

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Split with Missionary Elder White from Folsom

Hello and welcome to this letter!

This week has been great and yesterday has been full of miracles that
I will talk about! I'm so grateful for this week and for the time that
I've had to be in this area and learn what I've learned.

Last Thursday I don't really remember what happened other than weekly
planning and some other things!

Friday morning we went to the Scarsdale chapel as a zone and cleaned
the entire chapel, it only took an hour and don't worry there was
food, delicious New York pizza. We got our planning mostly done and
then we went to see an investigator named Shikha and she is very
receptive. Her husband wants us to come to have a study but we taught
her about the Book of Mormon and turns out she has been studying with
the Jehovah's for a while, approximately 3 years! She wants to know
what she can get out of what we share and we told her she will come
closer to Christ. She is excited to read the book. We then went to a
Happiness group with our investigator and 2 of our members. They were
stunned and traumatized of the experience. Our investigator David
throws this group and we attend. We are supposed to talk about things
that make us happy but David always turns it on us and we taught the
entire group so that was sweet.

Saturday we helped with some service from one of our members, we
shoved 2 huge couches down her stair and we were in our proselyting
clothes and we were just covered in sweat. We then had an area
proselyting focus where we found one of our less actives named Cord
and then this Drunk dude named Abraham. Abraham was interesting but he
is interested in learning more. There is a member in the Spanish
branch who took us out with the Spanish elders to a place called
headless horsemen. We then proceeded to eat 2 pizzas and when we
thought we were done he order another pizza. It was Hawaiian and I ate
it because he got it for us. I ate so much pizza and then a chocolate
Oreo milkshake. We had to help with more service afterwards, we
brought them Spanish guys with us and we had to bring a couch up to
her apartment.. It was pretty fantastic. We got home at 11:30 that
night... Yep.

Sunday was good, we taught primary and the kids are so crazy. One of
our less actives came to church and he says he will be at church from
now on! We dropped Doug, we saw another one of our less actives and
really got him thinking about why he was baptized. Had dinner with a
member and then finished out with numbers... Yeah for being district
leader.... Haha.

Monday we had district meeting and then we had to go finish putting
that couch in her apartment and eventually we got it after along time.
We ate some broken Lasagna, it's what it sounds like. Lasagna that is
not like lasagna, it's noodles scattered with some pesto sauce, it's
super good. A member from Utah showed up at our chapel before our
split and we gave him a chapel tour.

Tuesday I had a split with Elder white from Folsom California! We went
to New Rochelle and it was legit! We had a bomb day! I learned how to
say a prayer in Spanish. I sat through some Spanish lessons and elder
white would translate for me. We taught the plan of salvation to this
guy and he really was happy and excited that God gave us this plan. We
did a lot of finding and saw miracles. We were standing at this corner
and we weren't sure if we should cross the street so we waited for a
second and this guy from Georgia pulls up and wants our address to our
church. He was telling us that he isn't a member but he participated
at our church over there and wants to come to ours over here. That was
a confirmation that we were meant to be there and that the lord wanted
us to know that. We kept tracting and we ran into this guy from Poland
who understood what we were talking about. We talked about the
restoration but he said he may be interested one day. Then we met this
Mexican family and they were nice, said we could come back. Then we
went to Taco Bell and got a Baja Blast Mountain Dew freeze which was
delicious! Went home and stole some cheese from the Assistant
Presidents (Because they live in the same apartment building). We went
and found after dinner and ran into these ladies who were nice and we
talked for a while, I said a prayer for one of them. That's what it's
like in cities, you pray all the time. Found a couple people. It was a
good way to end the night. We took a split picture! That's how my week

I know the lord knows what he is doing. We may not know we chose to
tract this street but the lord is directing us to people who are ready
to receive this message. If we didn't stop at that corner or choose to
not tract the whole street we wouldn't of found Carlos, he called
immediately after he drove off. I love this church and I know it's
true and you can grow so much by reading your scriptures, praying and
going to church. This is the best church on earth! I love you all!
Have a great week!

1 & 2: Zone Conference Pictures
3: New Rochelle View (City View in the distance)
4: Split Picture! Elder White is in the back


I can't believe it's September too... Like what happened? I still haven't missed a day! I can't wait to try a lot of these dishes! New York is still hot and humid as ever! I'll take pictures when leaves start to change! New York is so beautiful! Transfers is 2 weeks from today!

Wow Brandi and Amrin are helping with the mud run? That's pretty cool! Hopefully it rains!

Don't worry about sending a box too quickly but I definitely want socks,  I'm coming up on my year mark in a couple months... It's crazy.. Anyways feel free to send whatever! Have a great week mom! Love you! I'm not sure what else to say! Ahaha but I love both of you!

Elder Casper

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