

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Transfered to Yorktown

So this week has been crazy, Saturday was shock calls which are
transfer calls, they told me Elder Wallace and I are staying so we
were excited. We were happy we were staying! Then Monday after our
district meeting we got a call from one of the Assistant Presidents,
he told us that we were transferring because someone that was supposed
to come in, decided not to, so we are leaving Harlem! Elder Wallace is
going to Scarsdale, and I am going to Yorktown! So my new area will be
Yorktown and my new companion will be Elder Tankio! So yeah when we
got that call, I was so nervous that I was leaving. It's my 2nd cycle
and I'm already in my 2nd area. I'm not even done with 12 week, I
really am not too excited to leave because I just got to know the
area. And I seriously don't want to get fat upstate. Everyone does...
But in all reality the lord needs me up there. There is some
experience that I need to have, someone is waiting for me to teach
them. But that is the crazy news I need to tell you!
These past couple days have been super crazy because of all the
packing we had to do. When we woke up this morning it was pretty
emotional, we are all pretty sad. Everyone in our apartment is leaving
but one of them. They closed our area down, and it was absorbed by the
other Elders in our district. It is way crazy, yesterday we went
around saying goodbye to a lot of the ward, and just getting pictures.
I'll send the pictures in a while. I want to know your thoughts on the
whole transfer thing? I get a car! I have to drive safely, and
cautiously in New York/Connecticut. That's my zone, right between the
two! That's what some one told me!
My week has been crazy, I can't remember what happened anymore, just crazy!
I'll let you know how things are next week, until next time!

Elder Casper

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