

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Asian Splits

Dear Everyone,
Hey everyone this week has been a slow week.I
only have 2 weeks left of this transfer and then I have been out 4 1/2 
months and that is crazy to me.
Last Wednesday I went to the temple with the 
New York New York North Mission.
Saturday we helped move 2 people from the Danbury elders ward. They
are less active but all 6 of us elders went hard and it went quick. We
made a huge assembly line and and got all the boxes in the apartment
put in the truck really quick. This lady has like 3 floors full of
boxes and they are all written on in Portuguese so the Portuguese
elders and the lady knew what they said but no one
else. It was really fun, and the other move was up in the 8th floor
and we had the elevator, it took forever to do that but eventually we
got full control of the elevator. That made it so no one could access
the elevator but us, and that was super nice in the moving
process. The day we choose to
help move it rains all day.. So whatever.
On Monday we played billiards with this families kids and I got last place
and elder Tancayo got 2nd, but we have some pictures of that as well.
Nothing happened all the way until Tuesday, it has been a more boring week.
We have done a lot of look ups but this week we need to go way hard
and tract and make the best use of all the time we have. Tuesday I
went on a split with Elder Leung, in our area. We had apartment
inspections which Elder and Sister Lotz came up with dunkin donuts.
They looked at our apartment, luckily we cleaned that apartment good.
I guess we need to clean better in the kitchen areas though. Had a good day
introducing elder Leung to all the Asians in our ward (2 member
families). We taught 5 lessons, and tracked for an hour, and Elder
Leung taught me to always leave something, like a restoration pamphlet
and a card. We went to Johnny first and we read the Book of Mormon
with him and showed how the Book of Mormon answers those questions of
the soul. And also talked about church and hopefully he will come this
Sunday. We had lunch afterwards and we tracted from 2-3 and found some
success, this guy we found wasn't too interested but he has a friend
that is looking for something in his life. We got his number and
hopefully we will be able to teach him. 

One thing I need to work
better on is using time more wisely, like if we have time and not
doing anything before an appointment. We could go tract and plant
seeds for someone else to harvest. Make the best of every moment.
We had a couple less active lessons afterwards, the only reason they
are less active is because they are a little more aged and can't make
it to church. Had a dinner and then a desert appointment. We had a
good day and were really dedicated.
Something funny that happened while we were tracting is we knocked on
this door and this guy answered and said "nows not a good time" we
then asked "when is a better time?" And the guy responds "never". So
we were like out of 24 hours no time was good. We laughed after we
heard that. It was a good day.
That's all that happened this week, today we have a nerf dart war with
PVC pipe blow guns.
It's getting to that point where I will be buying short sleeve shirts.
Sometime in the near future. We have a mall here with all the stores
we have, also Costco.
So I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Elder Domenick Casper

New York New York North Mission

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