

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Fun Days

Hello to the world!
Sorry this email is going out so late, I've had a long day in
Manhattan but a really fun one! I'll get to that later though!
This last Thursday we went to a members house for dinner and we got to
hear a lot of funny mission stories, and it made me think about some
of the funny experiences I've had. We really love eating at members
houses. One of the Kids he had was talking about his older brother. He
said "Tyler likes Care Bears... That's a baby show". Keep in mind the
oldest kid is 9 and the second oldest is 8. It made us laugh for a
good while, one of the funny experiences I've had.
I also got a hair cut recently, I got a 2 on sides and she cut the top
of my head and members keep complimenting me, but I think it looks
nice. Even if it doesn't. We did service on Saturday with the Danbury
Elders and it was fun, we got to work in the outdoors and get a nice
little tan... More like a burn.  Anyways a tick landed on my arm, but
I saw it and flicked it away. I don't have time to deal with a tick.
We have been getting opportunities to do service lately, from
missionaries in our district and I've been excited. The weather has
been nice lately and we have been able to render service to anyone we
see. I love doing service, it's one of my favorite things about being
a missionary, teaching is still one of those things that I'm not super
good at and its something that I want to improve.
Yesterday we were able to teach a group of 11 people at a local
community church, we were able to share what we believe and they
pretty much bible bashed us. A couple of the people were interested,
so that will hopefully be promising.
Today has been a good day and a long one. I made one mistake today by
not bringing any water. We were supposed to leave at 6 this morning
and get to South Ferry at 8 but we ended up getting there around 11.
It was so fun to be on Liberty Island and see the Statue and get
beautiful pictures of Manhattan and of the surrounding areas like
Brooklyn and New Jersey. We went to liberty island and I got a lot of
pictures, and there was a huge spider on my shirt collar and I didn't
see it but someone came up to me and flicked it off, and it was super
close to my neck. That freaked me out. Anyways we decided to not go to
Ellis island because we were starving and thirsty and we didn't feel
like walking around a museum. We got back to shore and walked for a
good 45 minutes to the Brooklyn bridge and went to the halfway point
(where the north and south missions boundaries are). Got pictures,
went to china town for some Chinatown buns, for like .90 cents a
piece. Then to century 21 and we got a unity tie. We met this guy
named Matthew who is from queens who just got off his mission from
Bakersfield California. He talked to us for a bit and then asked if we
have eaten yet, and we told him we have a dinner tonight. He was
totally going to offer to take us out. People in our mission are so
dope. I have some pictures to send, well a lot but I will only be able

to send you some today! I want to send them all!

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