

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

Hello family and whoever is reading this, this week has been great! A
lot of crazy things have happened since the last email. We got to go
to the temple last week, that time at the temple was so amazing, first
time in New York. The lights in the city really make me feel good, I
love Christmas so this time of year really amazes me and just the
beauty is incredible. We went to century 21 right afterwards to look
for a tie, so Elder Wallace is my trainer and we call our trainers our
dads and our companion after that our mom. That's just how they do it
here, but we were looking for a matching tie, he trained another guy
in the mission and they have a matching tie so we were looking for the
same one, because it's a "family tie". It wasn't there but we are
hoping and praying for it to be there. It's like a blue paisley tie
that just looks awesome.
Thursday was fun, we have this guy we meet with named Johnny and we
meet every Thursday at the same time. He lives far from us but we just
take a bus down to Lenox and hop on a bus that takes us to Amsterdam
avenue. It takes about 20 minutes but we got to Lenox and he calls us
telling us we can't come over because the Police are evicting someone,
but we kept asking how does that affect us coming over. He just got
mad and told us next week. We were trying to find flat rate boxes but
no one had them, we were walking down Lexington and 125th which is
like 8 blocks from where we live. These people were talking to us
randomly about the weirdest things.. We would talk back but Elder
Wallace ran into someone he knew from the Bronx. Someone they were
working with, so we talked for like 20 minutes, and gave them a card
and went on our way. Went home and then did our planning for the week,
and got ready for our District Area Proselyting Focus. We went to
Saint Nicholas park and were trying to share the gift, and get people
to join in. The only problem is not that many people are out when it's
freezing outside. Anyways we ran into this guy and we were like "we
are doing an activity about Christ, would you like to do it?" He
responded with "I am Christ, can't you see the resemblance?" We just
sat there in silence for a second. We then told him to have a great
day, he responds with "I will, as I do every night, is this your
number? I will be in contact." Walks away, we were trying to not
laugh, because it was so hilarious. After he left we giggled a bit.
All of our district heard him say that. The end of the night we ran
into this guy who had paint on his face, and was smoking we then asked
him how he can keep Christ in Christmas, he then said sure and was
like "No way you're the Mormons?" We responded with yeah! How do you
know Mormons? He said rehabilitation in Utah and ran into a lot of
Mormons! So he was really interested, and he works at FAO Schwartz. He
wants to go to church and hopefully be baptized! We have actually had
like 3 investigators in the past week!
Friday we had a APF at a shopping mall wrapping gifts for free and
sharing the video to people while they wait, inviting them to church
and a lot say they will go, but we never see them. Before that we had
a lesson at the church, then we play basketball with the homies at the
church, a bunch of non members from Costco come play, we share a quick
message and then play! It is fun, and just super sweaty and smelly
too. I feel bad for people who use it after that, it's a 5 story
church building. I'll send a picture at some point! I've been getting
letters from people back home, It's amazing!
Saturday we went to a lesson and shared the "hope of gods light"
mormon message because she is having trouble quitting smoking, and she
won't do anything so we may have to drop her and her boy friend. we
had a church tour APF(this week was a big APF week because of
Christmas) and elder Wallace asked Him if he wanted some free hot
chocolate, he said no we asked if he wanted a free church tour and he
said "I want some of you" and my companion was just sitting there,
didn't know what to say.. So yeah my companion got hit on while on his
mission by another dude. That was an interesting day.
I had my first Priesthood Executive committee on Sunday, it was really
cool to ask for help to the bishop and them reaching out to our needs
as missionary, to strengthen our investigators and recent converts. I
realized how dirty this city is, all the advertisements have to be
vulgar. Never raise a family in Manhattan, just straight up.
Monday we had 5 lessons planned, and only 1 of those happened, another
was a finding event, we just showed up. But that night we were all
bummed because all other appointments fell through. My companion
wanted to go home but I was like lets tract because we are here, so a
whole floor we showed the video once, and this family was interested.
Went down a floor, first door we knocked on she opened it and told her
entire family to come hear the word of God. We shared the video, she
loved it and told us to share that with everyone, we asked her if she
knew anyone. Immediately she gave us like 3 people, asked for our
number, we got her number as well. Set up an appointment for Friday so
I am so stoked! Oh and her name is Destiny so I think that's perfect.
We shared the video 7 times and we are supposed to share it 20 times a
day.. So yeah. It's a challenge from our mission president.
Yesterday we did the gift wrapping thing again, but yesterday was
crazy, I taught my first lesson, like an entire preach my gospel
lesson! The gospel of Jesus Christ, and it went super well! Everything
we were saying we were both think and I can't wait for more lessons.
That night after the church we walked down to 125th and Lenox and it
was dark. We walked there and we just heard chanting and it was
protesters and there were riots. As soon as we saw the huge line of
them walking down with police officers everywhere, all behind them,
slowly moving behind them, the spirit just left, like you could feel
it leave. It was telling us to get out of there, so we did. Got home
safely and I'm glad we did! We have been getting mail like crazy, I
got something from grandma, and some Christmas cards from people.
I really love it here and I can't wait to continue my learning on my
mission, and I can't wait to go to the Rockefeller center today, time
square, there will be pictures to come! Look forward to that, have a
merry Christmas, love you all talk to you tomorrow!
Well I hope
to see pictures of your Christmas stuff, the decorations and stuff.
Love you!

-Elder Casper

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