

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

First Split as District Leader

Hello everyone,

Missionary life is good! We have just had a crazy week and a lot of
things going on. This last week the sisters had a baptism and we
helped a lot with that. Their names are Jeff, Rebecca, and Jeffrey
Lanier, they were baptized by their son Miguel Lanier. Miguel is a
recent convert who has the aaronic priesthood and is 18. There was a
wonderful spirit at the baptism and it was cool to know the family
before they were baptized. We taught Miguel how to baptize and
watching him do that to his family was just a cool feeling. I know
that baptism is essential and that our church is true and without that
proper authority, baptism is invalid.

Saturday we did a mini APF with the Spanish elders that live in our
apartment. We went street contacting and we saw some success. It feels
great to just Open Your Mouth and speak to everyone. Little
conversations go along way. It's always good to talk to people and
offer service and to get away from your companion. To be with another
missionary is always good and to learn from the other missionary. I
want to be better at talking with people, and making conversation.

Sunday was the Baptism of the Lanier family and we sang Come, Come Ye
Saints to them before they were baptized, the spirit was strong. Then
we had a dinner at a members, we had some dumplings which tasted
amazing and I liked them a lot. Their family is just off the hook and
we had a great day.

Monday I led my first district meeting. It went great. The spirit was
there and everyone in the district had things to say which made the
meeting even better. We also saw an investigator named Andrew. He
doesn't believe in Prophets so that is something that we will clear up
and help him believe. We had a dinner at a members house and had
potato tacos which were very good. We split with the Yonkers elders

Tuesday we had an epic split, I went with elder Essler (my MTC
companion) in Yonkers. It was a great split, we taught people and had
dinner and offered service. Elder Kuo and I have been annoyed at each
other and it's hard to get over that. I lost it last night while
driving home. I told him that I was done talking, and we didn't talk
the rest of the night. It's been hard and I just don't know what to do
and it's been stressful. He is very rebellious and I'm trying to help
him be more obedient but he does what he wants. I don't know.. I will
figure it out. I love him though, I just want more communication...
Anyways I love you all!

I hope you all have a great week and I will talk to you later! Sorry
it's so short!

1. Elder Kuo and I
2. Ladies and Gentlemen.. I present to you.. A Dam!
3. A member in the Yonkers Ward
4. Another member in the Yonkers Ward


Hello! This week was crazy and long and interesting. I love sending emails home. I haven't gotten any socks yet, if you would like to send me some you can, I would like black, blue, and gray. Like a couple of each. My socks are a bit holy.. I mean they have holes. I don't really need much but send me whatever you want. You guys already do so much for me that I feel bad having you send me stuff. I can't believe I've been out for 9 months.. It just blows my mind. You can relate it to a house, the first 6 months is like a vertical climb, the next 6 months is like climbing up the roof. The next 6 months you're like sliding down the other side of the roof and the last 6 months you're falling off the roof down the other wall.. Make sense? Anyways it is going by quick. 

I can't believe you are having a family reunion without me.. But it sounds like you will have fun. 

The talks was cool, being a district leader is pretty stressful and just hard. You're dealing with the whole district and it's very hard. I'm glad I have this experience. Elder Kuo is from Los Angeles, West Covina area. Tracting is fun, finding in general is great, just talking to people is great. 

Mission life is great, my companion and I aren't getting along and we seem to fight a lot and it's really making me mad. I'm trying my hardest to love him and continue to talk but he just is stubborn. I don't know what to do. I've prayed a lot but I don't know what is happening.. Anyways life is good and I will continue to do the work!

Love you! I love sending pictures as well! 

Elder Casper

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