

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Friday, October 2, 2015

A Split and a Successful APF

Hello to all you wonderful people!

This has been a crazy week and there has been soma highlights that I
will talk about! Lately we have been teaching a lot of people and been
seeing success, our weekly planning day which is on Thursday was the
day where we got the least amount of planning done. We had to give our
key to the chapel to one of the senior couples so they could get into
the church to set up for a training meeting that was happening on
Friday. As we were planning Elder Gardner came in and started setting
up for the training and we offered to help.. You know because you
always ask the missionaries. He kind of hinted to us that he would
like help. 5 minutes later we were done setting up and we got back to
planning.. Then a member from the Spanish Ward in new Rochelle came to
the church to have a meeting with the stake president. Let's just say
elder Kuo talks to everyone so we didn't get the chance to finish
planning. We taught a lot of people, same with Friday. We just had
lesson after lesson which is very good because we are doing work and
people had time to meet. I was lucky to see the blessings of working
hard and to see people start progressing. We met with one of our more
progressing investigators Shikha who has been reading the Book of
Mormon and she really enjoys it. We shared the restoration video with
her and she just loved it. The spirit was strong as we were teaching
her but the only problem is she wants to meet like every other week.
Other than that she is doing very good and hopefully her husband will
sit in on the next lesson which is on the plan of salvation!
Saturday was where we finished all of our planning and met with this
super less active guy named Edgar who has been less active since he
was 17 and he is in his 30's. One cool thing about him is he still
listens to general conference when it's available on iTunes. He loves
the council given but he doesn't believe there is one true church, he
believes that we can worship as we want. He loves us though and loves
the church just doesn't want to go to Church. If he went to church he
would feel the spirit and desire to come back to church but he
doesn't. It was a good visit and he lives on the 33rd floor of this
building, there is 35 floors in the building. White Plains is a pretty
big city. Not nearly as big as Manhattan but big.
Sunday was glorious, church is always the best especially on a mission
but I've learned how important church is to me and why we go to
church. I just love being able to relax and feel the spirit and be in
a good environment. This family fed us salmon with bbq sauce and honey
and mustard on top, nice and glazed. Rice and pumpkin bread, salad and
pumpkin pie and strawberry rhubarb pie which was delicious. It made me
think of home and just the fall season which is the best season. This
is the best time of the year.
Monday we had a zone study and training by the APs and interviews by
president. It made it so district meeting didn't have to happen, which
is good because it was poorly prepared because originally we were
going to have 30 minutes to do a quick district meeting. Next week is
zone meeting so we don't have to prepare at all. We learned a lot
about repentance and how we should be continually repenting until we
shouldn't have to anymore. There is no shame in repenting because it
brings you closer to the savior. I felt that power on Monday when I
was with President and I'm having so much more fun now and I'm closer
to the Savior than ever. We had dinner at the smiths which turned out
great and it turns out either grandma Ethington or Casper comments on
our blog and loves seeing pictures of me. By the way the blogs website
is: (see link on this blog)
There you can see pictures of yours truly and everyone else in the
mission and see what is happening. I was on a split Tuesday with elder
Burrell. With our district we went to a college and set up a booth and
everyone was flocking us and people were way interested. It was the
most successful APF I've ever had. We got little Caesars pizza for the
first time in along time. Ate pizza with some tables and chairs on
some random grass. Elder Burrell prayed and our faith made it so the
rain would stop. We were tracting and we found people for the Spanish
elders and sisters. I just love going to work and losing myself. I
don't like wasting time, I love just doing whatever God wants us to
do. I know this gospel is true and I am so grateful for the power of
repentance and what our mission president says is "it's 90 seconds of
humiliation but also 90 seconds of humility." It brings you closer to
the savior and helps us become more in tune with those spiritual
promptings. I love you all and hope you will have the best of weeks!
Talk to you next week!

1 & 2: the building where that less active lives
3: dead Cheerios, get it? She is a cereal killer! Ahah ahah
4: our split picture
5: sometimes you got to take a selfie!

Hello dad,

I am doing well and there has been a ton that has happened this past
week and I'm grateful for what has happened. I got the letters from
the family reunion and they were super great and I love reading those.
  I will have to buy some
more Gillette fusion razor blades, they are just so expensive and I'm
wondering if I should buy those disposable one for way cheap and just
use those? I'm not sure.. If anything gift cards to restaurants but
not even that. You are already giving me the greatest gift I could
ever get. I don't want you guys to have to continue to give money to
me. I'm already grateful for this chance I have to be here on my
mission. I am growing so much and I'm becoming someone that I need to

Thanks for updating my blog, it's nice for people to be able to see
what's been happening on my mission. I don't have too much time to
write every person and the blog helps a lot. Thanks so much dad, love
you so much! I would be grateful to have some people to write. Thanks
Aton dad!

I have a lot of pictures on my hard drive, like a lot and you will be
able to see them all when I come home. Missions are so great and I
need to take more pictures and I've been slacking.

This area is great and everything is going well, I was on a split
yesterday with Elder Burrell again and the coolest thing happened. We
were tracting and it started to drizzle outside and we were like
"whatever let's keep going". We then got to this door and it was
pouring and no one answered so elder Burrell then offers a prayer
asking for the rain to stop so we could continue on in this work. 30
seconds later the rain turns back into a drizzle and we continue and
by the time we are almost done the rain just stops and that was nice.
Our prayer was answered, Heavenly Father knew we were working and he
didn't want us to have to stop, we have faith and we saw our prayers
be answered. Heavenly Father is there, he is a real being and I know
that. He loves us, it's such a comforting thought.

You have probably heard this talk but you should listen to it. "For
the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine" October
1975 General conference by Elder L. Tom Perry. It throws down. If you
have read any cool articles or anything lately, I would love to read
them too. Love ya! I'll get to my weekly email now.

Elder Casper

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