

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Yankees Game in the Bronx with Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Hello all, and welcome to another weekly email by Elder Casper!

So as you can see by my email title, I went to a Yankees game and that
was probably a big highlight. But there is lots of cool things that
happened this past week and I'm excited to share them with everyone!
I'll get into it I guess...
Last Wednesday after p-day ended we taught a member and then decided
to go do a media referral look up and that guy didn't answer so we
decided to knock the doors around him. The cool things about what we
do is when we come to an intersection we listen for the spirit in
telling us what direction to go and we knocked like 4 doors and this
lady in her mid 20s comes out and she says "Mormons! I don't need no
Mormons!" And she shuts the door but she opens it up and asks us if we
are from the play and we say "No.. We are the real deal!" And she gets
all excited! It turns out she is a Returned Missionary and she was
just messing with us. She served in Idaho, so that's neat. She has a
friend upstairs that she wanted us to teach and we all went up and
taught her about the Book of Mormon and she really liked it! Miracle!
That shocked quite a bit but it was cool.
Thursday was weekly planning, and the only other thing that happened
was we have an investigator and he took us out to get pizza and he
took us to this place that uses a brick oven and he got us Cauliflower
Pizza and I thought it would taste nasty but can't knock it until you
try it, and when I first tasted it.. It was like really good tasting!
That was a nice surprise.
Friday.. Oh the best day of the week, we ate a 10 o clock lunch and we
tracted for 3 hours straight and found 1 guy who was super
interested.. He is leaving for a couple weeks though. We decided we
were going to knock one more and this guy told us he wasn't interested
but he pointed over to the house and we all heard screaming. The guy
who wasn't interested told us "He needs Jesus" haha Referral! Knocked
on the door and it turns out he was interested! He is going out of
town for a couple weeks though.
The best part of Friday was the Yankees game! All of our mission was
there in the very back and the very top so no one could see us really
but some general authorities we there and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir!
They sang so amazing and it really invited the spirit but no one could
feel it but us missionaries. On the way out of the game president
Checketts of the Yorktown NY Stake came up to us and told us people
wanted to meet us. Elder Rasband of the 70 came out and shook our
hands, he served in our mission when he went on his mission and served
as a mission president of the New York New York north mission in
1996-1999. And he told us that it's the best mission in the world, and
because a general authority says that, it makes it true doctrine.
Elder Smith of the 70 as well shook our hands, he is our area 70.
President Smith(our mission president) was shaking their hands and
it's funny to see the age difference of president Smith and elder
Rasband. President smith is like 42 or something, he's young. The
Yankees game was way fun and it was just so great to see missionaries
that I haven't seen in a while. They noticed I lost weight haha.
Saturday we tracted and had dinner with a member. It's Fourth of July
so we had to. She fed us a banana cheesecake which is da bomb! It
tasted so good. We had a wonderful time with her and tracking and just
doing missionary work. People get a little annoyed because we are
knocking on their door on a holiday but the gospel is more important.
Sunday we tracted and this guy said he is not interested but he is
impressed because it's a holiday. We taught our investigator Luke and
his friend at the church of the investigator. It's like a messianic
Jew church so yeah. We taught him about prophets and they were having
this long conversation about this and eventually we got it on track.
They wanted to say the closing prayer, so they did and we invited them
to church. Luke said he would come and it was fast and testimony
meeting. Luke bore his testimony and the whole time I was scared
because I didn't want Luke to say anything too crazy but he talked
about how God saved him even though he was a sinner. Yeah he was good.
He was trying to get a date with one of our members who just turned 18
and he is like 26. Luke prayed for our future wife to be beautiful so
I'll take it. He said he would come next week. We have had dinner with
awesome members houses lately and they continue to be more and more
Monday we had Zone Meeting which was about key indicators and how we
need to focus on those a bit more and realize that these are not just
numbers, they are real people. We tracted all day after that and yeah
it turned out to be slightly successful. Found a couple potentials and
showed people we are willing to work even when it's hot outside. Had a
wonderful dinner as well. People always ask if my brother served a
mission and where. I always tell them the south mission and they are
surprised and astonished at how cool that is.
Last night we had a pretty cool miracle happen. We only had 20 minutes
to knock doors and we were letting the Holy Spirit guide. We had a
couple minutes left and we said which house, started walking up one
and got to their door. This family answers and they are nice to us.
They knew that we were mormon and invited us in to share a message
with their whole family. We shared the Because He Lives video with
them and gave them a gospel of Jesus Christ pamphlet to read and gave
them our number. We were praying so hard to find someone and see a
miracle and to me that's just another testimony that he lives, that
because we had so much faith in Jesus Christ we saw a miracle. I know
this is the true church, I know that Jesus Christ does live and that
he guides us on what to do, where to go, who to talk to. I love what I
am doing and I'm having so much fun! I love you all! Have a great

Hello! The Fourth of July was pretty fun and pretty hot. It's been pretty nice! The baseball game was pretty great, we left at the 4th inning and yeah supposed they went to like the 13th inning? Anyways Yankees won. It was super fun and I did take some pictures! I'll send those later today hopefully. We are going to the temple at 12:30 so we won't have much time for stuff but I will definitely work on sending those off. We were in the very very very back and top so there was a nice breeze and you couldn't see us much. Outside of our window there were people playing with fireworks but anyways. Justin told me he was visiting the city. It would of been cool to "run into him". 
I love writing the emails, even though it is hard sometimes just because it's time consuming. You don't have to worry about sending me pictures crazy fast just whenever. It's not too important.
Thanks for the pray and listen advice. It answered a prayer, I've realized that I haven't been listening too much but I'm going to work better. Love you mom! I'll send you my weekly email later! Love you!

Elder Casper

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