

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Thursday, November 12, 2015

First Week as Office Elder

Hello to the world! How is everything? My week has been super jam
packed busy and all that shnazz.

Friday there was an MLC, so we got all the mail at 7:40 and brought it
to the church and brought it all in. We helped set up for the meeting
and then we had to go to the Scarsdale train station to pick up all
the city missionaries who took Metro north to get to the meeting. The
meeting was great, we take pictures of the missionaries who make
comments and just pictures throughout the meeting. We just do whatever
anyone needs. We had a great time and the meeting was a spiritual
experience. After the meeting president asks us if we can go to
Ossining to get his bag and scriptures because he left them at
transfer meeting. We just said sure and went to Ossining but we did
this look up of this guy named Arnold and he is so prepared. He has a
ton of relatives who are Mormon and he is interested in reading the
book and learning so yeah we are gonna extend a Bap date next time we
meet with him.

Saturday we delivered mail in the city. Yay so I'll explain what
happens. We go to the mission office and get all the mail for the
specific delivery. We bring that all down to our car and organize it
so the first delivery is in the front and our last delivery is in the
very back. We start out by going to Olmstead, then to Kingsbridge,
then to Inwood, then to Harlem, then to the 15th street chapel and
then to Chinatown. But on Saturday we went to the temple and we just
Bronx parked out front and their were tons of cars behind us but
that's what people in New York do. It was fun to watch Elder Dutson
have road rage, this guy tried to cut us off in bad traffic and Elder
Dutson wouldn't allow him in. It was funny, this guy ended up getting
in right behind us. We went to the Uhaul place next where a lot of the
extra stuff the mission owns is stored. We did inventory of that and
then went home because we had to.

Sunday I felt like garbage but we had church so we went to that. I got
to give a closing prayer, we taught Sunday school because that's what
we do every first Sunday of the month in the New Rochelle 2nd Ward. It
was a good day at church and it was way nice to be able to go to
church and take the sacrament. Elder Gardner in our Ward told me that
I need to be sleeping and staying hydrated. So after church I headed
to go sleep and after I was about to fall asleep, the elders in our
Ward text us and ask us if we can go to the Roddys for dinner with
them, needless to say we went to dinner. It was bomb, we had steak,
potatoes, salad and bread. Oh my was it delicious or what? Anyways
after that I went home and slept for an hour and a half. It was such a
nice rest. And just so relaxing. Then we went to this Jdubbs house to
get a bible from her. My companion asked her if he could get a bible
because he has always wanted one. Then we went back home and I slept
for the rest of the night. It felt so great to sleep for that long and
on Monday I still felt pretty crappy. But it was nice to relax and
have that time to sleep so I can get better.

Monday we had a staff meeting which is just for the missionaries in
the office. President Smith, the APs, us, and the senior couples. It's
a nice meeting and we can hear what's going on in the whole mission.
We also can report on what we have been doing. Then we had zone
meeting which was about setting goals and how we can do that better
and how we can teach by the spirit more effectively. As an office
Elder, we get to fill the orders that the whole mission sends after
district meeting on Monday. We did that and it took a couple of hours. We
went to see Bob, which is one of our progressing investigators. We
taught him the plan of salvation and he has a few concerns with the
spirit world and judgement and that stuff. We testified and he was
thinking a lot after we left and he wants to come to church. He is a
solid dude, we just hope that he will read the Book of Mormon. He
understands the scriptures very well, he is a knowledgeable man. After
we went to look up Denise who uses family search and she is interested
in meeting but we are trying to see how interested before we send the
sisters over. We meet with this 12 year old named Ayden who has ADHD.
It makes it rather difficult to teach him, he was playing YouTube
videos as we tried to teach him. We were trying to read a story out of
the Book of Mormon stories children book. Needless to say
#thestruggleisreal. He is very all over the place and wouldn't let us
teach him. He may not be listening right now but down the road he will
actually be interested. We are being good influences on him and trying
to get him more interested.

Tuesday was delivery again in the city. That was fun. We got home, I
then got certified to drive the big ford Van. It's like what the
Milligans have, but now I have been driving that behemoth and it's
been a joyous experience. We went tracting though and we knocked on
this door and this guy answered and it turns out his best friend is
Mormon but he isn't interested in learning more about our church. You
never know what will happen because of that encounter with that guy.
He may be interested over time but whatever. One thing I've learned is
it doesn't matter how many people reject us because they really are
rejecting Jesus Christ. It doesn't phase me anymore. I've realized
that I'm doing my job, they just aren't accepting Christ in their
lives. Anyways we had a dinner with a member afterwards and yeah
that's it. That's my week for you! It's been crazy and it's gonna get
more crazy this next week. We have another MLC tomorrow with Elder
Donaldson of the missionary department tomorrow, we have a train the
trainees meeting on Friday, we will be on a split Saturday, zone
conference next week. Anyways it will be crazy next week!

I know that Jesus Christ is my savior. I know through Jesus Christ I
can live with my Heavenly Father again. I know that Christ atoned for
my sins and as I allow him in my life that I can be changed and I can
be clean. I know Joseph smith is a prophet of God and I know that
Christs church has been established on the earth once again. The keys
have been restored to the earth. We have the keys to do temple work,
we can all go into the temple and be sealed forever with our loved
ones. I know these things to be true. Anyways! Picture time! Love you!
Have a great week!

You have no clue how fun it was to be with all the departing
missionaries. That was our former AP in the middle.

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