

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Transferred to Mission Office

Hello all!

So you may be wondering why I didn't email you yesterday and why I am
emailing you on Thursday instead of Wednesday. I got Transferred, and
you'll never guess where I got transferred, to New Rochelle as an
office elder. New Rochelle is the area that touches my previous area.
It's still in the same zone. I'm now with Elder Dutson, and he is
super cool. I replaced him in Newtown but now I'm companions with him,
it will be great. Yay! So yesterday was just straight up crazy. On
Transfer days our pday gets pushed to Thursday's. I'll be super super
busy and we do so much. So we deliver mail in the city and all
upstate, we do random moves anywhere in the whole mission. We pick up
new missionaries at the air port, and sometimes drop of the departing
missionaries to JFK. We fill all the orders in the mission for
anything they need. We go to staff meetings, and all meetings in the
mission and take pictures. We pretty much do anything that the mission
needs. On Transfer days we take all the new missionaries to the Inwood
transfer meeting, after that meeting, anyone who is coming upstate we
drive up to Ossining. After the Ossining transfer meeting we take
anyone who is going to the city back down to Inwood. Then if anyone
forgets their luggage, we get their luggage and bring it to them. We
get to chill with the departing missionaries and eat and hear their
testimonies and bear our testimonies as well. So yesterday was a bit
hectic but today is my pday!

This past week has been a big blur but I know we had a super great
weekend. We had the Ward Halloween party, we helped set up a lot and
helped take it all down. The party was awesome because their was mucho
chili, and pies. I got to taste the pies and judge which one is the
best. I really loved. Peanut butter pie with chocolate.. Oooh so good.
It was great to be with the whole Ward and to offer service and do
whatever the Ward needed. We also went tracting with Sam and we found
this guy who told us to come back on Thursday and he said he used to
do a bible study with us and he belongs to the church Knights of
Columbus.. Pretty cool. Hopefully they will stop by today. That party
took our whole day pretty much and they had a gas leak outside the
church so we had to evacuate when we were setting up in the morning.
We did a mission conference call transfer call.. If that makes any
sense. That's when I found out that I'd be leaving Scarsdale to go to
New Rochelle.

Sunday was pretty good, church was good and I got to say goodbye to
the Ward and the people. We had dinner right after church with a
member for an hour and a half. Yeah Elder Kuo was super mad at the
Sisters because they gave him constructive criticism on how we taught
them. We used an old general conference talk to talk about eternal
perspective. Anyways Elder Kuo went off on that for about an hour and
a half. That ended our night.

Monday was my last district meeting as a District Leader. I got
released as a District Leader! I'm pretty relieved because now I don't
have responsibility other than being an office elder.. Which is a lot
of responsibility. We only get a couple hours in our area each day..
That's how bad it is. We got 2 zone pictures which I'll send. We
cleaned our apartment a bit and I said good bye to a couple members
and Elder Kuo was driving. Let's just say it's true what they say
about Asian drivers.

Tuesday I packed and said good bye to like 4 member families and I'm
gonna miss them. We also  switched our luggage with the office elders
because one of the office elders is replacing me and I replaced him.
Pretty dope stuff. It was a pretty sad night because I'm gonna miss
Scarsdale. All Tuesday I came down with a sore throat and all my
muscles and bones just ached. Honestly I slept the worse I've ever
slept in my life! I woke up every hour and just couldn't get
comfortable. I threw up in the middle of the night. Anyways I slept so
good last night. I took NyQuil and I was out so quick. I even slept
through the alarm. We play district sports at the chapel because we
live right next to the church. It's a 2 minute walk. We drive a
Behemoth of a van, just for a week we will be driving the huge van
because the normal van we have is used in another area. Anyways I'll
be driving in the city before I know it, it's possible that I may be
driving to Brooklyn or Queens for the air port! I'm so stoked!

I know that I'm supposed to here and that the lord knows what is
supposed to happen with me and the experiences I'm supposed to have.
I'm grateful for everyone who has had an impact on my life. I love you
all and hope I can hear from you soon. Have a great week!

1: that hat is levitating..
2 & 3: our zone picture
4: Elder Wallace (My Trainer) last night at the testimony meeting.
5: The view from new Rochelle of the city with some lightning.

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