Hello all people in the world, and all who are interested in my email!
This past week has been crazy and there has been a lot that went on in
such a short amount of time so I'm going to try to tell all the cool
things. Let's get started! 3..2..1 Go!
First of all I love the temple, after a lesson on Sunday I realized
that I need to be attending the temple regularly because that's where
revelation comes. So I'm going to go every transfer no matter what.
Thursday we went to Mozambique, and I know who you're all thinking...
And no I did not leave the mission. There is this lady named Lisa
Gumende who's husband is the ambassador of Mozambique and she invited
us over. She is the greatest and most nice person I've met. She just
loves everyone. She knows a lot of our Ward members and she wanted a
blessing because she had an ear infection. Elder Smith and Elder
Wallace (my trainer) gave her a blessing and she has been wanting to
repay them so I was the lucky one who got to go and it was so great.
She had people who bring food to us and clean up everything we do, so
kind of like servants. Or like a maid. A couple members in our Ward
came, and president Smiths wife came as well. She gave us all gifts on
the way out and I got a sweet African bowl thingy, some Kazakhstan
Chocolate and some cashews. That night we had dinner at the Garffs and
Brother Garff was a mission president in Africa so that was pretty
neat. We invited Edgardo to come along and it was a great dinner. It's
good to have members get involved with investigators so they can build
some friendships. It was so great.
Friday we had a zone training from president Smith and he talked about
Joseph smith history 1-20 and I never thought about it like that.
There is so much in those 20 verses. I would encourage you all to read
it. Then we were supposed to have interviews with president but
something came up so we tracted for days. We had dinner at a
restaurant with this mostly active family, the husband is inactive.
They were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple.. But he is less active.. It
makes no sense to me how that could happen. That night we taught some
Spanish people with our limited vocabulary and just simple things but
Spanish missionaries used to come every Tuesday at 7 so we passed that
Saturday was tracting for days and a member lesson and an online
lesson.. Pretty sweet. We have just been working hard and doing the
Lords work. The lessons went super well and the spirit was there and I
started driving because I needed to get to know the area for the split
that happened on Tuesday.
Sunday we had a breakfast that actually cancelled but the sisters
forgot to tell us. We went to their house and she answered and told us
that it is the wrong day. But she invited us in and she made pancakes
and eggs. We tried a baili which is super good.. It's Jewish culture.
Ice cream as well aha. We tracted and did some less active member less
actives and we ran into these 2 Muslim guys who were a little
interested. In order for us to be able to actually teach them, we need
permission from President Smith and in order for a Muslim to be
baptized they get interviewed by a quorum of the 12 over the phone.
That would be a super cool experience.
Monday we had district meeting and that went well. We had our
interviews with president and my interview went great. He just asked
some simple questions, like how's family and what motivates Elder
Casper. Stuff like that. President really likes eye contact. It
started out and I felt weird because he was looking into my eyes and I
kept looking away but soon enough I kept eye contact. I forget how
important eye contact is with people you meet and members and
investigators. It was a nice reminder. President answered a question
that I've been praying about recently. He prayed that as I study, I
will remember to study for investigators and that I will be blessed
with more knowledge. It comforted me so much. We had dinner and an FHE
at the smiths as well and they went so well. We splitted with the Zone
Leaders. Elder Burrell came into my area and it was so fun.
Tuesday was such a great day! Elder Burrell is super similar to me, he
likes video games, he likes Mountain Dew, plays tennis.. We just had
so much fun talking about everything while we were together. We were
talking about how when we are both home how we will play video games
and hang out and make YouTube videos. He was super interested. He
taught me so much while we were doing things. He is very good at
talking to people while we tract and he knows what to say and it just
helped me learn how to better tract. We had such a great day together
and we got some sweet pictures and had a fun time. We got along so
well and this split was by far the best split that I've ever been on
and I wish we could be companions. It is just so crazy how much we
have in common. We didn't see any success while we were out but we did
talk to people and plant seeds.
This week has been crazy and slow. I know that I'm meant to be here
and that God has a plan for me. I know that my decision to serve is
blessing everyone who knows me and that it's helping me grow into
someone that I could never become on my own. I know that I am being
shaped into someone who the lord needs on his side. My thoughts and
desires are changing and becoming righteous thoughts and desires. I
feel like I'm becoming more mature and growing so much. I can't wait
to see what I become as I come closer to Christ. I love you all and I
hope you have a great week and I hope you all keep it real!
I love sending pictures, president Smith is such a wonderful mission
president and I'm glad to have him here.
Everything here is good, missionary work is great and it's so fun. It
stinks how California is so hot.
I love this area but my companion is alright, we definitely don't get
along all the time and eventually I will tell him but it's just
bugging me a bit. I went on a split yesterday and I got along so well
with him, we are practically the same person. So much in common. But
hopefully I'll get along with Elder Smith. The mission office is in
our area, it's right next to the Scarsdale church building, pretty
close. It's a 15 minute drive from our apartment. We are teaching this
guy named Edgardo and he has these random times he gets angry at us
but lately he has been good. He has had baptismal dates in the past
but we are hoping he will be ready soon. He is the only one really. We
have a 2014 Toyota Corolla which is sweet and it's fun driving in New
York, I feel like a New Yorker.
Thank you for all your prayers and everything, I love you guys so
much! I have been having such a wonderful time here in New York, it's
just been way Humid. And raining. California needs buckets of rain.
I'll pray for that. I love you guys and hope you have a great week!
I'll get to my weekly email.
Elder Casper
Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583
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Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Yankees Game in the Bronx with Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Hello all, and welcome to another weekly email by Elder Casper!
So as you can see by my email title, I went to a Yankees game and that
was probably a big highlight. But there is lots of cool things that
happened this past week and I'm excited to share them with everyone!
I'll get into it I guess...
Last Wednesday after p-day ended we taught a member and then decided
to go do a media referral look up and that guy didn't answer so we
decided to knock the doors around him. The cool things about what we
do is when we come to an intersection we listen for the spirit in
telling us what direction to go and we knocked like 4 doors and this
lady in her mid 20s comes out and she says "Mormons! I don't need no
Mormons!" And she shuts the door but she opens it up and asks us if we
are from the play and we say "No.. We are the real deal!" And she gets
all excited! It turns out she is a Returned Missionary and she was
just messing with us. She served in Idaho, so that's neat. She has a
friend upstairs that she wanted us to teach and we all went up and
taught her about the Book of Mormon and she really liked it! Miracle!
That shocked quite a bit but it was cool.
Thursday was weekly planning, and the only other thing that happened
was we have an investigator and he took us out to get pizza and he
took us to this place that uses a brick oven and he got us Cauliflower
Pizza and I thought it would taste nasty but can't knock it until you
try it, and when I first tasted it.. It was like really good tasting!
That was a nice surprise.
Friday.. Oh the best day of the week, we ate a 10 o clock lunch and we
tracted for 3 hours straight and found 1 guy who was super
interested.. He is leaving for a couple weeks though. We decided we
were going to knock one more and this guy told us he wasn't interested
but he pointed over to the house and we all heard screaming. The guy
who wasn't interested told us "He needs Jesus" haha Referral! Knocked
on the door and it turns out he was interested! He is going out of
town for a couple weeks though.
The best part of Friday was the Yankees game! All of our mission was
there in the very back and the very top so no one could see us really
but some general authorities we there and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir!
They sang so amazing and it really invited the spirit but no one could
feel it but us missionaries. On the way out of the game president
Checketts of the Yorktown NY Stake came up to us and told us people
wanted to meet us. Elder Rasband of the 70 came out and shook our
hands, he served in our mission when he went on his mission and served
as a mission president of the New York New York north mission in
1996-1999. And he told us that it's the best mission in the world, and
because a general authority says that, it makes it true doctrine.
Elder Smith of the 70 as well shook our hands, he is our area 70.
President Smith(our mission president) was shaking their hands and
it's funny to see the age difference of president Smith and elder
Rasband. President smith is like 42 or something, he's young. The
Yankees game was way fun and it was just so great to see missionaries
that I haven't seen in a while. They noticed I lost weight haha.
Saturday we tracted and had dinner with a member. It's Fourth of July
so we had to. She fed us a banana cheesecake which is da bomb! It
tasted so good. We had a wonderful time with her and tracking and just
doing missionary work. People get a little annoyed because we are
knocking on their door on a holiday but the gospel is more important.
Sunday we tracted and this guy said he is not interested but he is
impressed because it's a holiday. We taught our investigator Luke and
his friend at the church of the investigator. It's like a messianic
Jew church so yeah. We taught him about prophets and they were having
this long conversation about this and eventually we got it on track.
They wanted to say the closing prayer, so they did and we invited them
to church. Luke said he would come and it was fast and testimony
meeting. Luke bore his testimony and the whole time I was scared
because I didn't want Luke to say anything too crazy but he talked
about how God saved him even though he was a sinner. Yeah he was good.
He was trying to get a date with one of our members who just turned 18
and he is like 26. Luke prayed for our future wife to be beautiful so
I'll take it. He said he would come next week. We have had dinner with
awesome members houses lately and they continue to be more and more
Monday we had Zone Meeting which was about key indicators and how we
need to focus on those a bit more and realize that these are not just
numbers, they are real people. We tracted all day after that and yeah
it turned out to be slightly successful. Found a couple potentials and
showed people we are willing to work even when it's hot outside. Had a
wonderful dinner as well. People always ask if my brother served a
mission and where. I always tell them the south mission and they are
surprised and astonished at how cool that is.
Last night we had a pretty cool miracle happen. We only had 20 minutes
to knock doors and we were letting the Holy Spirit guide. We had a
couple minutes left and we said which house, started walking up one
and got to their door. This family answers and they are nice to us.
They knew that we were mormon and invited us in to share a message
with their whole family. We shared the Because He Lives video with
them and gave them a gospel of Jesus Christ pamphlet to read and gave
them our number. We were praying so hard to find someone and see a
miracle and to me that's just another testimony that he lives, that
because we had so much faith in Jesus Christ we saw a miracle. I know
this is the true church, I know that Jesus Christ does live and that
he guides us on what to do, where to go, who to talk to. I love what I
am doing and I'm having so much fun! I love you all! Have a great
Hello! The Fourth of July was pretty fun and pretty hot. It's been pretty nice! The baseball game was pretty great, we left at the 4th inning and yeah supposed they went to like the 13th inning? Anyways Yankees won. It was super fun and I did take some pictures! I'll send those later today hopefully. We are going to the temple at 12:30 so we won't have much time for stuff but I will definitely work on sending those off. We were in the very very very back and top so there was a nice breeze and you couldn't see us much. Outside of our window there were people playing with fireworks but anyways. Justin told me he was visiting the city. It would of been cool to "run into him".
I love writing the emails, even though it is hard sometimes just because it's time consuming. You don't have to worry about sending me pictures crazy fast just whenever. It's not too important.
Thanks for the pray and listen advice. It answered a prayer, I've realized that I haven't been listening too much but I'm going to work better. Love you mom! I'll send you my weekly email later! Love you!
Elder Casper
So as you can see by my email title, I went to a Yankees game and that
was probably a big highlight. But there is lots of cool things that
happened this past week and I'm excited to share them with everyone!
I'll get into it I guess...
Last Wednesday after p-day ended we taught a member and then decided
to go do a media referral look up and that guy didn't answer so we
decided to knock the doors around him. The cool things about what we
do is when we come to an intersection we listen for the spirit in
telling us what direction to go and we knocked like 4 doors and this
lady in her mid 20s comes out and she says "Mormons! I don't need no
Mormons!" And she shuts the door but she opens it up and asks us if we
are from the play and we say "No.. We are the real deal!" And she gets
all excited! It turns out she is a Returned Missionary and she was
just messing with us. She served in Idaho, so that's neat. She has a
friend upstairs that she wanted us to teach and we all went up and
taught her about the Book of Mormon and she really liked it! Miracle!
That shocked quite a bit but it was cool.
Thursday was weekly planning, and the only other thing that happened
was we have an investigator and he took us out to get pizza and he
took us to this place that uses a brick oven and he got us Cauliflower
Pizza and I thought it would taste nasty but can't knock it until you
try it, and when I first tasted it.. It was like really good tasting!
That was a nice surprise.
Friday.. Oh the best day of the week, we ate a 10 o clock lunch and we
tracted for 3 hours straight and found 1 guy who was super
interested.. He is leaving for a couple weeks though. We decided we
were going to knock one more and this guy told us he wasn't interested
but he pointed over to the house and we all heard screaming. The guy
who wasn't interested told us "He needs Jesus" haha Referral! Knocked
on the door and it turns out he was interested! He is going out of
town for a couple weeks though.
The best part of Friday was the Yankees game! All of our mission was
there in the very back and the very top so no one could see us really
but some general authorities we there and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir!
They sang so amazing and it really invited the spirit but no one could
feel it but us missionaries. On the way out of the game president
Checketts of the Yorktown NY Stake came up to us and told us people
wanted to meet us. Elder Rasband of the 70 came out and shook our
hands, he served in our mission when he went on his mission and served
as a mission president of the New York New York north mission in
1996-1999. And he told us that it's the best mission in the world, and
because a general authority says that, it makes it true doctrine.
Elder Smith of the 70 as well shook our hands, he is our area 70.
President Smith(our mission president) was shaking their hands and
it's funny to see the age difference of president Smith and elder
Rasband. President smith is like 42 or something, he's young. The
Yankees game was way fun and it was just so great to see missionaries
that I haven't seen in a while. They noticed I lost weight haha.
Saturday we tracted and had dinner with a member. It's Fourth of July
so we had to. She fed us a banana cheesecake which is da bomb! It
tasted so good. We had a wonderful time with her and tracking and just
doing missionary work. People get a little annoyed because we are
knocking on their door on a holiday but the gospel is more important.
Sunday we tracted and this guy said he is not interested but he is
impressed because it's a holiday. We taught our investigator Luke and
his friend at the church of the investigator. It's like a messianic
Jew church so yeah. We taught him about prophets and they were having
this long conversation about this and eventually we got it on track.
They wanted to say the closing prayer, so they did and we invited them
to church. Luke said he would come and it was fast and testimony
meeting. Luke bore his testimony and the whole time I was scared
because I didn't want Luke to say anything too crazy but he talked
about how God saved him even though he was a sinner. Yeah he was good.
He was trying to get a date with one of our members who just turned 18
and he is like 26. Luke prayed for our future wife to be beautiful so
I'll take it. He said he would come next week. We have had dinner with
awesome members houses lately and they continue to be more and more
Monday we had Zone Meeting which was about key indicators and how we
need to focus on those a bit more and realize that these are not just
numbers, they are real people. We tracted all day after that and yeah
it turned out to be slightly successful. Found a couple potentials and
showed people we are willing to work even when it's hot outside. Had a
wonderful dinner as well. People always ask if my brother served a
mission and where. I always tell them the south mission and they are
surprised and astonished at how cool that is.
Last night we had a pretty cool miracle happen. We only had 20 minutes
to knock doors and we were letting the Holy Spirit guide. We had a
couple minutes left and we said which house, started walking up one
and got to their door. This family answers and they are nice to us.
They knew that we were mormon and invited us in to share a message
with their whole family. We shared the Because He Lives video with
them and gave them a gospel of Jesus Christ pamphlet to read and gave
them our number. We were praying so hard to find someone and see a
miracle and to me that's just another testimony that he lives, that
because we had so much faith in Jesus Christ we saw a miracle. I know
this is the true church, I know that Jesus Christ does live and that
he guides us on what to do, where to go, who to talk to. I love what I
am doing and I'm having so much fun! I love you all! Have a great
Hello! The Fourth of July was pretty fun and pretty hot. It's been pretty nice! The baseball game was pretty great, we left at the 4th inning and yeah supposed they went to like the 13th inning? Anyways Yankees won. It was super fun and I did take some pictures! I'll send those later today hopefully. We are going to the temple at 12:30 so we won't have much time for stuff but I will definitely work on sending those off. We were in the very very very back and top so there was a nice breeze and you couldn't see us much. Outside of our window there were people playing with fireworks but anyways. Justin told me he was visiting the city. It would of been cool to "run into him".
I love writing the emails, even though it is hard sometimes just because it's time consuming. You don't have to worry about sending me pictures crazy fast just whenever. It's not too important.
Thanks for the pray and listen advice. It answered a prayer, I've realized that I haven't been listening too much but I'm going to work better. Love you mom! I'll send you my weekly email later! Love you!
Elder Casper
Monday, July 6, 2015
New Mission President Smith
Hello to all who like reading about my week!
As you can see by the email title, we now have a new mission
president! I will talk about that later. So I have had such a great
week in Scarsdale New York, there has been a lot of crazy miracles and
wonderful experiences that have happened. I've been feeling the hand
of the Lord in the work we are putting forth.
This last Thursday we did weekly planning and we did that so quickly
and we made a VGPA (Vision, Goals, Plans, Accountable)
for this transfer. We put our vision for this area,
the goals we have, the plans for each goal and who we are accountable
to. We have a goal of 100 hours of tracting this transfer and we have
been doing great in our efforts. We got a call from brother Darger in
our ward who does public affairs and stuff and he invited as many
missionaries to come to this other church gathering thing on Sunday.
We told him we would come. We were excited about that.
Friday we had a lesson with a recent convert who was doing yard work
with his shirt off when we pulled up and it caught me off guard but it
was a great lesson, he had questions about testimony and just some
questions that we were able to answer. We had a lot of time to tract
and found some potentials. We had a dinner with this recent convert
Jessica. She cooks really good food and she caters. It was super great
to be able to see the members of this ward and how active they are. Oh
we played volleyball with investigators and recent converts and I
actually had fun. I don't usually like volleyball but I actually enjoy
playing it now.
Saturday we were able to help the Morgan's be prepared to move, we
were in the basement of the mission home sweeping all the dirt,
spiders and webs off of the walls and vacuuming them up. It was weird
to not see president in proselyting clothes, he was just in jeans and
a polo and he was cleaning just as we were. It was so sad to help them
clean the place so they can leave. We had a lesson with an
eternalgator so an investigator who has been investigating for a
while. We went hard to get him to church because he hasn't been to
church since he started investigating 2 years ago.
Sunday was great, this ward shrinks a lot during the summer so we are
able to help in anyway possible. It's weird to have such a small ward
here but that's our job. We need to fill the seats with families.
That's our goal. We went to sacrament and to gospel principals and
then we left church to go to that gathering at this African Methodist
Episcopal Zion Church. It was for the killing of some people in
Charleston recently. It was weird because we sat there and they were
yelling and saying some inspiring words. There is a big difference
between our church and their church. I feel the spirit so strongly
when I go to church each week but at this church we went to I didn't
feel the spirit at all. We had this huge social thing where we sat
with people who don't share the same beliefs with us and we talk.
People were really excited to see us on our missions and they asked us
a bunch of questions! It was a super cool missionary opportunity, and
they chose a scripture from the Book of Mormon for everyone to analyze
and to figure out what it means.
Monday was district meeting, it was great and the spirit was strong in
that room. Elder Essler and Sister Gardner from the MTC are in my
district and it's cool to see how much we have grown from the
beginning. We tracted and got a lot of lessons on Monday and found a
lot of new people who are ready to hear this message so hopefully we
will be able to get things rolling with them.
Tuesdays (yesterday) was such a crazy day. President and Sister Smith
and their family came and introduced themselves. They have 3 kids a 15
and 13 year girl, and an 11 year old boy. They all spoke to us and I
could just feel the spirit from them all, President and Sister Smith
are young! It's crazy but it's what the Lord wants. We all were able
to have that confirmation yesterday when we heard them spoke. They
will be coming to our ward so we will get to know them well. I got a
picture with President and Sister Smith. They invited us over for
dinner, with the APs, the Sisters and us. We had pizza but we had to
leave for a lesson. We showed them that we are busy missionaries and
we want them to know how hard we do work. Our lesson was with an
investigator named Edgardo who was getting ready to drop us but we
were able to share that because of him video. We shared it and Elder
Smith told him to open his Book of Mormon to a random page and read
the first verse he sees. He did it and he felt the spirit and it
answered questions he was having. We testified so much. I felt the
spirit guiding every word I said. I am so grateful for that experience
and I love this area. It's one of those experiences that you will
always remember for the rest of your life.
I know that the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the
true church of Christ. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of
God and as we follow the teachings of Christ our lives will improve.
The Book of Mormon answers questions. I know that we can pray and ask
our Heavenly Father any question that we have and he WILL answer it. I
know what I am doing is where the lord needs me. Sorry I wrote so
much. I love you all and I hope everything and everyone is doing well.
Elder Casper
Scarsdale is so great, we have been seeing so many miracles in this
area and I'm truly seeing the Lords hands in our work and in my
teaching as well. My companion is really cool, he is really great
companion and we have fun. His name is Elder Steven Smith and he comes
from a small town in California named Julian which is in San Diego
county. I like him more or less, there are something's that bug me but
they are small and not a big deal. We do get along though so that's
good. I love him and he is truly a great guy.
The baseball game is going to be so great, it starts at 6 here so at 3
in California. You will just see a bunch of people in white shirts and
ties. It's going to be great and a lot of fun! We will be getting to
kingsbridge in the Bronx at 5, so an hour before it starts and I'm
hoping we will be able to get a free hat! I haven't bought one and I'm
really not planning on it because they are so expensive.
Oh yeah I forget that Fourth of July is this weekend, as a missionary
you don't really remember that it's a holiday you just knock doors
anyways. It makes people mad, I remember in newtown this one veteran
we knocked into and he cussed us out and told us our religion is a
myth and we just thanked him for his service.. He wasn't too happy but
we just smiled and waved. And of course left because he didn't seem
too happy. Anyways it was mainly my companion who did that. I was
pretty terrified.
That's cool how the ward and the missionaries are helping with the
float. It's pretty cool to get the name of the church out there
because people need to know who we are. It's pretty much everyday that
someone tells us that they have never heard of our church. That's our
job, to put the name of the church out there.
Haha I hope you will
keep that car though because I love it and it is a great car.
Yay! I'm moving up in the world, well on the board! it's weird to
think how long I've been out. Elder Reyne told me he comes home in
November of this year which means I will have a year by then. And I
can't believe that everyone comes home like a year before me.
Still writing everyday in my journal and I'm so glad I am. I have
pictures to send as well!
The mission office is in our area so we can go there and get mail
whenever we want to. My ward is the Westchester 1st Ward and it covers
white plains, Scarsdale, east Chester, tuckahoe, and a little bit of
Bronxville. And little towns inside the boundaries. The cool thing
about this area is president and Sister Smith are in our Ward! We are
there missionaries! I have a car, we drive in the upstate version of
the city!
Love you! You mean so much to me, and so does mom! You have done so
many great things for me in my life and I can never repay you for any
of it. I just hope I will be able to grow up to be as great of a man
as you dad. Mom has helped me so much in my life and I can't wait to
show her that when I get home and move on in life. I'll get to the
other email!
Elder Casper
As you can see by the email title, we now have a new mission
president! I will talk about that later. So I have had such a great
week in Scarsdale New York, there has been a lot of crazy miracles and
wonderful experiences that have happened. I've been feeling the hand
of the Lord in the work we are putting forth.
This last Thursday we did weekly planning and we did that so quickly
and we made a VGPA (Vision, Goals, Plans, Accountable)
for this transfer. We put our vision for this area,
the goals we have, the plans for each goal and who we are accountable
to. We have a goal of 100 hours of tracting this transfer and we have
been doing great in our efforts. We got a call from brother Darger in
our ward who does public affairs and stuff and he invited as many
missionaries to come to this other church gathering thing on Sunday.
We told him we would come. We were excited about that.
Friday we had a lesson with a recent convert who was doing yard work
with his shirt off when we pulled up and it caught me off guard but it
was a great lesson, he had questions about testimony and just some
questions that we were able to answer. We had a lot of time to tract
and found some potentials. We had a dinner with this recent convert
Jessica. She cooks really good food and she caters. It was super great
to be able to see the members of this ward and how active they are. Oh
we played volleyball with investigators and recent converts and I
actually had fun. I don't usually like volleyball but I actually enjoy
playing it now.
Saturday we were able to help the Morgan's be prepared to move, we
were in the basement of the mission home sweeping all the dirt,
spiders and webs off of the walls and vacuuming them up. It was weird
to not see president in proselyting clothes, he was just in jeans and
a polo and he was cleaning just as we were. It was so sad to help them
clean the place so they can leave. We had a lesson with an
eternalgator so an investigator who has been investigating for a
while. We went hard to get him to church because he hasn't been to
church since he started investigating 2 years ago.
Sunday was great, this ward shrinks a lot during the summer so we are
able to help in anyway possible. It's weird to have such a small ward
here but that's our job. We need to fill the seats with families.
That's our goal. We went to sacrament and to gospel principals and
then we left church to go to that gathering at this African Methodist
Episcopal Zion Church. It was for the killing of some people in
Charleston recently. It was weird because we sat there and they were
yelling and saying some inspiring words. There is a big difference
between our church and their church. I feel the spirit so strongly
when I go to church each week but at this church we went to I didn't
feel the spirit at all. We had this huge social thing where we sat
with people who don't share the same beliefs with us and we talk.
People were really excited to see us on our missions and they asked us
a bunch of questions! It was a super cool missionary opportunity, and
they chose a scripture from the Book of Mormon for everyone to analyze
and to figure out what it means.
Monday was district meeting, it was great and the spirit was strong in
that room. Elder Essler and Sister Gardner from the MTC are in my
district and it's cool to see how much we have grown from the
beginning. We tracted and got a lot of lessons on Monday and found a
lot of new people who are ready to hear this message so hopefully we
will be able to get things rolling with them.
Tuesdays (yesterday) was such a crazy day. President and Sister Smith
and their family came and introduced themselves. They have 3 kids a 15
and 13 year girl, and an 11 year old boy. They all spoke to us and I
could just feel the spirit from them all, President and Sister Smith
are young! It's crazy but it's what the Lord wants. We all were able
to have that confirmation yesterday when we heard them spoke. They
will be coming to our ward so we will get to know them well. I got a
picture with President and Sister Smith. They invited us over for
dinner, with the APs, the Sisters and us. We had pizza but we had to
leave for a lesson. We showed them that we are busy missionaries and
we want them to know how hard we do work. Our lesson was with an
investigator named Edgardo who was getting ready to drop us but we
were able to share that because of him video. We shared it and Elder
Smith told him to open his Book of Mormon to a random page and read
the first verse he sees. He did it and he felt the spirit and it
answered questions he was having. We testified so much. I felt the
spirit guiding every word I said. I am so grateful for that experience
and I love this area. It's one of those experiences that you will
always remember for the rest of your life.
I know that the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the
true church of Christ. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of
God and as we follow the teachings of Christ our lives will improve.
The Book of Mormon answers questions. I know that we can pray and ask
our Heavenly Father any question that we have and he WILL answer it. I
know what I am doing is where the lord needs me. Sorry I wrote so
much. I love you all and I hope everything and everyone is doing well.
Elder Casper
Scarsdale is so great, we have been seeing so many miracles in this
area and I'm truly seeing the Lords hands in our work and in my
teaching as well. My companion is really cool, he is really great
companion and we have fun. His name is Elder Steven Smith and he comes
from a small town in California named Julian which is in San Diego
county. I like him more or less, there are something's that bug me but
they are small and not a big deal. We do get along though so that's
good. I love him and he is truly a great guy.
The baseball game is going to be so great, it starts at 6 here so at 3
in California. You will just see a bunch of people in white shirts and
ties. It's going to be great and a lot of fun! We will be getting to
kingsbridge in the Bronx at 5, so an hour before it starts and I'm
hoping we will be able to get a free hat! I haven't bought one and I'm
really not planning on it because they are so expensive.
Oh yeah I forget that Fourth of July is this weekend, as a missionary
you don't really remember that it's a holiday you just knock doors
anyways. It makes people mad, I remember in newtown this one veteran
we knocked into and he cussed us out and told us our religion is a
myth and we just thanked him for his service.. He wasn't too happy but
we just smiled and waved. And of course left because he didn't seem
too happy. Anyways it was mainly my companion who did that. I was
pretty terrified.
That's cool how the ward and the missionaries are helping with the
float. It's pretty cool to get the name of the church out there
because people need to know who we are. It's pretty much everyday that
someone tells us that they have never heard of our church. That's our
job, to put the name of the church out there.
Haha I hope you will
keep that car though because I love it and it is a great car.
Yay! I'm moving up in the world, well on the board! it's weird to
think how long I've been out. Elder Reyne told me he comes home in
November of this year which means I will have a year by then. And I
can't believe that everyone comes home like a year before me.
Still writing everyday in my journal and I'm so glad I am. I have
pictures to send as well!
The mission office is in our area so we can go there and get mail
whenever we want to. My ward is the Westchester 1st Ward and it covers
white plains, Scarsdale, east Chester, tuckahoe, and a little bit of
Bronxville. And little towns inside the boundaries. The cool thing
about this area is president and Sister Smith are in our Ward! We are
there missionaries! I have a car, we drive in the upstate version of
the city!
Love you! You mean so much to me, and so does mom! You have done so
many great things for me in my life and I can never repay you for any
of it. I just hope I will be able to grow up to be as great of a man
as you dad. Mom has helped me so much in my life and I can't wait to
show her that when I get home and move on in life. I'll get to the
other email!
Elder Casper
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Transferring to White Plains, Westchester Zone
Hello Family and Friends!
The Major news of the week is that I am finally leaving Newtown and
heading over to Scarsdale, which is white plains. It's been a pretty
emotional week, I've been saying good bye to all our wonderful members
and of course we are still working hard. I have seen a lot of miracles
here and I don't want to leave but I know the Lord needs me else
where. Once you get comfortable, that's when the lord moves you and
gives you more/harder experiences. It's what I need. I'm going to be
with Elder Smith! Oh and President Smith comes in the mission today!
The coolest thing happened on Sunday, after we were heading home, we
get a phone call from a sister in our Ward telling us that her husband
is teaching this guy who pulled into the driveway wanting to learn
more. So we quickly turned around, maybe we drifted maybe we didn't...
But we got back to the church and this member was teaching this kid
about how to feel the spirit and how to get answers. He talked about
the Book of Mormon and then he had to leave and we were able to teach
him, we'll get to know him and testify to him. He has the coolest
story on how he found the church. Him and his friend like to parkour
so they were riding around, looking for places to parkour and they
found the church and they did some parkour but he was wondering what
our church believed. That is one of those miracles that you see when
you leave an area. We set up a time to meet on Monday.
Sunday night we had a dinner with a wonderful members. They are the
ones who had one of their kids serve in the California Roseville
mission. They have a kid preparing to go to Kobe Japan, his name is
Hunter and he comes out with us about once a week. It was fun, then we
headed over to our old bishops house, and I love their family. They
made a cake for Father's Day and to celebrate me leaving. I am going
to miss them and I got to arm wrestle our old Bishop, I lost but
whatever... Haha it was so much fun!
Monday we taught that wonderful young man, his name is Collin. I'm so
glad he came up to our member and asked if he could learn more. We
taught him the restoration with Zachary Loutensock. It was a great
lesson! Collin asked us a bunch of questions afterwards and we
answered them all. It must be true or something.
Tuesday was great. We had another investigator lesson with a member
present. Hunter came with us. We taught the restoration and this lady,
her name is Jen. She was definitely feeling the spirit and you could
see the wheels spinning and she was thinking of how this makes sense..
Of course it does! I had a pretty crazy experience yesterday, I was
pretty scared. So we were tracking and walking away and we can hear a
storm coming with thunder. It sounded far away. We kept saying that it
won't rain until we give all the cards we have out. It was getting
closer and closer. Then it started pouring when we had 1 card left. It
was pouring and the sky was being lit up with lightening and we were
running hard core home and all we heard was crackling thunder and it
was crazy and I thought I was going to die. It was terrifying. It took
us 1 hour to get home from ridgefield. There were trees in the middle
of roads and yeah we were soaked.
I am fine though and I was lucky to say good bye to the Loutensocks
and our Ward mission leader and another cool family in this Ward. I
packed last night and it's just been crazy. We also got a new car last
Friday, a 2015 Toyota Corolla and that thing drives so nice! Too bad I
get it right before I get transferred! It's been crazy and I've felt
the spirit a lot this week and I've been so lucky to be able to teach
all these people. I love this! I really don't want to leave but I'm
ready to go to Scarsdale.
Hey Mom!
This week was so good! I did get that package and I got a new Journal!
I started it yesterday! I ate all those cookies but I shared them. I
got transferred to White Plains, so Scarsdale! I can't wait to go to
my next area.
It sounds super fun, so Father's Day was fun? If you ever see Devon
again, just tell him I miss that kid. Cleaning the church is a fun
I hope you are doing great and I hope you're having fun! My weekly
email will be coming like right after this! I love you so much and I
hope you are having a fun time at home and I truly miss you! I like
being updated on what's going on! Thanks for everything you do for me!
Love you!
The Major news of the week is that I am finally leaving Newtown and
heading over to Scarsdale, which is white plains. It's been a pretty
emotional week, I've been saying good bye to all our wonderful members
and of course we are still working hard. I have seen a lot of miracles
here and I don't want to leave but I know the Lord needs me else
where. Once you get comfortable, that's when the lord moves you and
gives you more/harder experiences. It's what I need. I'm going to be
with Elder Smith! Oh and President Smith comes in the mission today!
The coolest thing happened on Sunday, after we were heading home, we
get a phone call from a sister in our Ward telling us that her husband
is teaching this guy who pulled into the driveway wanting to learn
more. So we quickly turned around, maybe we drifted maybe we didn't...
But we got back to the church and this member was teaching this kid
about how to feel the spirit and how to get answers. He talked about
the Book of Mormon and then he had to leave and we were able to teach
him, we'll get to know him and testify to him. He has the coolest
story on how he found the church. Him and his friend like to parkour
so they were riding around, looking for places to parkour and they
found the church and they did some parkour but he was wondering what
our church believed. That is one of those miracles that you see when
you leave an area. We set up a time to meet on Monday.
Sunday night we had a dinner with a wonderful members. They are the
ones who had one of their kids serve in the California Roseville
mission. They have a kid preparing to go to Kobe Japan, his name is
Hunter and he comes out with us about once a week. It was fun, then we
headed over to our old bishops house, and I love their family. They
made a cake for Father's Day and to celebrate me leaving. I am going
to miss them and I got to arm wrestle our old Bishop, I lost but
whatever... Haha it was so much fun!
Monday we taught that wonderful young man, his name is Collin. I'm so
glad he came up to our member and asked if he could learn more. We
taught him the restoration with Zachary Loutensock. It was a great
lesson! Collin asked us a bunch of questions afterwards and we
answered them all. It must be true or something.
Tuesday was great. We had another investigator lesson with a member
present. Hunter came with us. We taught the restoration and this lady,
her name is Jen. She was definitely feeling the spirit and you could
see the wheels spinning and she was thinking of how this makes sense..
Of course it does! I had a pretty crazy experience yesterday, I was
pretty scared. So we were tracking and walking away and we can hear a
storm coming with thunder. It sounded far away. We kept saying that it
won't rain until we give all the cards we have out. It was getting
closer and closer. Then it started pouring when we had 1 card left. It
was pouring and the sky was being lit up with lightening and we were
running hard core home and all we heard was crackling thunder and it
was crazy and I thought I was going to die. It was terrifying. It took
us 1 hour to get home from ridgefield. There were trees in the middle
of roads and yeah we were soaked.
I am fine though and I was lucky to say good bye to the Loutensocks
and our Ward mission leader and another cool family in this Ward. I
packed last night and it's just been crazy. We also got a new car last
Friday, a 2015 Toyota Corolla and that thing drives so nice! Too bad I
get it right before I get transferred! It's been crazy and I've felt
the spirit a lot this week and I've been so lucky to be able to teach
all these people. I love this! I really don't want to leave but I'm
ready to go to Scarsdale.
Hey Mom!
This week was so good! I did get that package and I got a new Journal!
I started it yesterday! I ate all those cookies but I shared them. I
got transferred to White Plains, so Scarsdale! I can't wait to go to
my next area.
It sounds super fun, so Father's Day was fun? If you ever see Devon
again, just tell him I miss that kid. Cleaning the church is a fun
I hope you are doing great and I hope you're having fun! My weekly
email will be coming like right after this! I love you so much and I
hope you are having a fun time at home and I truly miss you! I like
being updated on what's going on! Thanks for everything you do for me!
Love you!
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Zone Conference and Fun Times!
Hello everyone!
How are you?! So before I get into my week, you know that baptism that was supposed to happen this week? Yeah well it's not happening because of some things that have came up. The guy we are teaching is named Ravy and he is a cool dude, I've never actually met him because when we were on a split when they stopped by but hopefully we will meet with him again soon. The Baptism date is up in the air and next Wednesday is Transfers and this time I feel like I'm out. I really wish that I could be here for that baptism, it would be a great way to leave the area but I'll find out if I'm leaving Saturday. Last Friday we had a wonderful zone conference with president Morgan and Sister Morgan. It was presidents last zone conference and it was definitely emotional. President gave us ways to become better disciples of Christ and how we can be consecrated. We shouldn't "try" to be consecrated, just do it, be consecrated. He talked a lot about faith and how its key to missionary work. We were authorized on Facebook on Friday as well. You will be seeing inspired posts and hopefully people commenting on them but I can't wait to reach a whole bunch of new people in a way that us as missionaries have never been able to before. I love president and I'm going to miss him so much but I am way excited to be here at this time when president Smith comes in. President Morgan made us all missionaries get emotional. President told us how much he loves us and told us how sad he is to be leaving. The spirit was strong there and when you looked around the room you just see all the missionaries wiping their eyes. It was sad but it was a great meeting. Saturday was fun, I went on a split with Elder Richan! In the morning we went to teach 2 of their investigators named brother Dan and little Dan. We taught them the gospel of Jesus Christ and they understood it well and they are definitely swell chaps. They have a baptism date for July 11th! We did a little bit of tracting and then did some sweet service for a family in the Danbury Ward. We raked a lot of leaves from the ground that have been stuck there since winter. Got everything done and then we ate some hot dogs that we cooked over a camp fire. They were so good! After 4 hours of being there we went to look up a less active and we found him home. He let us in and we got to know home. It's been a couple years since anyone has stopped by his house and I'm glad we got in. The spirit was with us and he wants to come back to church but his family doesn't really care about it. He is that dad and we were telling him that if he comes, his family may follow. I love being able to feel the spirit, it brings such a calming feeling and makes me excited to be here where I am right now. Sunday was a great day, at church we talked a lot about what we have learned at stake conference and its possible that the Bishopric may ask me if I can give a talk, because I haven't in this Ward. I might be transferring though so I won't be able to give one. I am more than willing to give one if they ask me to, I'm also really excited about it! Monday was a wonderful day, we got to tract for like 2 hours and found 4 new potential investigators in the space of that time. Gave out 4 copies of the Book of Mormon! I was seeing the lords hand in my work and it feels great. On Tuesday I was on a split with Elder Allred. He is an amazing man and we had such a wonderful day doing service, eating, tracting, going to visit some less actives, having dinner at a members and stopping by a super less active (she has medical problems). Elder Allred used to serve in Newtown so he knows a lot of people. It was by far the funnest split I've been on while being on my mission! That is how my week has been, it's been a pretty stressful week because of the new mission president and its hard being a missionary. I'm having one of those weeks. I love being a missionary and serving the people. Missionary work has its ups and downs. I love this church, I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph smith was a prophet of God, he truly did see our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. I know that Jesus Christ suffered for us all and that through the atonement we can be cleansed from sin and forgiven. I know that we can ask our Heavenly Father for help through any trial we go through. I love being a missionary here and I know this is the true church of Christ, once again established upon the face of the earth. I love you and hope you have a great week!
Dad! How is everything? That Baptism isn't still on but we hope that we can get another one set! His name is Ravy. Yes I am now on Facebook so be prepared for wonderful posts that can hopefully help you personally. That photo was taken at the Alma Academy and that was the APF we did. The Yankees baseball game happens on the 3rd of July, so I was thinking you guys should record that game, they will do a pan of all us wonderful missionaries. You will see a lot of white shirts. It will definitely be a memory worth keeping and taking pictures. I still haven't found a cap, if I get transferred to the city then I can get a cheap one. We have been getting too much rain.. It's been irritating because all I want to do is tract all day, every day. I hope California will get hit with rain, whatever happens happens. California is getting it bad, maybe there are too many wicked people there... Haha that was a joke some member told me. Brandi did email me so that's exciting. I'll have to spend time writing her. I'm grateful for mom buying me those journals, and I laughed when you said in Typical Fashion. Thank you so much for everything you guys do for me. Our mail day is on Friday, if it gets here before Friday morning I will get it, if not then I will have to do that journal idea. I'm glad I haven't missed a day yet. My youth companion was pretty shy so it ended up being just me but it was fun and I got a lot of practice in. My mission is flying by and I'm trying my hardest to not waste any time and do all that I can to help everyone I serve. Any study is good study, I wish I studied PMG way more before my mission. I wish I knew the lessons before I left so when I got here it wouldn't have been such a shock. It would have helped me be a better missionary. Anyways. I love you mom and dad and I hope you guys have a fun and safe week! Love you! Elder Casper
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