

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Deliveries and Much More

Hello to all people, 
This week has been way crazy and there is only
more craziness to come.

Friday was busy because we did the entire city delivery and the
upstate delivery. I drove the entire time.. We literally drove for 12
hours plus and by we I mean I. Luckily our city route was easier
because we dropped off all of Chinatowns mail at the Harlem Chapel,
and we dropped off all of south manhattans mail off at the temple and
the 87th street chapel. It's super crazy but we got back to the
mission office in good time to get all of upstate in the the van and
to start our route to Ossining, then to Newburgh, then to Poughkeepsie
and last but not least Stamford, but we really went to the new Canaan
chapel. It was crazy but we then had to go to Ossining to get some
bedding that was left from transfers, then to the mission office to
pick up a phone we had to bring to Olmstead, then we got to Olmstead
at 9, dropped it off and got back home at 9:25. It was fun. Driving in
the city in the dark! It was fantastic.

Saturday we helped with some service. We continued to paint this house
that we didn't finish last time. We only had about an hour and then we
had to quickly change and go to the mission office to pick up the mail
because no one would be there to pick it up. We had an APF with hot
chocolate and sharing the video a savior is born and a world without a
savior. We had a good time. We helped set up for the ward Christmas
party which was a lot of fun.. Yummy food for sure. We also helped
clean up and they gave us a ton of the left over food. No one else
wanted it, not even the APs, so we had this genius idea to drop it off
to the APs when they were walking home.. So that's exactly what we
did. We drove over and we left it on their counter and took the stairs
down from the 25th floor. It was the greatest prank ever.

Sunday we had a great sacrament meeting. All the youth spoke about
Christmas time. The spirit was way strong. Church was good though.
After church we headed home and ate, then did our companion study and
our weekly planning. Then we went to one of our members, brother
Jenson and he's the 1st counselor in the bishopric and we had this
genius idea to carol to him. So we did that and sang the first Noel,
and silent night. He had a genius idea to have all us missionaries in
our ward sing before church started to get people to stay reverent and
help them sit down early. He told us that we look good with tire
tracks on us, because we threw ourselves under the bus. Brother Jenson
is the coolest and he is so funny. He loves us missionaries and he is
definitely a great member. We looked up a referral afterwards named
Dan. He asked for a bible and we went to his door and knocked. He
answered and he was so excited! He did a fist bump in the air for it.
We talked about the Book of Mormon and he is interested in learning
more. The thought came to mind afterwards that he will be baptized.
Maybe sooner than later. I love that! The spirit was strong.

Monday we had staff meeting again, and we were told all the meetings
we will need to help with. There is a ton of stuff we will be doing
this week and next week. I'm excited. We had district meeting about
the inspired teaching pattern and how we can be better missionaries.
It was super awesome. Afterwards we got some Chinese food which was
delicious. Elder Burton and Beardall had to get certified to drive the
big ford Van. So 2 and a half hours later they finally finished and we
went to fill orders. We went to our investigators house and help them
decorate their Christmas tree. They also fed us some summer sausage
and crackers and cheese, fancy cheese. I really want to go buy one of
those huge summer sausages. I think I may, we have Costco. Haha.

Tuesday we did city deliveries again! And had interviews with
President.. It's pretty sweet. We went to the office to grab some
things, and drop some things off. We went to see our investigator
Ayden.. He is definitely hard to teach but elder Burton had the
glorious idea to introduce him to to Studio C. Ayden always tries to
show us videos and we thought it would be good for him to be
influenced that way. He will one day be ready,

I'm so grateful for this gospel. I know that Jesus Christ lives and
that through him we can all be happy. I know that he was born and
that's why we celebrate Christmas. I hope everyone has a great week
and I'll talk to you next Wednesday! 

1. Elder Dutson and I with mail
2. Mail for the city in our van.
3. Quote from the polar express.
4. The mail room.
5. Christmas tree picture.
6. City deliveries.

Merry Christmas!

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