

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Power of the Priesthood

Hello everyone, straight off the bat I want to tell you of a miracle
with the priesthood, I was on a split with Elder Sanford, our zone
leader and I was in his area. We went to see this guy named Gabe who
told us that he feels spirits and he is being touched by these
spirits. Anyways we try to teach him the restoration and he starts
flipping out and telling us how he is being possessed or something and
he couldn't focus, so elder Sanford asks him if we can give a
blessing, but that we need to go somewhere more private. He did not
want us going into his house. He was freaking out so we told him we
would give him a blessing right there in the middle of the courtyard.
The blessings was quick, direct, and it helped him. On Monday night
elder Sanford calls and tells me that Gabe is normal and he was having
a good time and that the blessing helped a lot. I am grateful that I
am able to hold that priesthood that Jesus Christ held and that I can
bless people. It's been so helpful in my life! Also I am grateful that
I'm not from Utah because I was asked if I was from Utah like a ton of
times and I'm grateful to be able to say "No! I'm from California" and
that always catches them off guard because every Mormon is from Utah
right! Ha wrong!

Thursday we did weekly planning and taught Jose Buco, he did a Nu Skin
presentation for me, and showed us these videos and yeah 45 minutes
later we taught him the restoration in a simplified manner and it made
sense to him but we aren't sure how genuine he really is in learning
but it feels like he just wants us to join Nu Skin.. Haha he did come
and are a baptism and he came to church on Sunday. He is progressing,
but we will see.

Friday we went and did an APF at Madison Square Park with elder
Stevens and Essler(my MTC companion). People talked to us there and we
had this board that said Be Happy and then had a quote about how God
wants us to be happy, anyways this drunk homeless Vet comes over to us
and his grape beer was spilling all over the board and he was talking
to us and eventually he asked us to tell us what was in 1 Samuel, so
elder Stevens quotes the primary song about following the prophet
about Samuel the Lamanite. Anyways regardless I got some beer on me..
And the board was soaked.. Yeah, it was pretty bad. Afterwards we
split with the Zone leaders, yay! First I want to say the I love elder
Sanford, he is from San Diego and is very good at missionary work, i
always learn a lot from him. We saw Gabe as well as had Chipotle for
dinner with a member. We taught an investigator at that dinner and her
name is Tanya. She is really cool, we taught her the first half of the
plan of salvation, she really enjoyed it. That was probably like the
5th or 6th time I've ever taught the plan of salvation on my mission,
we usually will talk about it sometimes when we contact but it's a
less frequent lesson. We don't teach it much, just because lack of
investigators. It was a super good lesson though and it cleared a lot
up with Tanya. We talked to this guy on the way back who would want to
read the Book of Mormon. And also talked to this guy who met with
missionaries from New Jersey but then moved to New York! He will be
taught again! We wouldn't have found him if elder Sanford didn't think
to go an unusual way home.

Saturday we had a great opportunity to try to do some service, but
that didn't work because they needed us there longer than we could
have done it. So we talked to this guy who is super optimistic, he had
a 22cm tumor removed from near his heart. It was 10 pounds and was a
bowling ball. It was crazy. He showed us a picture and everything.
Crazy. We had coordination with their ward mission leader Hiro who is
Asian. He is super awesome. We then Unsplit. Had a cool APF in
Columbus circle, talked to a member from Idaho and Arizona. The one
from Idaho lived in Rigby Idaho but clearly they were less active.
It's cool to run into people from Idaho because I love Idaho! I'd live
there some day. We went to a baptism that Jose said he would come to!
We gave him an art tour since they have a lot of beautiful art work in
the 65th and Columbus chapel. Aka the temple building. It is
absolutely beautiful, Book of Mormon art work. When we come back I'll
show you guys. After Jose we gave a blessing to a sister in my
district, then to a members mother (who isn't a member) in a hospital.
I love being able to exercise my priesthood. It makes me want to
always remain worthy so I can exercise that priesthood. I had to carry
my stupid suitcase with me everywhere because I didn't have anywhere
to put it. I use my small suitcase for splits, I want to buy a back
pack. A suitcase is such a hassle.

Sunday we had church, I spoke on my conversion and how we can remain
converted. The members really liked it, I think. Jose came, also this
kid who is interning at Google! Church was fantastic as always. The
sisters have a baptism coming up so I got to interview their
investigator Lucinda, she is from Australia and is super legit. We
looked up a lot of people too but no success. Our bishop wants to help
us teach people, he tells us to invite him and that he will come.

Monday we had district meeting, I am trying to help the district to
teach more people but we aren't doing too great but sisters Hart and
Vassau are killing it. Our zone leaders gave us good advice, use the
area book and look up people. Since I got here we do finding all the
time and don't teach anyone. We have made some improvements and did a
lot of look ups. We are Still use the finding times. We set up a few
teaching appointments. It was successful.

Tuesday we did an APF in Washington Square Park and talked to this
dude named Isaac who talked about choice to us and how we never really
have a choice, that it's all predetermined.. Anyways. He was cool. We
got mail, looked up a ton of potentials and less actives. That was our
night, no success sadly.

Today I got my hair cut, it's super nice to have short hair, I look
pretty good. Just being humble.. Haha just kidding I probably look
okay. Ha. Anyways I love to study the scriptures and I am still
remembering scriptures everyday and it's been cool. I love New York
and I love serving here, it's cool to meet people, you never know who
you will see. I love meeting members here, I love the mission, every
day flies by, soon I'll have no time left at all. I know this church
is true. Here are some pictures!

Elder Casper

1. Empire State on the left and freedom tower on the rough and the
epic city in between.
2. Google
3. 23rd street from the hallelujah Easter video
4. Sidewalk chalk art.. Wow that's detailed!

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