

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Friday, October 2, 2015

Staying with Elder Kuo

Hello world, as you can see by my subject title, I'm staying with
elder Kuo for another 6 weeks and I'm bitter sweet about it. I love
him but it would have been nice to get someone else but the lord needs
us together at this time in our lives. I'm still District Leader so
that's fun. It's pretty stressful to be honest.

Thursday we planned for 5 hours and that was painful, it rained
hardcore and yeah like it was terrible and I could barely see and I
was driving. On the Bronx River parkway which is the narrowest parkway
in the county and everyone drives quickly ah I thought I was gonna

Friday we did some Tracting for the first time in a while and it felt
so great to go knock the doors and see people interested. We knocked
the door of this catholic lady who was very nice and we testified of
the restoration and how it truly did happen. Her heart is being
softened and that's a testimony builder. We also saw our investigator
named Shikha who is progressing slightly but after we taught her the
restoration and we were done with everything she asked us if we could
come every other week. I'm really hoping that she will progress and
she will read the Book of Mormon and feel the spirit. Hopefully her
husband will be interested soon, he sits around and doesn't listen to
us. We went to go see one of our less actives because he has been
becoming active again but when we got there he was doing crack and
smoking and he didn't come to church on Sunday!  we did meet with
him Saturday and we told him to talk to bishop, repentance is real.

Saturday we helped the Yonkers elders with an APF and did a lot of
lookups and Tracting and had a great dinner with the Treus in our
Ward. It was Sister Gardners birthday so they made a cake for her. We
had a great day and got a new investigator for the Yonkers elders.
They played a musical number for us and the spirit was so strong, It
felt great. We got transfer calls and I'm glad I'm staying. We are
gonna get a baptism this cycle!

Sunday we looked up a part member, less active family and she has
doctor who toys and stuff so I nerded out over those. They are amazing
and it was so fun to be there and feel the spirit in her home. We want
to work with part member families and try to help the family become
members so they can be sealed for ever in the temple. Asking for
referrals as well!

Monday was the last district meeting of this cycle and I'm grateful
that I was able to learn so much and have a good cycle. We saw a
recent convert named John, he has gone through some hard times but he
will come back to church now. He hasn't been for 2 weeks. We saw an
investigator with a member and we testified about the Book of Mormon
and our member shoots us a text telling us how great we did. We had
dinner at the tanos and it was a good way to end the night.

Tuesday we did a lot of part member look ups and tracted. Even though
we really didn't see any success and no one was interested. The lord
sent us there to plant seeds and for us to learn and to share the
gospel with everyone. We could of had a ton of success but sometimes
you don't see success and you just have to put forth effort. Also we
had dinner at a part member family's house. The husband isn't a member
and he is slowly becoming comfortable with the church. He is doing a
lot of renovation and we want to help. I love doing it because dad
gave me a love for a lot of the things he needs help with. I'm so

I love this gospel and I know it's true. As a mission we have been
reading the Book of Mormon together and we have been able to feel the
spirit of the book. I invite you all as a family to read the Book of
Mormon and to see how your life changes. The book changes lives and
I've seen that. I hope you all have a great week and don't forget
about me!  love you!

I'm the doctor!
Also I know where batman lives!

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