

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Zone Conference and Service

Hello once again, welcome to another episode of what's been happening
in Elder Caspers life, hope you enjoy!

This week has been crazy and chaotic and just full of wonderful
experiences! As you can see we had our first zone conference with
president Smith! It was very uplifting and the spirit that I felt
there was magical! Thursday morning we had to go to the Scarsdale
chapel so we could get a ride down to Kingsbridge in the Bronx. We
were supposed to be at the church at 7:15 and then leave right then
but we did leave until 7:45. We got to the Bronx and had some Bagels
and cream cheese for breakfast, not just any ordinary cream cheese! It
was chocolate Chip cream cheese. I know how to make it, and I will for
you all when I get home! The meeting went great, we learned a lot
about the Book of Mormon and how it is the sickle that we have, it's
the tool to harvest. But the spirit is the blade, and without the
blade you won't be harvesting anything. We did some role plays and
learned about online proselyting and just how we can be Ward builders.
I learned so much and had such a fantastic time! It made us all want
to go to work.

Friday and Saturday and Tuesday has been a lot of service, like so
much service with this one member family who is renovating their
apartment and wanted our help. There is no way they could have done
what we did without us, it was just a great opportunity to gain the
trust of them and to help out in any way we can. It reminded me of
helping with dad at home. I got to use the knowledge that I learned
with wood and what tools are called. I just felt like such a little
kid again and I was able to help a lot with what we were doing! I am
grateful for all that I've learned by helping dad with so many things.

Saturday we helped the Spanish elders prepare for their baptism, but
they needed us to go buy some food for the baptism at Walmart. We had
no idea we were going into a prison when we went into Walmart, there
were so many cars in the parking garage! It's ridiculous! But we
brought all the food we got for them to the baptism. Their
investigator at first didn't want anyone but the day before the
baptism he wanted as many people as possible. We planned for our week
the rest of the night.

Sunday we had a great time at church, we helped in primary and had a
fun and successful time in there. We had a dinner with this family
that is just so fun to be at. They invited us over last minute but we
had some Japanese curry which tastes delicious! I want to learn how to
make it. After that it was the end of the night. Monday was district
meeting and a lot of crazy things going on and some time to tract in
Scarsdale. We found a new potential that we will try to look up in the

On Tuesday we brought a youth out with us and we had a good time
teaching people with him! That's pretty much all that this week has
been. It's been going by slow and fast at the same time.  Lately it's
been hard remembering what has happened every day but I wrote it all
down in my journal. I still haven't missed a day! Anyways I love you
all, have a great week!

1. A random picture we took at the church
2. I got some Elvis stamps
3. The Spanish branches baptism! Look how white we are!

Dad, it sounds like you guys had a busy week!

I love BYU Idaho and I can't wait to go back after my mission.
 It's always good to be able to see all
the family and everyone. I wish I could have been there but I'll get
to go to one some other time.

I'm really hoping that California just gets drenched in snow and
rain!! It's really messed up that California doesn't gets moisture and
then over here, we get hit randomly.

It must be weird to not have kids that go to school anymore, well high
school. I can't believe we are all done with school, I used to think
it would never end!

The area has been good, this past week we haven't had much time to
find, it's been so crazy and chaotic with Zone Conference and all. But
everything is mostly normal! Thanks for the advice dad, it's been hard
to work with Elder Kuo but in 3 more Wednesday's I may have a new
companion because elder Kuo is a china town missionary. I'm kind of
hoping that but I'm trying my hardest to serve him in every possible
way but it's been hard. He gets mad at a lot of things that are dumb
and that's usually when I don't argue and I just chill down and then
he always apologizes. I really do love hearing about your mission! Did
you serve for 24 months? (Yes) Anyways I am glad I have you in my life dad,
you have been such an example to me! We did a lot of service this
weekend with this one member and I used a skill you have taught me.
Wood working! We were cutting and screwing boards around a window and
caulking it! I can't wait to work on things like that after my
mission! Anyways it really excited me because I knew what everything
was called and I knew the terms he was saying.. Elder Kuo didn't know
what he was doing but I did for once!

I know these trials and hard times are for me to grow and become
better. Thank you so much dad!

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