

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A Day of Urgency! Happy Easter!

Hello, what's up with y'all? This week has been epic and we worked so
hard. I love that feeling when you put forth all the effort and serve
Jesus Christ. What a beautiful week! It will now be my pleasure to
talk about what has happened over this past week.

Thursday we had coordination with Michael, and it's good to see him
again because he was in Washington for a while but he is back now! We
did weekly planning and then were asked by the zone leaders to go to
the church and wait for the office elders, so we waited and they
didn't show up until an hour later.. Yeah. We got some more initiative
cards though which were useful, 150 cards per English companionship.
It was seriously super nice to get some more cards. We went and looked
up a media referral named Yenice Rosado and she is so prepared. She
wanted a Book of Mormon. We showed her the hallelujah video and she
asked if she could share that video and we gave her a card. She wants
to learn more and so does her family. So we are going back this week

Friday was "A Day of Urgency" just like the title of this email. It
was a day in which as a zone we would reach the standard of
excellence, so 3 new investigators for each companionship. It was a
little harder because we had 12 week as well as lunch immediately so
we didn't get out of the house until 12 but we went straight to a
project building to tract and I have strong testimony of project
tracting. Of course as we were on our way there it started raining
hardcore, our faith was too strong for Satan to influence us. The rain
stopped. We knocked so many doors and talked to so many people and
shared the hallelujah video. A lot of them were interested and we
taught 6 people in that building and got 2 new investigators in the 3
hours it took to knock 63 doors. You never know what to expect on the
other side of that door. We talked to this lady who calls herself
"ghetto mama", who wasn't wearing a shirt in particular, just a jacket
that she was holding over herself. Like what are you doing woman? Put
some clothes on! We are two 20 year old young men who don't want to
see any of that. Seriously. She also told us that it's getting warm
outside so we need to duck.. Like what?! Anyways that was one of those
interesting experiences you have while on your mission. We also talked
to this lady named Shila who wants to bring the Book of Mormon to her
pastor for him to check it out.. Haha. We were walking around the
corner and this lady sees us and she waits for us. She asks us where
we were from and we told her "California and Idaho" she sees
missionaries at her job all the time. We shared the hallelujah video
and she cried! Yes!! Its not good to see a lady cry, but when they cry
because the spirit, it's like the best cry out there. She thought of a
friend who recently passed away and she was so grateful to see that
video. She goes to Times Square church.. A lot of people go there
here. Why go down to a church in Manhattan when you can just stay in
the Bronx and have a better experience? Blessings for days! Later that
night we tracted and met this guy named Gabriel who wanted to watch
the video. He's in his 20's for sure and he asked if he could grab a
cigarette. He loved the video. We talked to him for 30 minutes and he
loves spiritual stuff, he was awesome but as we walked away we
realized we forgot to set up a return visit. We texted him asking if
we could come back in a week and he told us yeah. We got our 3rd
investigator 5 minutes before 9. It was such a blessing. We prayed so
much for us to be able to reach that goal, and Heavenly Father does
answer prayers. We taught 11 lessons in total.. It was seriously a
great day, I knew I did everything for Jesus Christ. It was a great
night sleep for sure.

Saturday was pretty sweet too. We met with our less active who lives
in Inwood but is in a care center in our area, his name is Francis.
His life is changing and he says it's because of his bishop and us.
The spirit is strong and he called us good Samaritans for him. I love
him. I got pretty emotional while we were talking to him. I didn't cry
but I love him a lot. We did an area Proselyting focus at the
metropolitan oval and it was cool. We talked to so many people who
were prepared and we reminded them about the importance of church. A
lot of them said they would come to church. We talked to this guy who
lives in New Jersey too, but it's not as cool as New York. We shared
the hallelujah 4 times in English and 1 time in Spanish. Gave out 4
copies of the Book of Mormon and got 4 peoples contact info. It was
super successful and we talked to some crazy people. It was good. We
looked up potential and less actives the rest of the night.

Sunday was awesome, it was Easter Sunday. There were quite a few
people there. Church was great though. We taught elders quorum about
the first presidency message in Aprils ensign. It talks about how we
need to be prepared for general conference. So start preparing, write
questions down you are having and pray about them. General conference
is a great time to have your questions answered! We didn't have anyone
sign up for us to eat for Easter dinner. That was the first time on my
mission but it is my last Easter and I don't have any other big
holidays really. It's pretty weird. We did stop by the Danquahs and we
woke up brother Danquah but he is super awesome. I love him and he
gave us these big glasses full of apple cider. That was good. We
brought the sacrament to sister Johnson and then went back to around
our apartment and saw Sister Boothe and Zahil. We shared the Easter
videos with them, Hallelujah and Follow him. Sister Boothe wants to
feed us in a couple weeks.

Monday was fun too. We had a good district meeting, we talked about
our goals and actuals and how we can be more accountable and we had a
great idea. We are gonna be having a ward activity that we are working
on. We will talk more about that. And we need to figure out how to get
the ward council involved. We were super pumped. We need the people in
this ward to become more active and involved. We saw a few people
later and met this guy named John Williams (who told us to come back
last Friday when we knocked into him), he let us right in and we
shared the beginning of the restoration. He has a lot of other beliefs
but he used to meet with missionaries. We are for sure going back. We
split with a Elder Newbold and Elder Davis. I went with Elder Newbold
in his area. We set a goal to hand out 78 hallelujah cards on Tuesday.

Tuesday was awesome. We walked around and gave cards to as many people
as we could. We went back and forth because we had to get mail as
well. We did so much finding and tracting. We ran into this lady named
Ada who used to meet with missionaries too. And we talked to another
girl wasn't wearing anything but a bra. Dude people, do you even know
how to wear shirts? It's not a hard concept.. She watched the video
though and yeah we left after. She didn't seem interested at all
either. We went down to the bottom of hunts point and got some sweet
pictures and talked to so many people too. We met this guy who was
wearing an Oakland Raiders hat and we had a good conversation and
shared the hallelujah video with him. He told us that there must be a
reason we crossed paths. We ended up giving 84 cards to people.. We
were blessed by Heavenly Father for sure. He is a great guy and since
we are from the same area. Wilton and Lincoln California, Elder
Newbold is awesome and we have so much fun talking about random things
and we start cracking up about random things. I love him, he's a good

Here is a scripture which fits perfectly for general conference:
"Therefore, go ye unto your homes, and ponder upon the things which I
have said, and ask of the Father, in my name, that ye may understand,
and prepare your minds for the morrow, and I come unto you again."
3 Nephi 17:3. Prepare your minds for the morrow, prepare for conference.
It's really soon so start preparing. Oh I'm in the Book of Mormon in
the Book of Mormon! It's awesome. I'll be finishing the book within a
couple weeks. I love the Book of Mormon and I hope you do too!

Much love from the man above.

Elder Casper

1. Elder Clark and I at the APF with our sign.
2. Port Morris in Hunts Point.
3. Me and Manhattan.
4. For some reason I look super short in this picture.
5. A panorama of our area.
I also got a sweet Facebook cover photo, check it out! I love New York!

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