

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas Is Coming He is the Gift

Dear family, 
I got those white boxes, I opened the one with the speaker in it, thanks that's an awesome gift! I love it here, this is hands down the best mission, definitely better than the south! Aha no all missions are the best, it just depends on where you are. The experiences we have had are pretty crazy, there are just tons of people and police cars always around. We seem to notice them a bit more, also we notice the police helicopters like every night. The firemen didn't seem too upset, but they thought it was serious, gas leaks kill, so it's best to figure out what it is before it's too late. 

 I'm glad I'm in New York! You should tell the ward about the "He is the Gift"  initiative that the church is doing, it's a pretty big deal, they want it "to flood the earth". They really want everyone to bring Christ back into Christmas. Hence that's the reason we have Christmas! 

Tell Brandi I'm sorry she is sick, I've been sick the whole time I've been here, and it's no fun, especially when you don't have time to rest, and you're just always out. I'll call you around 9-10 am on Christmas your time probably, so just keep an eye out for a call on the home phone, or whoever you want me to call, let me know! Thanks for those motivational words dad, I needed to hear that, it's been a hard month so far, but I am excited to completely loose myself in the work, and forget about home and focus on the people I am teaching! 

Okay so this past week has been a good week. Our mission president has been really pushing us to show the video "he is the Gift" to everyone, to make sure everyone knows. So this last Friday we got to go to Ossining New York, for a mission wide Christmas devotional. Some of the missionaries signed up for choir, so they got to sing, and the spirit was strong. We got to eat, to chill with some missionaries, and relax for the first time since I got here. It's kind of weird seeing New York upstate, because it's so nice and there are about a billion trees, it's different than the city where they plant a tree and surround it in concrete. 

We had a Area Proselyting Focus, which is where everyone in our zone got together in one area and proselyte. We gave out over 90 cups of hot chocolate and talked to a bunch of people about christ and Christmas, showed them the video. New investigators!

Nothing crazy has happened like at all, other than a new investigator! We went to this floor started tracting at and at the end of it we found this lady named Theresa, she didn't seem too interested at first, but we showed her the video, then she was super interested! Gave her a Book of Mormon and set up a return appointment. I can't wait to begin teaching her, she seems promising! 

We have just done a lot of tracting and less active look ups, today we are going to the temple, Manhattan is way nicer than Harlem, the city is so beautiful and clean compared to Harlem which is dirty and gross. I really like it here, and merry Christmas! I'll send you a message on next Wednesday! Christmas Eve! We actually go to the city the next 2 weeks, so I'll get you some pictures!

Love, Elder Casper

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