

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Service, Cancelled Baptism and College!

This week has been killed and has been full of a ton of miracles, I
enjoy seeing the hand of the lord in the work that I do. I know that
he has been helping us a ton! Some pretty cool things happened this
past week. I'll go into detail now aha.

Thursday we were dropped by a less active, he slammed his hands down
on the table and told us we couldn't tell him that he needs to come to
church, and he will come when he wants to worship. He doesn't have a
testimony of anything but he is a good guy, just confused. It was just
planning so that was fun.

Friday we had a little APF in Yonkers in where we went to visit some
of their less actives and tract  for around 30 minutes and we saw some
success! Sam came with us again, that kid who came home from his
mission early but is going back soon. He knocked some doors with us
and he loved it. We found this really cool guy for them who asked us
for a Book of Mormon. It's not often that someone asks for a Book of
Mormon but he wanted one, he also wants to come to church! So that was
neat and we saw some other people who were generally interested. We
have also been visiting the active members so we can help them
continue to have missionary work flow through their brains. It's been
pretty successful!  We also taught Shikha and I have been working on
my teaching the Plan of Salvation skills because I taught it so
terribly at Shikha's, but we have to learn and practice to become

Saturday we did some service, hence the title of my email. We do
service every 3rd Saturday in the morning for these people on Ferris
Avenue in white plains and we just help out in any way they need for
about 3 hours and we get free breakfast. We just enjoy serving and we
do the service with the Spanish elders and the Sisters in our Ward.
Because Sister Eastman is leaving in a week, the head guy in charge of
his activity grabbed sister Eastman by the hand and hugged her and it
was awkward. Yeah, it was a very weird experience but whatever. The
Yonkers Elders had a baptism and it fell through, the dad had cold
feet and didn't know if he had his own testimony so he didn't want to
do it if he wasn't ready yet. It's better that he told them that
instead of get baptized and then telling them that. Our plans were
shot.. We did some look ups and did planning.

Sunday was great, we had a linger longer. We helped set up and take
down. President Smiths son got the Aaronic priesthood and we were
invited to stand in the circle and there was a ton of missionaries and
President.. There was so much inspiration! We went to sacrament
meeting but none of the other classes, we were helping set up and
bring the food in and doing what missionaries do! But seriously it was
fun.. They gave us ALL the leftovers! That's way too much food.. It is
all sitting in the fridge right now ahah at the church. Free game. We
cleaned up the church a bit and returned a lost iPod to a family. Also
did a couple look ups which weren't interested. It's funny how sister
missionaries tract into all these guys who are "so interested" but
when we come to the door they aren't interested at all. Haha it's
because we're ugly! Just Kidding, but you never know.

Monday was district meeting, it was a good day! I was very happy! It
was a good district meeting and I dislike when no one will participate
and say anything.. It was super good though and they seemed to enjoy
it. We did do some tracting around Bacon Court.. BACON! We didn't see
too many people that were interested.. Too bad. We got ready for the
APF we are gonna have at the college again.

Tuesday I went on a split with Elder Burt in Yonkers and every time I
go on a split, most of our appointments fall through. Elder Burt is
awesome, he is a new missionary.. Only been in the mission for 5 weeks
but he has a strong testimony and really wants to work. We had a good
time and had lots of laughs. I love him so much, he has a real desire
to serve the lord. Sometimes it's nice to switch companions for a
day.. He is so sarcastic but we had such a good time. I had fun. We
went to a college in Westchester and set up a table and sat there and
quite a few people came over to us and asked us questions, it was very
awesome! We saw miracles throughout it though.

That's how my week went! I know we go through challenging times for a
reason and as you push through with faith that it will all work out,
it will do just that.. Work out! God knows we can make it through the
trial, keep pushing through. I know that God has created a plan for
each and every one of us to return to him one day, keep trucking,
studying your scriptures, saying your prayers and attending church and
you will see that plan more clearly in your life. I love you! Have a
good week!

1. With Sam in Yonkers
2. All of us at the service we helped with
3. This member named Justin in Yonkers and I

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