

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Zone conference with Elder Mervyn B Arnolds of the 70

This week has been fantastic, we are seeing miracles and we were
uplifted by elder Mervyn B Arnolds of the 70 as my subject states. It
was an uplifting meeting and there were a lot of aspects of missionary
work discussed. Before the meeting actually started we had a "Sons of
Helaman" Training by an elder in the mission. We talked a lot about
how we need to be exactly obedient and we can see blessings. We pretty
much chastised ourselves and talked about how bad we are now and ways
we can improve. We then headed on in to the gym to sit down with half
of the mission and learn from Elder Arnold's. He shook all of our
hands before we began and he shook mine and Elder Kuos twice. I felt
the spirit as he spoke to us! Random spiritual promptings came to him
and he read something that came to mind. It is what it means to be a
missionary. We are set apart from everything worldly and we need to
remember our purpose. That struck home for me, it was an answer to a
prayer and it was how I can be better. I forget that as missionaries
we are set apart on a higher plain of thinking and in how we act.. We
are representatives of Jesus Christ. He talked about how when we plan
for our investigators we need to continually seek revelation and
continually pray over what we need to do as missionaries. He spoke
about how we can help the work progress and how we can get the members
involved. I learned that bishop and the Ward mission leader need to be
our best friend. Asking the members for referrals will yield results,
as members we have an obligation to do missionary work, it's not just
the missionaries but honestly we need your help. Help God's church grow
and reach out to a friend. We learned that we can be better
missionaries and how we can be more effective. It was such a good
conference and we had to be out by no later than 5 minutes after the
conference ended.

Friday was weekly planning because we couldn't do it on Thursday. I
interviewed a family for Baptism in Yonkers and they are golden! They
will be moving into our area soon so then we will be able to help them
remain active. We also taught a brief version of the restoration to
the mom of sister Rodriguez her mom is pretty interested, she will be
attending the baptism of the Rodriguez family so that's pretty sweet.
We were also setting up a bunch of appointments with the members, and
the sisters split the Ward into half and we called one half of the
list and set up a time where we can stop by these members homes and
share a short spiritual message to get them excited about missionary

Saturday we went over to a members house for a brunch but we had to
bring a 3rd male because it was a single sister. As the food was being
prepared, her neighbor came over and came on in and the cool part
about it is that she is pretty interested in the church and she had a
bunch of questions. The recent convert we brought yelled at her
because her beliefs are wrong.. That was interesting, you could feel
the spirit leave and it's not a good feeling.

Sunday we had church which was pretty stressful because we are talking
to every member we can and still trying to set up appointments with a
select few, and they have been offering dinner, so it's a win-win. A
spiritual message exchanged for a delicious dinner ahah. We have been
setting up times to meet with the youth to help strengthen them and
for them to bring friends to our visits. We will be teaching the youth
the missionary lessons. We had a couple missionary themed lessons that
started off pretty rough but have gotten better since.

Monday we had district meeting and the zone leaders told me to through
everything out the window that I had planned and plan off of what
elder Arnold talked to us about, so to say the least I had 1 day to
plan this amazing district meeting. We talked about planning and an
elder in the district named elder Burt said something inspirational.
He said "these people don't know how much I've studied and planned for
them, they don't know how much time we have put into helping them." I
think that is so true, people don't know how much time us missionaries
spend planning for them. We study for their needs to help them out. I
loved the comment.

Tuesday we had a pretty full day planned but most of our appointments
fell through. Luckily they did or we would have never met Christine.
We did a look up and then decided to go tract and right as I cross the
street there is this girl who is walking into her house but she looks
at me. I yell hey and then start walking away. I then have a prompting
to tell her we are missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints. She seems pretty interested in what we were saying.
We introduced the Book of Mormon and gave her a restoration pamphlet.
She said we can come back next Tuesday! We are seeing hard core
miracles and all I know is fast Sunday rocks.

Today while I was at the temple, I was reading the Doctrine and
Covenants and I was reading in section 138 which talks about the
spirit world and what goes on there. The spirits are taught the
doctrine of Christ, it reads:

"33 These were taught faith in God, repentance from sin, vicarious
baptism for the remission of sins, the gift of the Holy Ghost by the
laying on of hands" they were taught vicarious baptism for the
remission of sins. So in other words they were taught about baptisms
for the dead, instead of just baptism. I was thinking about how much
joy that must bring them to know they can still be baptized and that
is our job as members of the church. We need to go to the temples and
do as many saving ordinances as we possibly can. I love the temple and
I know it's truly the house of God. Go there as often as you can! You
will see the blessings flow! I love you all and hope you have a great

1. Elder Henrie and I were shaving, we look good eh?
2. I hate 1 hour parking signs! Stop interfering with missionary work!
I ripped that out of the ground... Or maybe it was already on the
ground, I guess you'll never know.
3. Us that just went to the temple. Elder Kuo and I were the only
elders who went.. The session was all women and 5 men.. So yeah.

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