

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Zone Conference & Temple

Hola to anyone who knows Spanish, otherwise hello and welcome to
another weekly email,

Lately missionary work has been a little slow in this area, all these
meetings we have been having have made us not be able to do as much
missionary work, but still it has been a good week. And now I'll go
into that.

Last Thursday we had our weekly planning but the main highlight of
that day was going to the Loutensocks. School was canceled for a lot
of people because of the snow that we received. No one wants the snow so
wish it would just leave. We did some service in the morning and then weekly
planning. Going to the Loutensocks was fun, we got there and brother
Loutensock was shoveling his roof off because the ice dams that cause
leaking in the house. So we got to be outside playing in the snow with
all their kids and do some sledding and just have a good time. We
really had a great time with their family and they are an amazing

Friday I went on a split with Elder Encarnación who is my zone leader.
We really had a good time and it made me really think about what I can
do better as a missionary and ways to better become a consecrated
missionary. It was a good day and a good split, and he says I am
really good at being a missionary. We taught an investigator and I
invited him to be baptized and if he feels right about it then he says
he will be baptized.

Saturday was another slow day, visited one person, we had planned like
3 or 4 visits but because of the weather and this person we went to talks a lot and she
told us to go get food and gave us money. We went home and ate, and
after we ate one of our members called us offering us an ENTIRE pizza.
It was huge, like way big and we shared with our apartment because
they didn't have dinner. It turns out they turned down some free
pizzas and other stuff, and blessings came because of it. That night
is when we started cleaning our iPads off because we got a text from
our ZL's to clean our iPads off because we will be getting new ones.
That really excited me, because I love technology.

Sunday was the day where we got the most people talking to us at
church on my whole mission. We got asked to teach elders quorum, to
help give a blessing, to find people for other people. Every time we
get asked to teach elders quorum, our church has canceled. We did end
up teaching, and it went great and it was on repentance, it turned out
great. I gave my second blessing, well the anointing and that made me
happy. We got fed 2 times for lunch and dinner. People in our ward are
awesome, and they really love us missionaries and take care of us.

Monday wasn't too interesting but Tuesday was Zone Conference and it
was way cool, we had car inspections so we got our car clean just to
get dirty again but just for inspections it needs to be cleaned. A lot
of yesterday was a meeting and talking about a new initiative we were
doing. It is called "Because He Lives" and if you remember the because
of him video it is similar to that, you can go to the website at
This initiative is amazing and the video will inspire you, I will let
you know when the video comes out. You will love it. It will be a
series of videos from March 28th onward for a while and that will help
us as missionaries. It will be a finding tool and a teaching tool, to
invite people to learn about Jesus Christ.

Elder Reyne writes it correct, it has been below zero, and luckily I think we are out of the coldness upstate, it's been in the 40s lately. Anyways I hope California gets hit with some moisture so you can live without a drought again. I think we are getting all the moisture that you need, wish I could give all the rain and snow to California.
Alma 5 is a really good chapter, I really hope I will be able to teach more than shovel but we will see how the weather is.
When I started I had a little extra weight from before I came out, when I ate all that fast food. But I've just been working out and losing weight, I've lost probably about 5 pounds. It very hard to lose weight because we get fed daily, and sometimes 2 times a day..  So we will see.
We got our iPads yesterday and they are the 2nd generation iPads and they have 32 gbs. They are way fast compared to our last iPad even though it was only the first generation. But this iPad is mine, so if I lose it or break it then I have to buy a whole new iPad. Just don't lose or break it, that easy.
That's cool how you went to the temple last night, I'm going today! My recommend holder is making the recommend pretty bad and I might need a new one, it's in my wallet which isn't the best place for it  because I'm always sitting on it. I'll probably just get one of those plastic holders at the temple and then clean the current one I have.
My companion goes home on April 1st, so he is almost at that point where he is home. That's when transfers is as well, 2 days before my birthday.

I don't
have any more to say!  Anyways love
you all! Peace out.

Elder Domenick Casper
New York New York North Mission

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