

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Interview President Morgan

Hello to everyone who loves missions,

It has been getting hot and humid, definitely not my 2 favorite things
that's for sure. This last weekend was incredible, there was a cold
breeze coming in so tracting was fun. That's what we have been doing
with a majority of our time. We don't have any investigators so we've
been trying to do more finding so we can teach people in this area.
Our finding has been kind of successful, we found this girl in
Brookfield who was interested, she is a senior in high school and she
loved the message we shared so hopefully we can teach her, and
possibly some families but there isn't much teaching going on in this
area, one thing we are really trying to work on.

Last Thursday we got a call from the zone leaders and the Assistants
to the president are coming on a split with the zone leaders in our
area, the AP's want to see how all of our areas are doing and we
really need help in Newtown. I have been praying for miracles and
asking for guidance and I feel that we will find someone soon! 

Sunday we had interviews with President Morgan and he hinted to me
that I'm probably going to be transferred next transfer (Which I'm
fine with). It would be good to see other parts of the mission.
President is an amazing man and it's sad that he is leaving is in
July... I'm excited for president Smith!

Monday was Memorial Day, so happy Memorial Day to everyone, we went to
a ward picnic and ate a lot of food and socialized with the members
and all that fun stuff. Ate some Ice cream, oh then tracted aha. We
ran into a veteran who cussed us out on Saturday... But then we found
an extremely nice guy who was pretty interested afterwards.

Tuesday was fun, we have Zone conference coming up and we will be
getting Facebook back around June 12th and everyone in the mission has
to prepare a 5 minute talk on obedience which is a piece of cake. When
you are obedient to the rules you are more successful, you are
blessed. I'm excited to write the talk and receive wonderful training!
There is a lot going on in the mission right now.. But that's pretty
much it! I love our members, they like sending pictures to our
families, and I love that! 

Life is great, missions are great and I'm having fun and sweating a
lot. I now weigh 222.4lbs. I love this work and I have been studying
preach my gospel a lot and chapter 2 where it talks about the role of
the Holy Ghost in studying and when you study you should pray to have
the Holy Ghost teach you while you read. I've noticed when I pray for
the Holy Ghost my studies are amazing and I learn so much!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week and stays cool! Sorry there are
no pictures this week.

Elder Casper


Hello! My week has been great, and we have been doing a lot of
tracting ha. Memorial Day was good, we went to a ward picnic and
walked around and talked with members. I have been sick but now it's
just allergies so that's fine. 

Our investigator is doing pretty swell, we haven't been able to meet
with him for awhile, hopefully soon. We found some other cool people
that hopefully will be interested. I really don't feel like I'm
growing all that much but thank you so much mom!

I have probably 25 pages left in my journal, not too much left but
hopefully you can get me one soon! I remember I used the tall font!
Haha. I can't believe Brandi will be working at dads office. Will she
be answering phones and things like that?

I love you!

Elder Casper

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