Hello Family and Friends!
The Major news of the week is that I am finally leaving Newtown and
heading over to Scarsdale, which is white plains. It's been a pretty
emotional week, I've been saying good bye to all our wonderful members
and of course we are still working hard. I have seen a lot of miracles
here and I don't want to leave but I know the Lord needs me else
where. Once you get comfortable, that's when the lord moves you and
gives you more/harder experiences. It's what I need. I'm going to be
with Elder Smith! Oh and President Smith comes in the mission today!
The coolest thing happened on Sunday, after we were heading home, we
get a phone call from a sister in our Ward telling us that her husband
is teaching this guy who pulled into the driveway wanting to learn
more. So we quickly turned around, maybe we drifted maybe we didn't...
But we got back to the church and this member was teaching this kid
about how to feel the spirit and how to get answers. He talked about
the Book of Mormon and then he had to leave and we were able to teach
him, we'll get to know him and testify to him. He has the coolest
story on how he found the church. Him and his friend like to parkour
so they were riding around, looking for places to parkour and they
found the church and they did some parkour but he was wondering what
our church believed. That is one of those miracles that you see when
you leave an area. We set up a time to meet on Monday.
Sunday night we had a dinner with a wonderful members. They are the
ones who had one of their kids serve in the California Roseville
mission. They have a kid preparing to go to Kobe Japan, his name is
Hunter and he comes out with us about once a week. It was fun, then we
headed over to our old bishops house, and I love their family. They
made a cake for Father's Day and to celebrate me leaving. I am going
to miss them and I got to arm wrestle our old Bishop, I lost but
whatever... Haha it was so much fun!
Monday we taught that wonderful young man, his name is Collin. I'm so
glad he came up to our member and asked if he could learn more. We
taught him the restoration with Zachary Loutensock. It was a great
lesson! Collin asked us a bunch of questions afterwards and we
answered them all. It must be true or something.
Tuesday was great. We had another investigator lesson with a member
present. Hunter came with us. We taught the restoration and this lady,
her name is Jen. She was definitely feeling the spirit and you could
see the wheels spinning and she was thinking of how this makes sense..
Of course it does! I had a pretty crazy experience yesterday, I was
pretty scared. So we were tracking and walking away and we can hear a
storm coming with thunder. It sounded far away. We kept saying that it
won't rain until we give all the cards we have out. It was getting
closer and closer. Then it started pouring when we had 1 card left. It
was pouring and the sky was being lit up with lightening and we were
running hard core home and all we heard was crackling thunder and it
was crazy and I thought I was going to die. It was terrifying. It took
us 1 hour to get home from ridgefield. There were trees in the middle
of roads and yeah we were soaked.
I am fine though and I was lucky to say good bye to the Loutensocks
and our Ward mission leader and another cool family in this Ward. I
packed last night and it's just been crazy. We also got a new car last
Friday, a 2015 Toyota Corolla and that thing drives so nice! Too bad I
get it right before I get transferred! It's been crazy and I've felt
the spirit a lot this week and I've been so lucky to be able to teach
all these people. I love this! I really don't want to leave but I'm
ready to go to Scarsdale.
Hey Mom!
This week was so good! I did get that package and I got a new Journal!
I started it yesterday! I ate all those cookies but I shared them. I
got transferred to White Plains, so Scarsdale! I can't wait to go to
my next area.
It sounds super fun, so Father's Day was fun? If you ever see Devon
again, just tell him I miss that kid. Cleaning the church is a fun
I hope you are doing great and I hope you're having fun! My weekly
email will be coming like right after this! I love you so much and I
hope you are having a fun time at home and I truly miss you! I like
being updated on what's going on! Thanks for everything you do for me!
Love you!
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