

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Newtown Connecticut 2nd Area

Hello everyone, this week has even crazy with all the changes in my schedule. I am actually in Newtown Connecticut, that's my area. In the Yorktown zone. It's a crazy big area we cover. So Wednesday was just weird for me, there are 2 transfer meetings that go on. One is in Inwood (City) and the other in Ossining (Upstate). I had to go to both. The city one starts at 10 and afterward we have like half an hour to chill and talk to people until we leave. I got to talk to people from my MTC district and they didn't believe that I was already transferring after 1 cycle. Then the AP's take us to the upstate meeting which starts at 1. I got to talk to more of my mtc district and see how they are doing. I'm actually serving around one of them. That's where I met Elder Tancayo, he is the district leader and he only has like 11 weeks left until he goes home. We really didn't even have a pday, we did some service for the last hour and a half, then some. We have been sanding these wood floors in there home and recently we just helped them stain and poly the floors. It looks so good, too bad that's not the end.

Anyways I will go through how my week has been. One Wednesday we also had a meeting with the ward mission leader and bishop. Do you guys remember a family named the Loutensocks? They lived in Lincoln in Mariner Circle and were in the 1st ward from 2000-2002. I got to meet sister Loutensock on Sunday and she told me she remembers me when I was a little boy. She says mom and her are facebook friends. Anyways we will be having dinner at their house every Wednesday night for ward coordination. You can ask her how I'm doing if you want to :D

Thursday we helped brother Cunningham sand his floors again. Our days have been really busy with service. It's way different then the city here. Just because the people are friendly and they have service for us to do. So my roommates are Elder Richan and Elder Palakiko. Elder Tancayo and Palakiko are both from Hawaii, so I have been trying Hawaiian food which is actually unique. Elder Richan has this meal plan that actually works. There is like a strict diet and exercise that helped another guy on the mission loose 52 pounds in 16 weeks. So I am trying it and he promises me that I will see results. The only hard part of the meal plan is all the people that feed us every night. But we will see how it works. 

So there is this guy named Johnny Choi and he has a huge wear house full of diaper bags and we help him weekly and what he does in return is takes us out to wherever we want. And he pays for us. He is an extremely cool dude! He loves having the missionaries over and loves taking us out. Our stake President here has been wanting us missionaries to get into members home and talk about these tools we have as missionaries called "lightening rounds". These rounds are simplified versions of the lessons we teach as missionaries kind of like an elevator pitch. He wants them to know these and to use them just so everyone knows the doctrine behind them. He wants us to visit every quorum and organizations in our ward and show everyone how cool we are. So they want to be missionaries and start growing their testimonies. 
It is honestly super cool to see the ward work together to try to get us in every place and just be super effective about it. Bishop told us that we will probably be giving a talk soon too, he wants us involved in EVERYTHING! 

There is this family named the Knibbe family which is pronounced Ka-nibbe. Their son served in the California Roseville mission which totally made my day. He was in Lincoln for a bit, in the Spanish branch. He finished his mission in 2007 so it has been awhile, I was barely 12 when he served so I have no clue. I love hearing about people that served where I live because no one knows where Lincoln California is and when they did I am super shocked. I truly have been sent here for a reason and not to just get transferred randomly. Heavenly Father has been a true influence. 

We do so much random acts of service, just when people aren't expecting it we shovel the entire complex, or a pathway in front of a house just to be super nice. You don't ask to do something kind for someone as a missionary. It's such a good feeling to do service for people. I love it so much, when ye are in the service of your fellow being, ye are only in the service of your God. (Mosiah 2:17) True story. 

That is something that the youth need to know, that serve whole heartily and love who you serve. Service is not a burden it is truly a blessing. You don't know what people are going through, so if you serve.. You were sent there for a reason to help that person. If you have an impression to serve, just do it. You will be blessed, and I promise you that. Our mission ️President encourages us to do as much service as possible because that shows love and it helps people. Just like we are supposed to be doing. See that ye serve with all your heart, might, mind and strength. Just as D&C 4:2 says. 

On Sunday we got to stand outside the chapel and say hello to everyone entering with big smiles and being cheerful. I try to say hello to everyone entering the chapel. To introduce myself so people can get to know me slightly better. It's truly a wonderful feeling to be happy where you are and to feel the spirt with you is just amazing. 

Honestly I want to bear my testimony on the importance of preach my gospel. Everything in there is truly revelation from God, and is here to help us as Latter Day Saints. Even if you don't want to go on a mission please study it and get familiar with it because everything in there helps you become better. I've been reading about Christlike attributes and I am trying to work on all of the attributes I can because that's how I can be successful as a missionary. I challenge everyone who is reading this to learn preach my gospel. To study it daily along with the scriptures because they go hand in hand together. I have to study and read it daily to help me progress on my mission. Like a speaker at the mtc says "fill the suit".

So we do car fasts every week, so at that time we walk around the town of bethel, which we usually do on the day of our weekly planning or possibly Friday. Johnny will pick us up and drop us off, usually our day is pretty much done afterwards. Last time he took them to the Cheesecake Factory, and they got whatever looks good to them. 

Speed bumps here are called speed humps, like who came up with that idea? Like what?

Until next time

Elder Casper

Ps. Whenever the new 2015 EFY comes out I kind of want it. I actually would like all of the newer ones. It would be so awesome! And thanks for all the support while I'm on my mission! :D

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