

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Chinesse New Year - New Bishop

Hi family!  Hello everyone, how is everyone doing? 
We got a lot of snow and ice in this past week, so much that church was delayed again but church was super great.  I did get that valentines package. 
This week has been pretty cool, and some super spiritual experiences have happened.
This last Wednesday was when all the missionaries went home and it
made all of us trunky a bit. It was a fun week though, this last
Thursday we were able to weekly plan and really get a good week
planned. We got to plan for our Transfers and of course we are staying
here in the Newtown area. I'm really glad that I am not transferring.
During the transfer meeting, President told us that we are having a
mission wide training with 2 general authorities, Elder David Evens of
the Seventy who is the executive director of missionary work, and Elder
Steven B Allan of the Seventy. We are having a training on the work of
salvation in the digital age. Basically how to use our iPads to
further the work, to better protect ourselves from temptation by using
our iPads. This will be an intense training and it really will help us
as missionaries use iPads in the correct manner. We should get our new iPads
really soon. Our mission president challenged us to read the
entire missionary handbook and highlight things that will be
safeguards for us to better protect ourselves.
Saturday I went to my first Mission Leadership Council meeting which
is a meeting where the Zone leaders and sister training leaders
council together in order to make our mission work better and more
efficiently, but they invited the District Leaders and their companions as well-
that's me. Elder Tancayo is the District Leader and I am his
companion. The spirit was so strong there and I knew what we were
doing has to happen, and that what we were talking about is true. It
was a super fun time, that night we had a Chinese New Year party with
fish, chicken, duck, pork, steak and eggs, shrimp, Chinese pears,
celery, and chrysanthemum tea which is a flower tea, and it was so
delicious. And it was snowing so hard, so I have some videos and
pictures to send home. We slid around and stuff.
Sunday church was delayed until 10 instead of 9 and we got a new
Bishopric. Our Bishop got released after serving for 6 years! Brother
Loutensock is now the 2nd counselor, and the funny thing is he is our Ward
Mission Leader, he was our WML for 6 weeks, since I came in and now we
don't have a leader so we are just doing whatever, but still going and
teaching people. The spirit was there and I really had a good time! 3
months into my mission and I already have seen a bishopric get
released and a whole new bishopric.
Monday we had a zone meeting which was super amazing, it was a
practice for this big meeting coming up. It's kind of a big deal that
we participate in front of general authorities. And I am so excited
for everything tomorrow, it's really a blessing for us to be in front
of the senior guy for missionary work (besides president Thomas S.
Monson). The spirit is a strong force and when you feel it there is no
denying something is true that you pray about. We have this
investigator and he hasn't ever prayed and we gave him a Book of
Mormon and asked him to read and pray about it. He has been reading
and he prayed. He told us that the past couple nights he has been
praying and he has had this calming feeling coming over him. That
really excited us and he wants to meet with us more! This is the true
church of Christ. I love the church so much and I feel that testimony
burn inside of me each and every day.
That's pretty much all I have to say but I hope you all have a great
week and I look forward to next week!


Elder Casper

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