

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Valentines Day

Hello everyone, this week has been a super cool week.

I did get your package, thanks for all of that!  Compared to
Harlem this area is a lot better, it's just different being upstate
than in the city. My shoes are already losing traction just because of
how much I walk. The church building is similar to ours, just
different. It's a big building too. The people are just very friendly
and open to having us over and love us. It is similar to our ward,
there are a lot of kids here and a lot of people.
Last Wednesday we went to the mall they have here and walked through
the stores that appealed to us. Got a district unity beanie, and it
fits super well and feels nice and keeps me warm. Took pictures and
had a good time, just we always need to remember that we are
representatives of Jesus Christ so we can't be messing around, we need
to be mature in our conduct.
Thursday was our weekly planning day and Elder Tancayo and I were
freaking out because we could see the transfers day coming up and we
had so much to do the next week. Friday we had a lesson with a new
investigator and we got to teach him already and he is really open to
learning more so hopefully we have a possibility of teaching him more
and then watching him progress in the Gospel. Alot of missionaries
have told me that one of the greatest blessings you see on a mission
is watching people progress in the Gospel and seeing how the Gospel
blesses their lives. That is one thing I am looking forward to.
Saturday we went to the Cheesecake Factory with a member and 8
missionaries in total, there are 2 missionaries going home this
transfer so he wanted to take us out and feed us. That was the first
time I've ever been to the Cheesecake Factory! We were lucky to be fed
there, because it's more expensive than other places but so good. I
had an Oreo deluxe extreme cheesecake, ooooh so good! And that night
we went to the church to have a district dinner for Valentine's Day
and got some pictures together, which I will send in a bit.

That night we got a text letting us know that our church was supposed
to be canceled. We didn't know exactly what to think, so we texted a
counselor in the Bishopric and I guess it was true. Woke up to snow
and ice. We wouldn't of been able to make it up the
hill to the church, so they canceled ours Ward's Church. We went to the 1:00 pm
o'clock session because it (the snow and ice) was melted by then, I got asked to bear my
testimony in our ward, and to teach elders quorum but it was cancelled
so I didn't get to. Every time they ask us to do something, church
cancels. Maybe they should stop asking us to do stuff? I've never had
church cancel in my life until my mission.
Monday we had our district meetings and our "funeral" for the
missionaries that are "dying" (going home) so we had delicious food, got
them to sign our "bye bye" books and had a testimony from each of them.
Elder Kroff (who started where I am, and finished in Yorktown, which is
in our zone) bore his testimony about the gift of charity, and how we
need to pray for that in order to see that in our lives. The last
verse in Moroni 7 talks about that, so that is something that I've been
trying to do. Elder hunt (who started in Danbury, and ended in Danbury)
bore his testimony on keeping a journal throughout our missions. We
can keep thoughts and impressions and what happened in our day so when
we look back on our experiences we can remember what happened. I have
really grown in a testimony of that and I've been able to fill about
half of my journal.
And Tuesday was the coolest experience I've had on my mission so far,
I was able to give a blessing, the first blessing on my mission. The
spirit is strong. After our closing prayer with the family, the wife
asked us if we could give a blessing to her husband because he has
been not feeling too well. So I was happy to give that blessing, and I
had no clue what to say but the spirit directed me. You can feel the
power of the priesthood in your hands and you can feel the spirit
working through us. That is one of the coolest experiences I've been
able to have on my mission. The funny thing is that on Tuesday morning I was
thinking that I haven't performed any ordinances yet, and turns out
that night I was able to do it.
I truly love this church, I know that it is the true church of Christ
and people need to know that. The Book of Mormon is truth. Read and
pray to know for yourself. As a missionary I can't force you to do
anything, I can just invite and testify to you that I know everything
that I say about the gospel is true. And promise blessings.
Anyways I hope you all have a great week, and keep safe!

Elder Casper

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