

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Conference, Stress and Hurricane Joaquin


Everything has been great here and there are a few ups and downs with
the mission. I've been feeling pretty weird lately and elder Kuo and I
haven't been getting along super well. It's getting better and we have
been having a fun time though. This weekend was killer, those 3 new
apostles are going to be great and listen to elder Rasbands talk and
you will love it. Take the time to watch conference! Elder Kuo and I
got into an argument on Thursday and he wouldn't let it go so for a
couple hours we kept arguing and eventually we asked the sisters what
we should do and they gave us killer advice: "Pray for the gift of
charity, pray for each other and just let it go." And that was just so
amazing and it has been helpful lately. Slowly our relationship is
improving. Also we are safe from hurricane Joaquin, it did rain a ton
but it juked us and turned at the last moment.

Friday was fun, we had an interview with the sisters and did some look
ups, elder Kuo got some bad news from his mom, it turns out she has a
heart problem and he has been going through trials his whole mission
and he just can't get a break so we went and talked with president and
it was super good. He came out and felt so much better and it helped
him a lot. We helped set up for a baptism of an 8 year old child. The
baptism was great and there we a lot of people there. The spirit was
way strong and I love the feeling of being at baptisms. There should
be one this weekend of this family in the Yonkers branch, the Yonkers
elders have been working with them for a while. We had a Mexican
dinner at this ghetto pizza place who has an off menu and has all this
Mexican food. The place is called King Pizza and we got this burger
with like a ton of different meats on it.. Ooh so yummy.. It was way
spicy too. The rain was coming down pretty hard too but it was fun to
get poured on.

Saturday was conference but first we had pancakes and waffles at
presidents house with our whole zone. It was fun and we had a good
time. Conference was killer, there was so many great talks and it was
hard to absorb all of that information but I did enjoy it. I really
love Jeffrey R Hollands talk! Listen to it! We got a lot of fast food
that day but Worth it. I love conference weekend, this is my favorite
weekend and I love watching conference and taking all the direction
into my life.

Sunday was fun as well, I loved how conference ended and between
session we ate so much food because the Spanish branch feeds everyone
who is at conference at the church. We had such a great day.. We had
dinner at the smiths to end it off.

Monday we had zone meeting and I want to become more consecrated and
obedient and improve constantly. We had a lesson with our recent
convert John and he is seriously been improving lately. He has been
depressed but he applied the gospel in his life and the depression is
gone. We tracted with this kid named Sam who served his mission in the
south mission. He was doing a test run mission and he came home for
some medical reason but he is going back out soon. I love talking
about Justin's mission and places there. He's a very cool guy and we
talked to a ton of people. We knocked a lot of doors and we let the
spirit guide us and we tracted into one of our members which was
amazing, she talked to us for a while and then gave us water. Gave a
lot of people a lot of cards. We had dinner at the mall and I got a
lot of Chinese food for $6 and then a five guys milk shake for $5..
New York is expensive. That's what I've learned.. I'm trying to get
better at budgeting but it's not working out too good. We then went to
the church to go on a split.

Tuesday we did a lot of lookups and every appointment fell through
other than our dinner so we tracted and stuff. We helped the Yonkers
elders recent convert named Mike to set up his account and to
start his family history. It was a good day. I learned a lot from
Elder Jessee. He is from Pocatello Idaho and he is pretty cool. It was
one of those awkward splits. Anyways that's about it. We also went
through the sleepy hollow cemetery and got some cool pictures.
Tomorrow Elder Mervyn B Arnold's of the 70 is coming to do a mission
tour so hopefully that will be good.

I love this gospel, after watching conference my testimony was
strengthened that this is Christs church and that these 3 new apostles
which were called are inspired and they will be great apostles. Elder
Rasband, Elder Stevenson, and Elder Renlund will do great and I have
such a strong testimony of this church and I know I'm supposed to be
here. Missions are great and hard.. Even though they are hard they are
super rewarding. I know Heavenly Father has a plan for all of us and
that we chose to be on this earth today. We need to come to Christ
because he is the center of the plan and without Christ, we would be
doomed on this earth. I love you and hope you have a great week.

1. I found a toilet..
2. A selfie with Sam
3. Sleepy Hollow

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