

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

Hello family and whoever is reading this, this week has been great! A
lot of crazy things have happened since the last email. We got to go
to the temple last week, that time at the temple was so amazing, first
time in New York. The lights in the city really make me feel good, I
love Christmas so this time of year really amazes me and just the
beauty is incredible. We went to century 21 right afterwards to look
for a tie, so Elder Wallace is my trainer and we call our trainers our
dads and our companion after that our mom. That's just how they do it
here, but we were looking for a matching tie, he trained another guy
in the mission and they have a matching tie so we were looking for the
same one, because it's a "family tie". It wasn't there but we are
hoping and praying for it to be there. It's like a blue paisley tie
that just looks awesome.
Thursday was fun, we have this guy we meet with named Johnny and we
meet every Thursday at the same time. He lives far from us but we just
take a bus down to Lenox and hop on a bus that takes us to Amsterdam
avenue. It takes about 20 minutes but we got to Lenox and he calls us
telling us we can't come over because the Police are evicting someone,
but we kept asking how does that affect us coming over. He just got
mad and told us next week. We were trying to find flat rate boxes but
no one had them, we were walking down Lexington and 125th which is
like 8 blocks from where we live. These people were talking to us
randomly about the weirdest things.. We would talk back but Elder
Wallace ran into someone he knew from the Bronx. Someone they were
working with, so we talked for like 20 minutes, and gave them a card
and went on our way. Went home and then did our planning for the week,
and got ready for our District Area Proselyting Focus. We went to
Saint Nicholas park and were trying to share the gift, and get people
to join in. The only problem is not that many people are out when it's
freezing outside. Anyways we ran into this guy and we were like "we
are doing an activity about Christ, would you like to do it?" He
responded with "I am Christ, can't you see the resemblance?" We just
sat there in silence for a second. We then told him to have a great
day, he responds with "I will, as I do every night, is this your
number? I will be in contact." Walks away, we were trying to not
laugh, because it was so hilarious. After he left we giggled a bit.
All of our district heard him say that. The end of the night we ran
into this guy who had paint on his face, and was smoking we then asked
him how he can keep Christ in Christmas, he then said sure and was
like "No way you're the Mormons?" We responded with yeah! How do you
know Mormons? He said rehabilitation in Utah and ran into a lot of
Mormons! So he was really interested, and he works at FAO Schwartz. He
wants to go to church and hopefully be baptized! We have actually had
like 3 investigators in the past week!
Friday we had a APF at a shopping mall wrapping gifts for free and
sharing the video to people while they wait, inviting them to church
and a lot say they will go, but we never see them. Before that we had
a lesson at the church, then we play basketball with the homies at the
church, a bunch of non members from Costco come play, we share a quick
message and then play! It is fun, and just super sweaty and smelly
too. I feel bad for people who use it after that, it's a 5 story
church building. I'll send a picture at some point! I've been getting
letters from people back home, It's amazing!
Saturday we went to a lesson and shared the "hope of gods light"
mormon message because she is having trouble quitting smoking, and she
won't do anything so we may have to drop her and her boy friend. we
had a church tour APF(this week was a big APF week because of
Christmas) and elder Wallace asked Him if he wanted some free hot
chocolate, he said no we asked if he wanted a free church tour and he
said "I want some of you" and my companion was just sitting there,
didn't know what to say.. So yeah my companion got hit on while on his
mission by another dude. That was an interesting day.
I had my first Priesthood Executive committee on Sunday, it was really
cool to ask for help to the bishop and them reaching out to our needs
as missionary, to strengthen our investigators and recent converts. I
realized how dirty this city is, all the advertisements have to be
vulgar. Never raise a family in Manhattan, just straight up.
Monday we had 5 lessons planned, and only 1 of those happened, another
was a finding event, we just showed up. But that night we were all
bummed because all other appointments fell through. My companion
wanted to go home but I was like lets tract because we are here, so a
whole floor we showed the video once, and this family was interested.
Went down a floor, first door we knocked on she opened it and told her
entire family to come hear the word of God. We shared the video, she
loved it and told us to share that with everyone, we asked her if she
knew anyone. Immediately she gave us like 3 people, asked for our
number, we got her number as well. Set up an appointment for Friday so
I am so stoked! Oh and her name is Destiny so I think that's perfect.
We shared the video 7 times and we are supposed to share it 20 times a
day.. So yeah. It's a challenge from our mission president.
Yesterday we did the gift wrapping thing again, but yesterday was
crazy, I taught my first lesson, like an entire preach my gospel
lesson! The gospel of Jesus Christ, and it went super well! Everything
we were saying we were both think and I can't wait for more lessons.
That night after the church we walked down to 125th and Lenox and it
was dark. We walked there and we just heard chanting and it was
protesters and there were riots. As soon as we saw the huge line of
them walking down with police officers everywhere, all behind them,
slowly moving behind them, the spirit just left, like you could feel
it leave. It was telling us to get out of there, so we did. Got home
safely and I'm glad we did! We have been getting mail like crazy, I
got something from grandma, and some Christmas cards from people.
I really love it here and I can't wait to continue my learning on my
mission, and I can't wait to go to the Rockefeller center today, time
square, there will be pictures to come! Look forward to that, have a
merry Christmas, love you all talk to you tomorrow!
Well I hope
to see pictures of your Christmas stuff, the decorations and stuff.
Love you!

-Elder Casper

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas Is Coming He is the Gift

Dear family, 
I got those white boxes, I opened the one with the speaker in it, thanks that's an awesome gift! I love it here, this is hands down the best mission, definitely better than the south! Aha no all missions are the best, it just depends on where you are. The experiences we have had are pretty crazy, there are just tons of people and police cars always around. We seem to notice them a bit more, also we notice the police helicopters like every night. The firemen didn't seem too upset, but they thought it was serious, gas leaks kill, so it's best to figure out what it is before it's too late. 

 I'm glad I'm in New York! You should tell the ward about the "He is the Gift"  initiative that the church is doing, it's a pretty big deal, they want it "to flood the earth". They really want everyone to bring Christ back into Christmas. Hence that's the reason we have Christmas! 

Tell Brandi I'm sorry she is sick, I've been sick the whole time I've been here, and it's no fun, especially when you don't have time to rest, and you're just always out. I'll call you around 9-10 am on Christmas your time probably, so just keep an eye out for a call on the home phone, or whoever you want me to call, let me know! Thanks for those motivational words dad, I needed to hear that, it's been a hard month so far, but I am excited to completely loose myself in the work, and forget about home and focus on the people I am teaching! 

Okay so this past week has been a good week. Our mission president has been really pushing us to show the video "he is the Gift" to everyone, to make sure everyone knows. So this last Friday we got to go to Ossining New York, for a mission wide Christmas devotional. Some of the missionaries signed up for choir, so they got to sing, and the spirit was strong. We got to eat, to chill with some missionaries, and relax for the first time since I got here. It's kind of weird seeing New York upstate, because it's so nice and there are about a billion trees, it's different than the city where they plant a tree and surround it in concrete. 

We had a Area Proselyting Focus, which is where everyone in our zone got together in one area and proselyte. We gave out over 90 cups of hot chocolate and talked to a bunch of people about christ and Christmas, showed them the video. New investigators!

Nothing crazy has happened like at all, other than a new investigator! We went to this floor started tracting at and at the end of it we found this lady named Theresa, she didn't seem too interested at first, but we showed her the video, then she was super interested! Gave her a Book of Mormon and set up a return appointment. I can't wait to begin teaching her, she seems promising! 

We have just done a lot of tracting and less active look ups, today we are going to the temple, Manhattan is way nicer than Harlem, the city is so beautiful and clean compared to Harlem which is dirty and gross. I really like it here, and merry Christmas! I'll send you a message on next Wednesday! Christmas Eve! We actually go to the city the next 2 weeks, so I'll get you some pictures!

Love, Elder Casper

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

One Month Into My Mission

Hey family! How are you? The splits were good, 
I split with Elder Murphy, he was in Stamford
Connecticut where the friend from BYU-I lives! We had a pretty good
time! We meet in the Harlem 128th and Lennox building, yeah I saw
Makelle (Alldredge) at the temple church building, we were helping with a stake
choir concert! She kind of just yelled my name when I walked in and I
was like "Woah hey Makelle!" I'm not really sure what ward she is in,
you could probably find out though. I am writing in my journal, every
So my week has been super eventful, first of all did you hear about
all the riots happening all over the place? We had to go in at like
7-8 pm last Thursday and Friday! Saturday was super busy, we had new
missionary orientation, we got to see a general authority. Elder
Perkins of the Seventy conducted the meeting and gave us some cool advice.
Like I need to forget myself in the work, and just go for it. After
that we had to come back so we could go to the temple, to help with
the choir concert, standing for like 4 hours straight. I was so tired
that night. When I got home I went to bed as early as possible, I was
dead tired.
Sunday was pretty cool, we came home from church and my companion
cooked Alfredo, he turned the stove top burner all the way down, and
forgot it was on. We left and went to the christmas Devotional. When
we came back the whole apartment smelled of gas and we couldn't figure
out what it was then we heard like a hissing noise... So we went to
turn off the gas, and opened all the windows. Like 10 minutes later we
heard fire trucks.. 2 fire trucks and a normal truck ended up in front
of our apartment. Came up to our door and knocked on it, all 4 of us
were standing there and we told them the story, it's funny how there
are just 4 dudes in an apartment.. It's pretty funny, we were cracking
up for a while after, then some gas people came to check our heaters,
and one of them was leaking too. So that was a fun Sunday... Only 2
weeks into New York and something crazy already happened!
Monday I had my first Zone meeting, the spirit was so strong there. We
talked about the Book of Mormon, and the He is a Gift initiative. We
combined with the South mission to share the he is a gift video to
100,000 people so 20 people a day, and so far we have failed that,
it's literally impossible (or seems impossible). We are trying our best! 
After that we went
tracting into a project building, picked a random floor and prayed
then knocked on a door and it was someone we were looking for! Like
that's a miracle, talked to them for a while, and scheduled a time we
would come back and teach him more! Also we got a new investigator,
his name was Ray Lopez, he has like 4 kids, one that's 20, and like
all of them younger than 14. Someone else lives there we want to meet
with but we asked if he would like to see a video about Christ and
christmas, he said sure and now we have a new investigator!
So feel free to send me christmas music, EFY, mormon tabernacle choir.
I really want the 2010 efy cd the one with courage to stand strong,
walking on sunlight, and stuff!
Thanks for emailing me, let me know how things are going! Love you all
-Elder Casper


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

New York Thanksgiving

My thanksgiving was good! We went to the Pabones and had a slightly mexican dinner, with potato salad, turkey, pork, salad, rice with beans in it, and canolis! And a huge Canoli cake, like seriously huge... ha and honestly quite delicious! Quiet days are always good! I haven't had a chance to buy gloves and boots yet, I haven't had to yet. I'm glad to hear California is finally getting some rain, it is like way to dry. It hasn't been too cold here, just like 32 degree's if anything. It was snowing, but more like sleeting (Raining and snowing). Elder Wallace is awesome, I will get a picture to you sometime, and our sweet apartment! Our apartment is probably the best apartment in the city! We have a washer and dryer in it, so laundry all the time! Teaching has been going great, the spirit has definitely been there. New York is amazing, I cannot express how amazing it is! 

Last Thursday was pretty fun because of all the tracting we do, we mostly tract in Project buildings, you remember those right? The building that were made by the government, yeah well there are like cockroaches all in those, pee everywhere, and its straight up nasty! We have given a blessing to a recent convert who after we taught her she felt like she was going to die right then and there, so that was interesting. She is really nice, she got a skin graft for her neck. Our District leader served in Stamford Connecticut, and he knows someone I went to college with! It was fun talking to him about that. 

Something that my companion has told me is that he thinks I will be a Zone leader for my 3rd transfer, that's what he prophesies, they do this thing where he shoots a hoop and if he makes it then it is true, so far all the other things he guessed have been wrong so hopefully this is too. I wouldn't want to be a Zone leader just yet! We went around tracting people that were interested a little, that have been contacted by some missionaries, we found this guy who when we went in he already knew what we were teaching was true. We think that he will be for sure baptized! Sunday was amazing, Our bishop is like 30 years old, his counselors are older than he is, there names are Bishop Kelly, Brother Rane, and Brother Day. Brother Rane is actually a famous painter so we are having dinner with them tonight, and he gives every elder that comes to dinner the pictures he paints! So I will probably send those home, so I don't ruin them. It is a lot different waking up on a Sunday on a mission than back home. You still wake up at 6:30, and study and do stuff, but then you have meetings and then church, then visiting members and investigators. Missions are really hard work but they are amazing, so much blessings come out of them, you forget the bad things but remember the really amazing times. 

So Justin talked to me and told me that they called street contacting "fearlessing" because you have to be fearless in order to talk to people in New York! We have been getting pretty lucky with talking to people recently. People are starting to ask us questions, and wondering what we are about in a sense. Someone though I was a Salvation army person today, that was pretty cool, but yesterday this guy told us he saw us a lot and wanted to know what we do, we explained and gave him pass along card. Everything is awesome here! people are really weird, people seem to always be peeing in public, like seriously dude? And in the elevators and stairs... Just always use hand sanitizer, like always. It is so gross, I have always underestimated soap but now I love it! I will have my first splits tomorrow night to Friday night!

You need to check out the "He is a Gift" Church Video, it just came out, you might have seen it in the Ensign, it is a big deal! Tell everyone you know about it. It is a video basically saying that this Christmas season we need to remember Christ and all that he has done for us! So check that out right now! Share it with everyone, on facebook, through texts, at school! Help it become known! Talk to you next week! Pictures will come sometime soon!

Elder Casper
Also the mission home address is my address! So if you want to send packages post that to facebook, in 12 weeks I will be able to use my facebook for proselyting! Just to let you know! Also Elder Wallace's family sent him a christmas present, also one for me. It is one of those countdowns to christmas! Alec's mom also is sending me a package!