

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

My First Talk on my Mission


This week has been pretty fun and different. It's always interesting
to receive a new companion, it's always awkward. Elder Kuo is a great
guy and we have a ton of fun together. We have had a good week and I've
already had my first Baptisimal interview, well 3 interviews. The
sisters are working with this family who has been investigating the
church for over a year and I got to interview them. It was a really
cool experience and the spirit was so strong. They were my first but
not my last. I also gave my talk on Sunday and I was freaking out
pretty bad but then I went and gave the talk and everyone told me it
was super great and they loved it. I only had like a day to prepare
for it and I was just scared. All the fear went away when I was up
there and I felt so relieved afterwards.

Last Thursday we planned and tracted.. Simple as that.

Friday we helped with some service over in Yonkers and it was my first
time driving there. They gave us 3 boxes of pizza for helping so we
ate a lot. We also had dinner with the family the sisters are working

Saturday we brought some Oreos to the sisters at the church because
they were being rejected hardcore by everyone they spoke to. We went
and saw Edgardo and he was introduced to Elder Kuo and they talked and
helped resolve some of his concerns. He still has a long time. And he
is converted to the missionaries and not to the gospel. That will be
something that needs to change. We tracted into this guy who was like
a modern day Korihor and he asked us why we don't believe in Zeus. We
really went into faith and belief. Eventually he didn't want to talk
anymore and he went back inside.

Sunday was church which went great and the spirit was there. It is
always nice to have that day of relaxation while we are at church. I
love the sacrament and being able to renew my covenants with God. We
helped with some service at a park activity. They needed help handing
out food, that's what we did. Went to do the Baptisimal interview and
I got a trader joe ice cream cookie sandwich.

Monday we had a great zone meeting. We learned a lot about how we can
better be involved with the ward members and how we need to be trusted
by the members. Also, we need to be number pushers and people persons.
Not just one or the other. We are planning a huge APF where we can
involve the members and street contact in white plains.

Tuesday poured pretty bad but it was a great day. We cleaned out our
area book and called everyone. That was nice. Then we looked up people
and then street contacted. We definitely saw success and people were
interested. This one lady listened to us and told us to stop by. We
gave her to the sisters.

Today we went to the Bronx Zoo for like 2 hours. We walked like 6
miles total. It was free to get in and I took pictures!  I had a fun
time. It doesn't even feel like you're in the city but yeah, you still
are. It's nice in there. We had a lot of fun. I love New York so Much!
I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here. I'm having so much fun!
I'm loving it. And I'm also still losing weight slowly. I'm now down
to 205 . Anyways. I know this church is true and I know the work I'm
doing is blessing my life and those I come in contact with. I love
this gospel and it's so true. Read and pray about the Book of Mormon.
Love you, hope you have a great week!

What the pictures are:
The Bronx Zoo
The Pelham parkway subway stop
Elder Kuo and I doing service

Being a district leader has really opened my eyes to what I can do
better and how I can improve. I've been getting advice from Justin and
a couple friends on their missions. I'm learning how to be a District
Leader and it's a cool experience. Our mission president will take us
out because he is in our Ward. It's a pleasure to be able to see our
mission President so many times.

I love seeing investigators at church because they progress and they
are feeling the spirit. They show their personal commitment to come to
church and they do meet the members.

It sounds like the Ward is going to get a bit different but it's
always good to have change in a ward. It sounds like there is a big
missionary push and it will be good for the ward.

Have fun in Idaho! Tell everyone I say hello and I miss them all. Also
just have fun at BYU-Idaho and Bear Lake. Sounds like you are all
having fun! I'll just be here serving the lord, and having so much
fun. I love all the blessings I'm seeing as a missionary. I spoke last
Sunday and I remember saying that I wouldn't trade being on a mission
for anything. It's so true.

I'm so happy that Brandi is being a good missionary, she will make a
great missionary. When she goes on her mission to New York... Hahaa
just predicting the future.

I've been chilling at my weight.. I'm around 205, my goal is to get to
185 as well. You made me want to recommit to working hard and trying
to lose my weight. Thanks!

I love you guys so much, today's my 9 month mark since I went into the
MTC! I'll get on the weekly email! I love you guys and hope you have a
great week!

Elder Casper

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