

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Referrals and Miracles are brought to pass!

Hello everyone, this week has been crazy and there has been a lot of
things going on.

Thursday we had coordination meeting with Michael as usual and Elder
Nalaza cooked him fried chicken and chili and he was dying because he
told us he could feel his heart crying in a joking way. It was funny
to watch him eat that fried chicken, we were all cracking up randomly.
Then we were doing weekly planning and we get this phone from this
lady named Ines Griffin (pronounced eye-nes). She went to
and requested a Book of Mormon and wanted it delivered as soon as
possible. Somehow she got our number and called us and wanted the book
quicker so we told her we could drop it off in like 20 minutes, she
was way excited. It turns out her mom was a member in Puerto Rico and
she passed away recently and Ines wanted to know what her mom
believed. She has an old school Spanish Book of Mormon from her mom.
She is pretty interested. The coolest part is she had a dream where
she walked into this random building and asked what church this was. A
random guy said its the Mormon church. And the pope was sitting there
and he gave Ines some papers. So Ines then requested a Book of Mormon.
She took the dream as she needs to learn more about our church. We
went to Baychester and saw a less active member and after that we were
freezing outside and we passed by one of our recent converts apartment
building. His name is Dalton and we called him and asked him if we
could warm up in his apartment and he fed us beef liver and rice. It
was so good and we are so grateful for him and all he does for us
missionaries. He loves us.

Friday we went to go drop off a bible to a referral named Lenford
Dell, he is a seventh day Adventist and we gave him a Book of Mormon,
the only problem is he is pretty blind so we are gonna bring him a
huge copy of both. He is very nice and very open to learning more. The
spirit was strong after that. Afterwards we headed to another one of
our investigators named Gabriel. We have been trying to help him feel
the atonement in his life and help him to know that he can in deed be
forgiven because of Jesus Christ and all he has done for us. Because
he suffered for our sins and he did it alone so we don't have to
suffer by ourselves. It was a good lesson with him and he's really
awesome and he trusts us so much to tell us personal things that have
went on in his life. We taught Donna and Juan the Law of Chastity and
about keeping the Ten Commandments. They are so solid, I love them so

Saturday we went to our member sister Ramdhon for lunch, 10:45-1:15,
she starts cooking as soon as we walk into the door. We brought Elder
Newbold and Elder Davis to come be a 3rd and 4th male. She always
makes chicken curry and I want to learn how to make chicken curry,
just curry in general. The food was amazing and sister Ramdhon is
awesome. We love her so much. She gave us all the food and we bring
the food to the church so the other missionaries can eat it. Elder
Nalaza threw up a ton afterwards and we ended up spending the rest of
the night inside because he wasn't feeling well. It has been a bit of
a burden at times because I just want to do work but I have to help
and serve my companion. We had a pretty huge day planned too but
that's fine.

Sunday Elder Nalaza and I didn't speak to each other for some reason
but church was good. Donna and Juan came and Juan had to leave after
Sacrament but Donna stayed for all 3 hours and we heard that when she
introduced herself in Relief Society, she said "I'm Donna and I'm
getting baptized on March 13th" it's so awesome! She is prepared and
she loves the church now and has always had questions that were able
to be answered by us. They just love everything we teach them. We
spent the whole night in Co-Op city which is fancy apartment buildings
that are divided into 3 sections. It's pretty fantastic and it was so

Monday we still weren't talking for some reason. We were silent and
when we had to speak to each other we did but we never had
conversations. We saw a few of our people. Oh district meeting was
pretty legit, it was all about the Doctrine of Christ and how we need
to apply that into our lives and allow our investigators to partake of
the power of the atonement and repentance. We can all repent and be
better. Exercise faith, repent, be baptized/ partake of the sacrament
weekly, receive the Holy Ghost. It's such a wonderful gift our
Heavenly Father has given us.

Tuesday Elder Nalaza and I finally spoke to each other and resolved
the issue. He thought that I was mad at him and I thought he was mad
at me. It was a big mis understanding. I don't know why we didn't talk
it out sooner but you learn as you go. He has made a decision to go
home. He texted President Smith asking if he could be reassigned to a
Philippines mission or just go home because he has depression. We
didn't do anything all day until we went and saw Donna, Juan and
Anthony. We were literally sitting in the apartment, I was doing a lot
of studies but Elder Nalaza didn't want to do anything. His mom
supports his decision. President Smith emailed me asking how Elder
Nalaza is doing and I told him everything. We don't know what will
happen but we will see soon. I love him and I don't want him to go
home but he may need to. He doesn't have a strong desire to work right
now. President Smith will deal with it. Donna made a cake for Elder
Nalazas birthday and it was chocolate. It was probably one of the best
cakes I've ever eaten ever in my life. They are such a wonderful
family. Juan has had problems with coffee. He had cut down from 5 cups
a day to 2 cups. Slowly but surely he is quitting. We love them so
much. I need to get a picture with their family soon and then one at
their baptism! I love what is happening in our area and what our
Heavenly Father is blessing us with. It's been awesome.

That's our crazy week and tonight is trainer calls! We will see what
happens there. I'll let you know next week. I love you guys and thank
you for all you do for me! Thanks for all your love and support. I
miss you all!

Elder Domenick Casper

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