

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

First Leadership Council as District Leader

Hello dear family and friends and even best friends!

This week has been awesome and it has been full of good times and
spiritual uplifting experiences. This Last Friday district leaders
were invited to attend MLC and it was all on obedience and
consecration and following the spirit. It was pretty much ago not
being casual and to be obedient to the rules that we have and the
direction we have received from president Smith. I'm grateful to learn
so much and to feel the spirit. The spirit was present the whole time
and I hope I can go to every MLC one day because they are like
receiving direct revelation from the source and not through our
leaders. It was a great experience, I also saw a lot of missionaries
that I've served around and it was amazing.

Saturday we did some service for this members friend and we brought
the army along with us, we brought the other 2 elders in our district,
because the person we did service for lived in that area. She is
interested in learning more about the restored gospel. Sunday we went
to church and it was a great day. Before church I wanted to go finding
and Elder Kuo didn't really want to so we started knocking doors and
no one was home and elder Kuo made the comment "I feel like finding on
a Sunday morning isn't that effective." And as soon as he says that
the door swings open and this guy who really didn't seem to interested
answered and talked to us for a bit. He didn't want to hear anything
but then his wife passed by and she said she would be interested in
watching the because he lives video and we showed it and then briefly
described the restoration and they told us we could come back so
hopefully we will see some success.

Monday was zone meeting and it was all on obedience and how important
it is and how we need to make it a priority and commit to it. Then we
cleaned our car, had Taco Bell and went to Yonkers so I could
interview this guy for baptism. His name is Mike and he gave me a tie,
he passed his interview.. He will be baptized in Utah and it was
really cool. He has seen how the gospel has changed his life. That was
a very cool experience and I love the spirit I felt. We cleaned our
car and did service for the Petersens and we had a good time with

Tuesday we had car inspections, we ate, did some finding and look ups,
ate dinner and went to say goodbye to Miguel Lanier who is going to
college so we said good bye. Then we headed to a  guy we have been
teaching and the other day we found out that the Spanish Elders were
teaching him also. So we all went to him and asked him straight up if
he wants to be taught in Spanish or English, he chose English.. Yay
for us! We had to make an emergency stop to Walmart for some
supplies.. Anyways that was our night.

This morning we decided to go to Newtown again to play some sports and
to say hey to some people. I saw Johnny this morning and that really
made my day. It took an hour to drive from Elmsford (where we live) to
Bethel (Where I used to live). I didn't even use a GPS once when I got
here because I knew where I was headed. This has been a great day and
I'm so excited to be here. I love it so much and I miss Newtown but
hopefully I'll be back one day after the mission.

1. California selfie.. We are both from California
2 & 3. Newtown Chapel
4. Miguel and Elder Kuo and I


Thanks, I can't wait for the car package! I haven't gotten mail for so
long! I'm so excited to get letters! if you sent it today or tomorrow
I could go pick it up at the mission office whenever we are near.
 Tell them that I said BYU Idaho is the
Our area is doing super good, one thing we have noticed is we have a
lot of eternalgators, investigators who meet with us but aren't
progressing at all. We are going to spend a lot more time focusing on
finding new people and then teaching them and coming back and meeting
with them so they can progress towards baptism. I still haven't had my
own baptism yet on my whole mission and I would love to help someone
make that covenant. There isn't too much craziness going on in the
area... Transfers is coming up and trainer calls are tonight and
Saturday is transfer calls. We have this lady whose name is Shikha and
she has been studying with the JWs for a while but she wants to get
something out of our religion. Time flies on the mission and I've been
having a lot of fun and I hope that we will work hard and find new
people to teach!

I love you and I hope you have a fantastic week!

Elder Casper

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