

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Ward Conference

Dear all who has come to read this,
How is everything? So this week has been a weird kind of trunky week
with Elder Tancayo coming to the end of his mission and I found who my
new companion will be last Saturday. I will talk about everything
later on.
Last Wednesday was a lot of driving to the mission home to drop Tank
off and then do the trio split thing, but that night was just
finishing our planning and then he slept because he was dead tired.
Thursday we got a hair cut and mine looks great. We went to this
member in the Spanish Branch and she cuts our hair for free all she
wants is for us to help her clean things. Her name is Mayera and she
cuts hair really quick, within minutes. My hair was exactly how I
wanted it and I can actually spike it again. It took her assistant an
hour to do my hair but then Mayera came over and just finished it
super quick and gave me a fresh look. We went home afterwards to
shower and plan. That night a less active took us to Buffalo Wild
Wings and told us to get whatever so we did. Afterwards we went to
Cold Stone Creamery and got some delicious ice cream. If you listen to
the people around you, you hear interesting things. People really do
see us, and we stand out as missionaries. Even though they may not
know what the means. It was pretty cool.
We have been doing this Month of Rescue thing in our Ward so we have
been busy looking up all the less actives and staying busy. We have
seen success because of it and we have loved the feeling of being
Saturday we got our shot calls, which is what is happening in our
zone. Most importantly with us. So of course Elder Tancayo but we have
been joking that he is opening a new area on Molokai Hawaii, looking
for that 10 cow wife, his eternal companion. But he will have a good
time at home. I am getting an Elder Neuerburg who is my Trainers
trainer. And he has 6 weeks left so I am killing yet another
missionary. It's funny that he is going to be my new companion. Before
we got calls I was wondering what it would be like to kill my
"grandpa" in the mission and sure enough. I heard he really goes hard
and loves missionary work so it should be fun. I'm taking over the
area and I know that it will be a fun 6 weeks but I'm going to be so
Sunday was my FIRST Ward conference in the mission and Our Bishop
spoke, then Elder Tancayo bore his farewell testimony, and then
President Checketts then spoke to us. It was on how we can build Zion
and it was super amazing. I got a picture with President Checketts. I
guess he used to own Madison square garden. He is an amazing Stake
These past couple days have been a little slow because of Elder
Tancayo packing and freaking out because he is going home. There are a
lot of thoughts that have been flowing through my mind and really
making me homesick but I have been trying to keep my mind off Elder
Tancayo. We have had a lot of fun while driving together. We have been
bonding so much more and we love being around each other. Now he is
going home so it is bumming. Anyways Transfer meeting is today so I
will let you know how things are going next week.
I love you all, remember the lord in all that you do. Check out the website, the video is now up and it is an inspiring

Elder Domenick Casper

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