

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Many Miracles

Hello to anyone reading this email,
I hope everything is going to well back home and everyone is safe. So
on Monday our Zone leaders told everyone that we are meeting together
as a zone so they can tell us a special announcement. President Morgan
has announced that every companionship needs to spend 3 hours of their
day finding people. The numbers in our mission are too low, so we need
to find more people to teach and have a big teaching pool!
Missionaries find people to teach and then teach that person and stop
finding, but we always need to have people to teach so we don't have
to keep repeating the process of finding. If we are continuously
finding then we will always have someone to teach. I have seen
blessings come from these 2 days where we spend hours of our day
tracting. There is always someone to teach, someone we can reach out
to and teach them. Everyday we have done this we have found a person
to teach and the mission is going to explode with baptisms and people
to teach and we are excited!
Saturday we went Service tracting. We saw this older lady doing some
gardening and we offered service to her and she accepted. We planted
10 trees, and The gardening that I have done before my mission has
helped me do better planting. She was asking us questions about our
church while we were doing service. We finished and she offered us
water and we shared the he lives video with her and she is interested.
Her boyfriend offered to buy us pizza, and we never turn down free
food. We taught them and they are interested in learning more. They
are in their 60s and not married and living together so this will be
fun! :) that was super successful!
I went on with 2 splits within a week, wither Elder Leung again, and
Elder Whittaker. I have learned a lot from them and I had a wonderful
time with them. We tracted a lot together and we didn't see much
success but there are a lot of people who are friendly towards us and
thinks what we do is nice and good for everyone to hear.
Yesterday we ran into some Jehovah witnesses and one of the guys sees
us and says "it looks like Mormons" and we are like "Yeah how are you
sir?" He tells us that when he was in Germany he would buy the
missionaries 7 UPs because they were American. We thought that was
dope. He left the military to be a Jehovah's Witness. They are nice
and we respect each other for what we do, we don't dis each other.
They know a lot of Mormons and are great friends. It was a cool
We offered service to this guy yesterday and he tells us that he is
Hindu, tells us about his religion. He showed us his Hindu temple in
his house and it was a cool experience! We gave him a B.O.M. And
invited him to read it. He wants to hear what we believe. There has
been a lot of cool experiences. Without the guidance of our Heavenly
Father we wouldn't be able to find these people who he has prepared
for the gospel. Prayer is an important aspect of missionary work, and
talking with EVERYONE! It is a lot different to find people upstate
compared to the city. In the city we talk with everyone, here we tract
for days.
There hasn't been too many interesting things going on, I am letting
Elder Neuerburg drive now, I am bored of it and I want to be able to
relax a bit in the car. I am excited to teach more people and have
more fun here and really feel the need for the gospel in these
people's lives. I am excited to skype with you guys on Mother's Day, I
really love each and every one of you. I hope you have a blessed week!
Remember what Christ has done for us, read the Book of Mormon and pray
about it. Ponder everything you read and you will find your answer.

Elder Domenick Casper

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