

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Friday, October 2, 2015

Testimony Meeting at President Smith's


This week has just been grand and there has been lots of stuff happening!

Thursday we just planned and did a bit of finding, we saw one of our
investigators smoking so that was a let down but he is kind of
Schizophrenic. Not much success from tracting.

We planned on Friday with the sisters for an APF with our district and
it is always good coordinating with them to see who they are meeting
with and to know who we need to go see. We had a dinner with the
Laniers and it was amazing and it was a lot of fun! We talked to them
and told them how much we missed them while they were in Utah. It's
great to see a family that comes into the fold of Christ.

Saturday we had an APF and it went well, we found an active member by
accident but his sons aren't active. We had a great conversation. We
also tracted for a bit and we talked into this guy who used to work
with a member and they had tons of conversations about the gospel but
he isn't interested but we planted a seed. We did service in the
morning and we help set up and serve people food. I was in charge of
the juice/Coffee booth and it was mine! Ain't no body gonna touch it.
It was super fun and we got to eat delicious breakfast!

Sunday was church and it was packed and that's such a great feeling. A
non member came to church with his wife(who happened to be pregnant)
and she had the baby on Monday so that was a blessing of coming to
church! Haha. I honestly love church even though it's sometimes
stressful it's just great.

Monday we had district meeting and it was a spiritual experience. We
have had to drive the Spanish elders around so much because there car
is in the shop but they have been getting rides. It's been great
having them to drive them everywhere but yeah. We dropped our
investigator David because he wants to meet with us just to test us
and he isn't progressing.. Non of the members really like him because
like Esmand he is schizophrenic too. He blurts random things out as
well and he reads other versions of the Book of Mormon. We met with
another investigator named Andrew and he is doing good but slowly he
will come to know the truth. He doesn't believe one church has the
truth but he does like talking to us so he can think about what he
really believes. We had to pick up the Spanish elders in Valhalla,
they almost died in the woods but they are fine. They walked through
the pitch black woods.

Tuesday we had our way spiritual experience. We randomly got invited
to go to President and Sister smiths for dinner. There are 2 new
Chinese missionaries that came in and the APs were sick so they
invited us so the new missionaries can have some missionaries to talk
to. We just got to evaluate our missions and where we are at right now
and really see how we have grown. Talking to these new missionaries
was a lot of fun. They are filled with the spirit and ready to be here
and they are well prepared. We got to stay for the testimony meeting
and as soon as one of the sister missionaries bore her testimony I
felt the spirit. It was the strongest I've ever felt the spirit in my
life. Then the elder bore his testimony and the spirit was still way
strong. Then sister Vassau bore her testimony and I felt the spirit
and then when I realized I wanted to go next I felt fear but as I got
up the spirit hit me again. I won the devil trying to persuade me to
not bare my testimony but I did and it felt so great and it was a
powerful testimony. It was a cool experience to see where I am now and
how much my testimony has grown since I have first been out. I have
another year to let my testimony grow. I'm going to make the best of
it! I love the spirit and without it I can teach nothing, I need that
spirit so the people I teach will be able to access that spirit. The
spirit is the converter, the teacher. It's what brings things to our
remembrance, and comforts us. I love this gospel and I'm grateful for
the hard days and the wonderful experiences I've been having.

Oh today we went apple picking, and a member from Poughkeepsie took
us. I want to serve in Poughkeepsie! Anyways! Love you all and hope
you have a great week! I'll send some pictures soon! As we drove from
Poughkeepsie down to Scarsdale, we drove in New Jersey so yeah we were
out of the mission for about an hour. We drove across the tappan zee
bridge! We live in Elmsford so that's right near the bridge.. But I
was out of the mission for a bit today! It's my first time outside the
mission but we didn't know until we were crossing the bridge.

Elder Casper

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