

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Snow Storm

Dear family and anyone who is interested in reading this,

We got maybe a foot of snow here in Connecticut, everyone here over reacted to it. Everyone was stocking up on food and preparing to be snowed in for days, woke up in the morning and was super disappointed seeing like nothing outside but a lot of wind. Like a lot of wind. We have dinner with the Loutensocks weekly and it is super dope being able to talk to them and get to know them. They know you so I should know them. 

Our ward is a pretty huge ward, about 150 people in the ward. The Newtown ward, we are the only companionship serving in the ward because they closed the sisters area down but they are supposed to be reopening the area. We share an apartment with the Danbury ward elders, and they are super dope. Elder Richan is the one who started the meal plan.

Southington is 50 minutes from here, that is super close, maybe I will meet someone that knew you. My companion, Elder Tancayo goes home April 1st, so he will be home for my birthday! He is from Molokai which is a smaller island but he says he loves Hawaii. We go to the Snap fitness which is literally a gym that is like 1 minute by car. Every Monday and Thursday is back day, Tuesday and Friday is leg day, and Wednesday and Saturday is chest day. We wake up at 5:45 and go to the gym at 6-7, then return home for our day. I've lost 8 pounds in 5 days, and still losing weight! My goal is to lose 40+ pounds which isn't impossible. As long as I have faith in the plan and do everything that I am supposed to then I will see results. Just like the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you do what you are supposed to you will have the spirit with you at all times. 

I am truly excited for getting an iPad of my own, then I will get to bring it home with me after my mission. Do you have any idea what iPad generation we are getting? Does it say anything? Also I bought the hard drive. Thanks!

Well everything is great here, we have had snow quite a bit and of course we helped shovel snow Saturday and yesterday so my back is killing me. Yesterday we also hiked 1 hour and a half to get the chapel in Danbury because we weren't allowed to drive. So that's a bad idea because I don't own snow boots yet, we shopped on Monday but I couldn't find any that I liked. We are going to go to sports authority and then I will buy some nice boots. Monday we did a lot of preparing for the blizzard and we had to be in by 6 o clock. Apparently Boston got hit pretty hard. We got barely anything. I am slacking on buying a lot of winter stuff because I feel like I can make it through winter without the proper equipment. Once winter is over I would probably need to send you all the bulky stuff I own so I can easily pack things away and get them sent to me the next year. We did stop by a less active with health problems this last week. We talked for a while but then we shared the because of him video that the church made. The spirit is seriously strong, during that video the spirit hit me strong, I felt it burn within me and it was just the greatest feeling I've had throughout my mission thus far. 

Last Wednesday we went to the city and went back to harlem, so I got to see some people but we mainly shopped and took pictures. We should of planned it better but It was truly a great blessing to go back even though I'm out of money on my mission fund which is alright because we get money the beginning of each month. We also got a unity tie, it is a super nice penguin brand tie. And I know you dislike penguins dad but the ties are better than the animal. 

Nothing too crazy happened but it is super nice to be here, it's truly a blessing to be on my mission. I've seen myself grow a lot being on my mission. The spirit is overwhelming, and I see myself maturing and changing. If anyone is thinking about serving a mission, do it. The blessings you receive are worth the challenges and things that go on while being on a mission. I truly can testify that the lord does answer prayers and he helps you if you ask for it. Keep an eye single to the glory of God and you will be blessed. I promise you that. 

Talk to you next week. 

Elder Casper

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