

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Great Week

Hello to everyone who is interested in my week,
How is everything? There is not much to say about this week. We have
been tracting still, at least 1 door a day and on Monday we knocked on
this door and told this guy who we are are what we do. We asked if we
could share a video. He says "yeah, let's see it" so we showed him.
Gave him a Book of Mormon and it was great! He was interested but he
was busy. We will probably go back and see him soon.
Our progressing investigator Darwin is doing good, but has been really
busy and hasn't been able to meet with us lately. He is the closest to
baptism. The 2 new investigators we got haven't been free to meet and
have been really sick so we will be meeting with them soon. Yesterday
I went on another split with Elder Leung and we got 2 member present
lessons which was dope. We tracted yesterday and we knocked this door
and this guy who is tall looks through the window above the door at
us. He opens the door and says "no" and shuts the door. That was
pretty funny. We got a new investigator yesterday, a part member
family where the girlfriend is a member and the boyfriend is not. He
was interested in learning more so we will teach him.
We are hoping to see many more miracles as long as we show God we are
willing to do the Hard work. We really want this area to become strong
and have a strong teaching pool. We have been using our time more
wisely and seeing blessings because of it. I need to get better at
contacting and tracting so if I train I can do a lot of it with him.
One thing that has been cool this week is I've lost 10 pounds in 7
days. I'm back on the meal plan and I'm excited to start dropping
weight. I've been so stocked to go do missionary work ever since I've
been losing weight. Hopefully by Mother's Day when we skype, you can
see a difference in how I look! I'll be skyping you in one month! :)
I've been waiting to buy short sleeve shirts until I am smaller so I
don't waste any money. I love you mom and dad, thanks for being
supportive of me to go on a mission. Thanks for giving me that push
and really allows me to make my own decision. I love you all and hope
you the best of week! :)

Elder Domenick Casper

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