that. At the bottom
of the hill this weird guy said to us "is that it?" " why don't you
keep going, go up there." So we decided to listen to this guy and we
went up to this street, knocked on some houses and at the fourth house
this guy comes out of this side garden and says hello. Soon his wife
and kid come out as well. They were way friendly to us and we talked
to them for 25 minutes. Turns out this lady knows someone from our
Ward! It was such a blessing from the lord, we have put in time to
find his children and he finally blessed us with a family. Preach my
gospel tells us to strive to teach families so they can be sealed to
their family forever. I can't wait to teach them! We invited them to
church and they said that they would come sometime!

Sunday morning we had an Aaronic priesthood meeting with the bishop
because Elder Ross hasn't met bishop and he really wanted too. We were
in with the priests and they set up some splits we will go on with the
priests coming soon. We told them that we would tract their brains out
and that it would be fun. I am scared to not be with an experienced
companion because I am not good with door approaches or talking to
people, but I know the Lord will bless me when I open my mouth. Before
and after we had dinner we went and did finding and again no one
interested. One thing I've noticed is that the Lord doesn't bless us
all the time, we have to put in work and have the faith that we will
find someone. Something I struggle with is having the faith that I
will find someone. And lately I have felt as if Heavenly Father
abandoned me and I wasn't having any help but if I think back I see
that he has blessed me a lot. I may not be the best missionary but
over time I will be better.

We have just had a lot of finding time and that has been good but
nothing to crazy happened over these past couple weeks other than just
trying to find people and work hard and have no regrets.

I know that this is the true church of Christ, and that Joseph smith
was a prophet and the Book of Mormon is true. I know that what I am
doing is the lords work and he is guiding me to the people who need to
hear this message of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I
love you and I hope you have a great week!

Study Lehis dream in 1 Nephi 8, 11. Also preach my gospel from the
very beginning will help us as members of the church!

Elder Casper

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