

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year

Hello family, Happy New Year! This last week was pretty chill and
awesome, of course we had Christmas and everything. We went to a
temple missionary couples house, all 6 missionaries in our ward went
to their apartment. They are like on the 12th floor and they have a
nice little apartment. One thing they said to us is its amazing to be
a senior missionary because you get to choose your companion. I
thought that was funny, anyways they gave us all a $10 Wendy's gift
card! And they are just way to sweet, and they talked to us and asked
questions about our families and home and stuff. We were kind of mad,
people from our district went ice skating that day, even though we
weren't supposed to. But we will receive those extra blessings.
Friday we were supposed to weekly plan but we had lessons and
basketball with some Homies from Costco. And dinner oh yeah I also
split with one of the zone leaders, Elder Duvall.
Saturday was good, I got to lead the area and lead all the lessons.
Elder Duvall kind of just added input but allowed me to teach it all
and ask questions. What really stinks about Friday and Saturday is the
lack of companionship study we were able to have because of how busy
we have become. We had a wonderful APF which is an Area Proselyting
Focus, which is where we choose one of the areas of a companionships
and tract or do something amazing to get new people interested. It's
really awesome especially with the He is the Gift video initiative.
There was a funny experience we had while on the split, we were on the
bus and this guy is like talking to this girl that's in college. He is
asking all these deep questions and totally hitting on her. He said he
was 57 years old and she was just awkwardly laughing. Oh and later on
we were doing a less active look up, and we tried ringing ourselves in
but this guy came up and said I can let you in if you give me a
donation, because of things that have been going there, then he
changed his story saying he got stabbed in the jugular, and how he is
lucky to be alive, then he was finally just like I'm just messing with
you guys and let us in. It was pretty sketchy, but yeah, we walked a
ton that day... Like a mile probably.
Nothing crazy happened on Sunday but Monday was pretty cool. I used to
hate Monday's back home but now they are another day. We had our
district meeting, and Elder Gamble which is in our Zone leaves this
week, so we had our meeting and took some pictures with him, which I
will send. We were lucky enough to have dinner with our bishop and we
asked if anyone cuts hair, and turns out their is someone in our ward!
I also went on another split with Elder Raine from our district, and
we walked 3 miles that day. 20 blocks=1 mile.
We tracted on Tuesday, ran into a Hispanic lady, some girls, and an
atheist dude. They are teaching the atheist dude, which is totally
amazing. I also got to speak Spanish a bit to the Hispanic lady, just
simple phrases. The atheist dude wants to study religion. It seems
like all atheists study religion for some reason, but his name was
Emir. That was a pretty good night.
Yeah yesterday was New Year's Eve, and we had to be in by 7 and of
course our fridge decides to make our night interesting, making weird
noises. We got to call Santiago to come fix it, he is the repair man
dude person. He was talking about weird things in the bible. It was
super weird, it's cold here in New York and yesterday I wore a sweater
and long sleeve white shirt, and I was freezing during walking to
appointments and our zone APF.
Happy New Years, it was really fun talking to you family, and I will
be doing some shopping soon. We are almost done with our first cycle!
Next Wednesday is transfers! And a roommate is training in our
apartment so I won't be a baby anymore! I am so excited! Then in 6
more weeks I will have facebook, and be able to post spiritual stuff!
I'm ready!
Talk to you next week, oh yeah and New Year's Day in New York is so
empty because of all the people staying up and partying and the people
who have a hang over. Haha well peace out everyone!

Elder Casper

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