

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

One Month Into My Mission

Hey family! How are you? The splits were good, 
I split with Elder Murphy, he was in Stamford
Connecticut where the friend from BYU-I lives! We had a pretty good
time! We meet in the Harlem 128th and Lennox building, yeah I saw
Makelle (Alldredge) at the temple church building, we were helping with a stake
choir concert! She kind of just yelled my name when I walked in and I
was like "Woah hey Makelle!" I'm not really sure what ward she is in,
you could probably find out though. I am writing in my journal, every
So my week has been super eventful, first of all did you hear about
all the riots happening all over the place? We had to go in at like
7-8 pm last Thursday and Friday! Saturday was super busy, we had new
missionary orientation, we got to see a general authority. Elder
Perkins of the Seventy conducted the meeting and gave us some cool advice.
Like I need to forget myself in the work, and just go for it. After
that we had to come back so we could go to the temple, to help with
the choir concert, standing for like 4 hours straight. I was so tired
that night. When I got home I went to bed as early as possible, I was
dead tired.
Sunday was pretty cool, we came home from church and my companion
cooked Alfredo, he turned the stove top burner all the way down, and
forgot it was on. We left and went to the christmas Devotional. When
we came back the whole apartment smelled of gas and we couldn't figure
out what it was then we heard like a hissing noise... So we went to
turn off the gas, and opened all the windows. Like 10 minutes later we
heard fire trucks.. 2 fire trucks and a normal truck ended up in front
of our apartment. Came up to our door and knocked on it, all 4 of us
were standing there and we told them the story, it's funny how there
are just 4 dudes in an apartment.. It's pretty funny, we were cracking
up for a while after, then some gas people came to check our heaters,
and one of them was leaking too. So that was a fun Sunday... Only 2
weeks into New York and something crazy already happened!
Monday I had my first Zone meeting, the spirit was so strong there. We
talked about the Book of Mormon, and the He is a Gift initiative. We
combined with the South mission to share the he is a gift video to
100,000 people so 20 people a day, and so far we have failed that,
it's literally impossible (or seems impossible). We are trying our best! 
After that we went
tracting into a project building, picked a random floor and prayed
then knocked on a door and it was someone we were looking for! Like
that's a miracle, talked to them for a while, and scheduled a time we
would come back and teach him more! Also we got a new investigator,
his name was Ray Lopez, he has like 4 kids, one that's 20, and like
all of them younger than 14. Someone else lives there we want to meet
with but we asked if he would like to see a video about Christ and
christmas, he said sure and now we have a new investigator!
So feel free to send me christmas music, EFY, mormon tabernacle choir.
I really want the 2010 efy cd the one with courage to stand strong,
walking on sunlight, and stuff!
Thanks for emailing me, let me know how things are going! Love you all
-Elder Casper


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