Hello to everyone! This week has been crazy fun! So while we were planning on Thursday the Zone leaders come into the room we were planning in. They tell us that we are going to the city this Saturday for Alma Academy which is a day in the life of a missionary. The youth from this stake got to go on splits with us down near the temple. So on Saturday we woke up at 4, drove to Stamford at 5 and got to the Stamford chapel at 6. We were driven to Manhattan by the office elders and it was such a great ride. We did some street contacting with a 16 year old youth and we gave some copies of the Book of Mormon. It was a good experience for me, I realized that I need to talk more and open my mouth to everyone. It was such a great experience and I felt the spirit guiding my words to everyone I opened my mouth to. I was definitely blessed to be a part of that and Heavenly Father wanted me to have that experience. I sweated so much, and we had to wear our suits and it was a pretty hot but luckily windy. We also met so many members while doing the Book of Mormon approach. We have this huge piece of plywood with Book of Mormon written on it, so people got pictures with it. I got pictures with it, so I will send that. We had stake conference this weekend, and the adult session was amazing and so spiritual. It was one of the last times president Morgan would speak as a mission president. Our stake president and area 70 spoke. I love stake conference so much, and I took so many notes and it made me want to be better and to have faith. I am so happy I am a missionary and that I am apart of this mission. Sunday is where the miracle happened, we were doing our companionship study and we get a phone call from some guy from Utah. The guy tells us that they are working with someone over there who wants to be baptized and he is moving to Bethel Connecticut. So that is our area, and yesterday they met with this guy on a split and they extended a baptismal date of June 27th, and it turns out he wants to be baptized on the 20th. So we have a baptism on the 20th and I am super excited. We meet with him tonight and introduce him to members and figure out what we need to teach him. He has been investigating the church for a while and he is super ready to be baptized. We think he has already been taught everything but we are excited! My first Baptism on the mission! It's not often that people fall out of heaven and want to be baptized! I love it so much and I'm so excited. We have been giving out a lot of copies of the Book of Mormon. This area is starting to see progress, we are hoping we have some more people to teach. We have been tracking so much, and it's great.. Oh and there are 2 more weeks left of this transfer so that is crazy! We had a split yesterday, I went with Elder Hofheins to his area. I got to be in the Spanish program for a day and teach people and be part of that. Elder Hofheins told me that he looks up to Elder Ross and I because he knows we hit it hard and tract our brains out. That made me feel good but I look up to him a lot. Anyways it was good, we got hit with a huge rain storm where there was so much water coming down we couldn't even see. Even with our windshield wipers on full. Anyways that's about it for this week, I love all of you so much and sorry this email is random and yeah. I can't remember much to that happened haha, love you!
Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583
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Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Alma Academy, Stake Conference and Baptism
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