

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Last Days with Elder Tancayo

Hello to all!
This week has been interesting, we had a temple trip on Saturday and
Elder Tancayo is at the temple with the missionaries going home at the
end of this transfer. I am on a Trio split with Elder Richan and
Leung. We are having a good day but it's hard to be in a trio. It's
really inconvenient to have to do everything they need to do when I
don't need to do those things. Anyways now I'll talk about the week.
Last Wednesday after our nerf dart activity we went to a lesson with a
less active and she was going to take us out to dinner. Elder Tancayo
had a super bad head ache and he told her upfront and she gives him
Asprin and tells us we will reschedule. You know he is sick if he
wants to go home instead of eat food. We went home early and he slept
all through the night. He was out.
Thursday we weekly planned and had dinner at our Bishops house. He
started the Harlem branch which is the same ward that I served in
while I was there. That was super cool to know, he also started the
China town branch which is the ward Elder Leung has been in his whole
mission. It is cool how the Lord really understands and knows where we
need to be, even though sometimes it may not feel like we belong.
Friday was of course a snow day so we still went and did things. We
went to these less active members for lunch. They fed us some beef
stroganoff and white rice with this yellow sauce and chicken and it
was so good. For desert we had dulce de leche (which is sweetened
condensed milk that has been submerged in boiling water for 2 hours).
We put white cheese, the dulce de leche right on top of it. Pineapple
on the side or on top. It was super delicious and they are awesome.
They are a Brazilian family. We had lookups for "the month of rescue"
which is the month we reach out to everyone in our ward. Of course it
snowed all day and then into the next morning.
Saturday was the temple trip that I said we went on. Usually we can
only go to the temple on Pday, but Elder Tancayo asked the APs if we
could go. The trip was from a reactivated member who was receiving her
endowments. So we left at 7:30, got to the city at 9:30 and the
session didn't start until 11. The bishop of their ward paid for us
missionaries to eat. (His old bishop). We walked through Times Square
afterwards and got pictures. One thing I really dislike about the city
in the summer time is their is temptation everywhere. Seriously
walking through the city, everywhere you look there is people wearing
no clothes. It is so dumb and I feel bad for missionaries serving in
the city. It does not make me want to serve in the city in the
summer time.
Sunday we had church and lunch with a super inactive part member
family. The dad loves missionaries but doesn't want to ever come to
church again. We had a wonderful lunch and he took us for a ride in
his 2012 Chevy Volt. That thing goes fast and it is pretty cool to get
a ride. The only thing you can hear when riding in it is the road, no
sounds at all. It regenerates power when you slow down and charges it.
It would be a pretty good investment at one point.
Monday was district meeting and we went to banana Brazil and I had
quite of bit chicken hearts. They are pretty good and all the meat we
had was good but just way salty. It was for Elder Tancayo and we had a
good time.
Tuesday Elder Tancayo had his exit interview, so we went to Scarsdale
and I got to sit there and talk to office people.
So tonight there is a possibility that I may get a call from President
to let me know that I am training. President told elder Tancayo that
"I will be getting a new companion" but of course I am because Tank is
dying this cycle. I will let you know next week, and next week is
Transfers so hopefully it will be a big email to you next week.
The work is going good and I am giving my all, hope you are all having
a great time. That is everything for this last week, talk to you all

Elder Domenick Casper

Hey Dad,

It has been cold and snowing and the dumb part is that it's spring, you're right it shouldn't be like this. I hope you have fun in Nashville and I hope you both feel good and have a wonderful trip together. You may not want to leave Brandi home alone, I'm not sure you can trust her to keep the house in proper working order. Haha just kidding.

The work has been going good, just a bit more tough because Elder Tancayo is going home but that's all good. I work out every morning and get huge, but I don't work out to get big, only to feel good about myself and concentrate on the work. I love working out. 

Thanks for sending me something, I really appreciate all you do for me :). We have an investigator named Darwin we have been teaching and so far he is following all the commitments we invited him to do. My studies have been intense. I am cross referencing all the lesson scriptures to the footnote scriptures. So at the end of each section in the PMG lessons, there are scriptures. I go through the scriptures and look at the footnotes and then cross reference them. It really has made me think more about the bible and how it connects to the Book of Mormon. I'm doing good here, no favorite scriptures at the moment. The ward here is an amazing ward, and I want to continue serving here. 

Elder Domenick Casper

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