

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Friday, November 21, 2014

Final Week at the MTC!

Hey Family and whoever is reading this! It is really hard to believe that I will be leaving for New York in 4 days... Like what happened? It feels like I have been here for a couple of months, but in all reality it has only been a couple of days over 1 week. I saw Justin on Wednesday morning, He was getting breakfast after an all night shift, but we talked a bit and he asked me how I felt about the MTC, so it was pretty sweet. So we have been teaching investigators here at the MTC, their names are Zach Herzog, and Sam (I'm not sure what his last name is). We have asked them both to pray, read the B.O.M, to go to church, and to be baptized. They have both prayed and reading the book of Mormon, they are thinking about baptism. I love teaching, I used to get nervous but now I can teach without any problems, and I get promptings on what to say to them, so I can't complain.  I can't tell you how much I have learned here, to be honest it's hard to remember all the things I have learned, but when I teach the spirit pulls out things to my remembrance! In a week I will be in NEW YORK! :D 

So my companion (Elder Essler) is from Perry Utah, close to Brigham City. Elder Harvey and Elder Clark are both from Utah as well, Elder Degraw is from Orange County LA so pretty cool. Elder McNatt is from somewhere, I am not completely sure. The food is amazing, sometimes I eat to much so I have to restrain myself most of the time. Exercising is fun, I usually just walk/jog around the track they have (10 laps=1 mile). As Sacrament Coordinator I chose who Passes and Blesses, then I set up the Sacrament. I have to show the new Sacrament Coordinator what to do so he can do it the week that follows. Elder Essler, and Elder Degraw are going to New York with me and Everyone else is going to Chicago West. There are 3 sisters in our district going to NY and 3 going to Chicago. P-day is great, As a district we were able to go to the Temple today, and I felt the spirit so strongly this time I went through! I love to see the temple, I love the Temple so much! P-day is short because all we have to learn but out in the field it is 6:30 to 6 at night. I made the mistake of not washing my clothes last week, so this week I had to wear some garments twice but I washed them today! Life is really good, I will definitely talk to you more while I am out in the field! 

Peace out Family!
Elder Casper

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