

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Mozambique, Split with Elder Burrell

Hello all people in the world, and all who are interested in my email!

This past week has been crazy and there has been a lot that went on in
such a short amount of time so I'm going to try to tell all the cool
things. Let's get started! 3..2..1 Go!
First of all I love the temple, after a lesson on Sunday I realized
that I need to be attending the temple regularly because that's where
revelation comes. So I'm going to go every transfer no matter what.
Thursday we went to Mozambique, and I know who you're all thinking...
And no I did not leave the mission. There is this lady named Lisa
Gumende who's husband is the ambassador of Mozambique and she invited
us over. She is the greatest and most nice person I've met. She just
loves everyone. She knows a lot of our Ward members and she wanted a
blessing because she had an ear infection. Elder Smith and Elder
Wallace (my trainer) gave her a blessing and she has been wanting to
repay them so I was the lucky one who got to go and it was so great.
She had people who bring food to us and clean up everything we do, so
kind of like servants. Or like a maid. A couple members in our Ward
came, and president Smiths wife came as well. She gave us all gifts on
the way out and I got a sweet African bowl thingy, some Kazakhstan
Chocolate and some cashews. That night we had dinner at the Garffs and
Brother Garff was a mission president in Africa so that was pretty
neat. We invited Edgardo to come along and it was a great dinner. It's
good to have members get involved with investigators so they can build
some friendships. It was so great.
Friday we had a zone training from president Smith and he talked about
Joseph smith history 1-20 and I never thought about it like that.
There is so much in those 20 verses. I would encourage you all to read
it. Then we were supposed to have interviews with president but
something came up so we tracted for days. We had dinner at a
restaurant with this mostly active family, the husband is inactive.
They were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple.. But he is less active.. It
makes no sense to me how that could happen. That night we taught some
Spanish people with our limited vocabulary and just simple things but
Spanish missionaries used to come every Tuesday at 7 so we passed that
Saturday was tracting for days and a member lesson and an online
lesson.. Pretty sweet. We have just been working hard and doing the
Lords work. The lessons went super well and the spirit was there and I
started driving because I needed to get to know the area for the split
that happened on Tuesday.
Sunday we had a breakfast that actually cancelled but the sisters
forgot to tell us. We went to their house and she answered and told us
that it is the wrong day. But she invited us in and she made pancakes
and eggs. We tried a baili which is super good.. It's Jewish culture.
Ice cream as well aha. We tracted and did some less active member less
actives and we ran into these 2 Muslim guys who were a little
interested. In order for us to be able to actually teach them, we need
permission from President Smith and in order for a Muslim to be
baptized they get interviewed by a quorum of the 12 over the phone.
That would be a super cool experience.
Monday we had district meeting and that went well. We had our
interviews with president and my interview went great. He just asked
some simple questions, like how's family and what motivates Elder
Casper. Stuff like that. President really likes eye contact. It
started out and I felt weird because he was looking into my eyes and I
kept looking away but soon enough I kept eye contact. I forget how
important eye contact is with people you meet and members and
investigators. It was a nice reminder. President answered a question
that I've been praying about recently. He prayed that as I study, I
will remember to study for investigators and that I will be blessed
with more knowledge. It comforted me so much. We had dinner and an FHE
at the smiths as well and they went so well. We splitted with the Zone
Leaders. Elder Burrell came into my area and it was so fun.
Tuesday was such a great day! Elder Burrell is super similar to me, he
likes video games, he likes Mountain Dew, plays tennis.. We just had
so much fun talking about everything while we were together. We were
talking about how when we are both home how we will play video games
and hang out and make YouTube videos. He was super interested. He
taught me so much while we were doing things. He is very good at
talking to people while we tract and he knows what to say and it just
helped me learn how to better tract. We had such a great day together
and we got some sweet pictures and had a fun time. We got along so
well and this split was by far the best split that I've ever been on
and I wish we could be companions. It is just so crazy how much we
have in common. We didn't see any success while we were out but we did
talk to people and plant seeds.
This week has been crazy and slow. I know that I'm meant to be here
and that God has a plan for me. I know that my decision to serve is
blessing everyone who knows me and that it's helping me grow into
someone that I could never become on my own. I know that I am being
shaped into someone who the lord needs on his side. My thoughts and
desires are changing and becoming righteous thoughts and desires. I
feel like I'm becoming more mature and growing so much. I can't wait
to see what I become as I come closer to Christ. I love you all and I
hope you have a great week and I hope you all keep it real!

I love sending pictures, president Smith is such a wonderful mission
president and I'm glad to have him here.

Everything here is good, missionary work is great and it's so fun. It
stinks how California is so hot.
I love this area but my companion is alright, we definitely don't get
along all the time and eventually I will tell him but it's just
bugging me a bit. I went on a split yesterday and I got along so well
with him, we are practically the same person. So much in common. But
hopefully I'll get along with Elder Smith. The mission office is in
our area, it's right next to the Scarsdale church building, pretty
close. It's a 15 minute drive from our apartment. We are teaching this
guy named Edgardo and he has these random times he gets angry at us
but lately he has been good. He has had baptismal dates in the past
but we are hoping he will be ready soon. He is the only one really. We
have a 2014 Toyota Corolla which is sweet and it's fun driving in New
York, I feel like a New Yorker.
Thank you for all your prayers and everything, I love you guys so
much! I have been having such a wonderful time here in New York, it's
just been way Humid. And raining. California needs buckets of rain.
I'll pray for that. I love you guys and hope you have a great week!
I'll get to my weekly email.
Elder Casper

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