

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Another Week in Scarsdale

Hello to everyone,

Things here in Scarsdale have been good but more or less the same.
Nothing too crazy has been going on but intense rainstorms every night
and a lot of humidity. That's normal for a summer here in New York.
It's crazy how fast July is flying by and we are already pretty close
to August. We have been tracting so much it's crazy and we've been
seeing miracles and the Lords hand in our work.

Thursday was pretty fun, even though it's our weekly planning day. We
went and visited this older lady in a nursing home with an active
member. It was a very fun visit and I am grateful that we were able to
go. Had some nice conversation and we shared a little spiritual
message with them and it was a blessing to see how strong this lady is
in the church even though she is in a nursing home. She comes every
week to church. This girl came out to us while we were knocking a door
and wanted to know what we were sharing. We told her and she was

Friday we met with our investigator Edgardo, that we have been meeting
with for a while and we dropped him. He has been meets with
missionaries for about 4 months, he has a tendency to get angry at us
or talk about how our church secretly saves the tithing money and
keeps it and pays the leaders of the church. We cleared it all up for
him but he doesn't want to listen. He has probably been doing some
sort of research that is all false. We dropped him pretty hard and we
sent him a text later on telling him if he wants to meet again we can
but until then, read the Book of Mormon and call us when he knows it's
true. So yeah. Haha. We tracked and had dinner at a recent converts
house. She has a cute little 5 year old daughter named Ava who totally
crushes on all the elders haha. This recent converts name is Jessica
and her aunt was visiting and she lives in Queens so I told her my
brother served his mission in that area of New York. We had a long
conversation. We split with some elders in our district. I went with
Elder Kuo and Elder Smith went into Yonkers with Elder Essler.

Saturday was fun, we met with some investigators and had wonderful
visits with them and we tracked and didn't see too much success. Elder
Kuo and I had a lot of fun together and we got along great and did
work. We tracted a lot though which shows the Lord we are willing to
work. We unsplit and then elder smith and I tracted for a bit and we
ran into this guy and it was about 8:40 when we ran into him and he
talked to us for an hour at his door. He was telling us how he already
knows Jesus and we don't need to be baptized to be saved. He was
contradicting every thing we were saying and he wouldn't let us leave.
We were standing out front of his door the entire time and eventually
we interrupted him telling him we had to leave. We were proving things
he was saying wrong with the scriptures, he was telling us to think
for ourselves and not use the scriptures. It was annoying and I wanted
to punch him because he was calling us stupid pretty much. But I held
it back and we left. Yep.

Sunday we met with an investigator named Luke before church and he
came to Sacrament meeting with us and after Sacrament we taught him
for pretty much 2 hours and skipped all other classes. He had a lot of
questions and he isn't all the way there but he is still interested.
We had a dinner at the Larsen's and Sister Larsen is from Yuba City..
She knows Lincoln. It was a great dinner and their little kids are so
crazy. They are pretty loud and they pretty much won't eat anything
but they are forced to. In a loving way of course.

Monday we had district meeting, we tracted and sweated for days. We
ran into some salesmen who sell Verizon Fios and we thought they were
Jehovah Witnesses. But they were cool and they asked us a bunch of
questions and liked what we were saying. We tracted a lot and
eventually got rained on pretty hard. We have been seeing a lot of
miracles these past few days and we hope they continue!

Tuesday we tracted, had a former investigator take us out to lunch
with a member. It's his 2 year anniversary of attending the Mormon
church. It was a good Chinese lunch, he comes once ever 5-6 weeks so
it's pretty nice. We have been trying to spend our time in some of our
other areas because Scarsdale is primarily Jewish. People are
interested in what we have to say and I love it!

I love this work that I'm doing, I'm really enjoying the blessings I'm
seeing. I know what I am doing is what I need to be doing. I know the
Book of Mormon is true and I've testified of that to many people and
my testimony grows every time I read from it. The only way to gain a
testimony is to read and pray about it. I invite you all to do that. I
love everyone and I hope to hear from you soon! Adios!


Hello! My week has been fun and missionary work. You guys aren't boring, it sounds like you will be having a fun time at girls camp. Yeah hope you guys drive safely!

I've been learning a lot from all my companions and I'm growing a lot because of it. Splits are great because you can learn new things from other missionaries. Elder Burrell is a great missionary and we had a lot of fun. Everything has been great and I already wrote my email. I love you mom, you have done so much for me and you have helped me grow into the person I need to be. And I can't wait to be able to show you the man I am after my mission. I regret a lot of things I've done before my mission. I never cleaned around the house and I was disobedient and kind of annoying and I've realized that. I'll be so different after the mission and it's such a great blessings to have. To go on a mission and to grow and serve people. Love you mom!

Have a great week!

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