

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Zone Conference and Fun Times!

Hello everyone! 
How are you?! So before I get into my week, you know
that baptism that was supposed to happen this week? Yeah well it's not
happening because of some things that have came up. The guy we are
teaching is named Ravy and he is a cool dude, I've never actually met
him because when we were on a split when they stopped by but hopefully
we will meet with him again soon. The Baptism date is up in the air
and next Wednesday is Transfers and this time I feel like I'm out. I
really wish that I could be here for that baptism, it would be a great way to
leave the area but I'll find out if I'm leaving Saturday.

Last Friday we had a wonderful zone conference with president Morgan
and Sister Morgan. It was presidents last zone conference and it was
definitely emotional. President gave us ways to become better
disciples of Christ and how we can be consecrated. We shouldn't "try"
to be consecrated, just do it, be consecrated. He talked a lot about
faith and how its key to missionary work. We were authorized on
Facebook on Friday as well. You will be seeing inspired posts and
hopefully people commenting on them but I can't wait to reach a whole
bunch of new people in a way that us as missionaries have never been
able to before. I love president and I'm going to miss him so much but
I am way excited to be here at this time when president Smith comes
in. President Morgan made us all missionaries get emotional. President
told us how much he loves us and told us how sad he is to be leaving.
The spirit was strong there and when you looked around the room you
just see all the missionaries wiping their eyes. It was sad but it was
a great meeting.

Saturday was fun, I went on a split with Elder Richan! In the morning
we went to teach 2 of their investigators named brother Dan and little
Dan. We taught them the gospel of Jesus Christ and they understood it
well and they are definitely swell chaps. They have a baptism date for
July 11th! We did a little bit of tracting and then did some sweet
service for a family in the Danbury Ward. We raked a lot of leaves
from the ground that have been stuck there since winter. Got
everything done and then we ate some hot dogs that we cooked over a
camp fire. They were so good! After 4 hours of being there we went to
look up a less active and we found him home. He let us in and we got
to know home. It's been a couple years since anyone has stopped by his
house and I'm glad we got in. The spirit was with us and he wants to
come back to church but his family doesn't really care about it. He is
that dad and we were telling him that if he comes, his family may
follow. I love being able to feel the spirit, it brings such a calming
feeling and makes me excited to be here where I am right now.

Sunday was a great day, at church we talked a lot about what we have
learned at stake conference and its possible that the Bishopric may
ask me if I can give a talk, because I haven't in this Ward. I might
be transferring though so I won't be able to give one. I am more than
willing to give one if they ask me to, I'm also really excited about

Monday was a wonderful day, we got to tract for like 2 hours and found
4 new potential investigators in the space of that time. Gave out 4
copies of the Book of Mormon! I was seeing the lords hand in my work
and it feels great.

On Tuesday I was on a split with Elder Allred. He is an amazing man
and we had such a wonderful day doing service, eating, tracting, going
to visit some less actives, having dinner at a members and stopping by
a super less active (she has medical problems). Elder Allred used to
serve in Newtown so he knows a lot of people. It was by far the
funnest split I've been on while being on my mission!

That is how my week has been, it's been a pretty stressful week
because of the new mission president and its hard being a missionary.
I'm having one of those weeks. I love being a missionary and serving
the people. Missionary work has its ups and downs.

I love this church, I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that
Joseph smith was a prophet of God, he truly did see our Heavenly
Father and his son Jesus Christ. I know that Jesus Christ suffered for
us all and that through the atonement we can be cleansed from sin and
forgiven. I know that we can ask our Heavenly Father for help through
any trial we go through. I love being a missionary here and I know
this is the true church of Christ, once again established upon the
face of the earth. I love you and hope you have a great week!


How is everything? That Baptism isn't still on but we hope that we can
get another one set! His name is Ravy.

Yes I am now on Facebook so be prepared for wonderful posts that can
hopefully help you personally. That photo was taken at the Alma
Academy and that was the APF we did.

The Yankees baseball game happens on the 3rd of July, so I was
thinking you guys should record that game, they will do a pan of all
us wonderful missionaries. You will see a lot of white shirts. It will
definitely be a memory worth keeping and taking pictures. I still
haven't found a cap, if I get transferred to the city then I can get a
cheap one.

We have been getting too much rain.. It's been irritating because all
I want to do is tract all day, every day. I hope California will get
hit with rain, whatever happens happens. California is getting it bad,
maybe there are too many wicked people there... Haha that was a joke
some member told me.

Brandi did email me so that's exciting. I'll have to spend time writing her.

I'm grateful for mom buying me those journals, and I laughed when you
said in Typical Fashion. Thank you so much for everything you guys do
for me. Our mail day is on Friday, if it gets here before Friday
morning I will get it, if not then I will have to do that journal
idea. I'm glad I haven't missed a day yet.

My youth companion was pretty shy so it ended up being just me but it
was fun and I got a lot of practice in.

My mission is flying by and I'm trying my hardest to not waste any
time and do all that I can to help everyone I serve. Any study is good
study, I wish I studied PMG way more before my mission. I wish I knew
the lessons before I left so when I got here it wouldn't have been
such a shock. It would have helped me be a better missionary. Anyways.
I love you mom and dad and I hope you guys have a fun and safe week!
Love you!

Elder Casper

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