

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Snow Storm Part 2

Hello everyone! How's everyone doing? Hey mom!
I haven't bought gloves or boots yet, if you want to send me
some warm gloves that fit dads hands that would be awesome! Driving
has seriously been fun, I'm driving a 2013 Chevy Cruze, and it is
amazing. We have gotten so much snow and all we have been doing a lot
of shoveling.

I am so excited for the iPad, I hope it's super new because I want new
so it will run smooth. Thanks for the oils I am getting sick again. I
looked at the weather for Lincoln California and yeah a lot of rain!

So last Wednesday we went to
Ossining to the stake center to meet up with our zone and play sports
and write emails. We were supposed to have dinner with a super
less-active part member family who really doesn't want to come back to
church but they love having the missionaries over. All the
missionaries who served in our area says he always gives missionaries
a hard time and asks interesting questions but they are supposedly

Thursday we did a substantial amount of service because of snow,
 but we had dinner at the Loutensocks again. So we work with them often and at their
house once a week. I find it amazing that I'm serving in an area with
people that knew me from home or people that served in the California
Roseville mission. I love this area already so much.

So this last weekend we've had a goal to get 15 lessons taught to less
active and recent converts and members. Last week we got 9 because we
only could teach lessons on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The snow has
kind of messed everything up.

Our Bishop has really been pushing lightening rounds at quorums and
auxiliaries of our ward. Which are basically simple, short lines of
doctrine that you can bring up so easily in simply conversation. So we
have been focusing on being examples to everyone and sharing these
with all quorums. Elder Tancayo has been asked to give a talk next
week, and our bishop was telling me that I will give one sometime
soon. I also found out that Linsey Stirling the violinist served her
mission in the New York New York North mission! A celebrity served in
our mission.. Totally crazy.

Monday we woke up with way more snow that the storm of 2015 last week
was. So we were grounded all day so we offered our service to everyone
and got some delicious pizza that night with the Portuguese speaking Elders
members. The place is called Famous Pizza, I got a shirt and it is
super nice fitting and looks great! Got some pretty sweet pictures,
had a really fun day and really enjoyed what we  did.

We were supposed to have our zone meeting on Monday but it got moved
to Tuesday because of that storm. The meeting was about our new
initiative this month, which is to share the expressions of love
mormon message. And we talked about how to strengthen investigators
and keep them strong in the gospel. I got to share my testimony at the
end of it, and I got to talk about how I still have pretty much 2
years left of my mission and I don't want to have regrets after my
mission. The spirit helped me talk about the importance of our calling
and we need to take it seriously. We have this opportunity to share
the gospel with everyone we see, so open our mouths and do all we can
to help everyone and be representatives of Jesus Christ. I was getting
emotional about it all, I made a decision that I would work the
hardest I have ever worked to make my mission amazing in every way
possible. Make the best of all the time that I have free by studying
the gospel, learning new things and keeping myself close to christ and
the spirit. I truly do love this gospel and every aspect about it, it
doesn't make sense that people don't understand what we feel, they
need to feel that spirit that we feel. They need to recognize it, pray
about it and read the Book of Mormon.

That is pretty much it for this week. This week has not been
interesting at all, but we have had a good time. Driving is fun, I
drive a 2013 Chevy Cruze and it is seriously a smooth drive and weird
to be driving a new car. It's pretty sketchy to drive in snow because
I've been sliding around, like I'm from California and I don't know what
this stuff is. We were trying to go up a hill and we were sliding back
and forth left to right. If someone saw that they would be laughing.
We were trying to imagine what that would look like from behind. Haha
well I don't have much more to say, so I will talk to you later
family! :) have a great and blessed week!

Elder Casper

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