

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Fun Days

Hello to the world!
Sorry this email is going out so late, I've had a long day in
Manhattan but a really fun one! I'll get to that later though!
This last Thursday we went to a members house for dinner and we got to
hear a lot of funny mission stories, and it made me think about some
of the funny experiences I've had. We really love eating at members
houses. One of the Kids he had was talking about his older brother. He
said "Tyler likes Care Bears... That's a baby show". Keep in mind the
oldest kid is 9 and the second oldest is 8. It made us laugh for a
good while, one of the funny experiences I've had.
I also got a hair cut recently, I got a 2 on sides and she cut the top
of my head and members keep complimenting me, but I think it looks
nice. Even if it doesn't. We did service on Saturday with the Danbury
Elders and it was fun, we got to work in the outdoors and get a nice
little tan... More like a burn.  Anyways a tick landed on my arm, but
I saw it and flicked it away. I don't have time to deal with a tick.
We have been getting opportunities to do service lately, from
missionaries in our district and I've been excited. The weather has
been nice lately and we have been able to render service to anyone we
see. I love doing service, it's one of my favorite things about being
a missionary, teaching is still one of those things that I'm not super
good at and its something that I want to improve.
Yesterday we were able to teach a group of 11 people at a local
community church, we were able to share what we believe and they
pretty much bible bashed us. A couple of the people were interested,
so that will hopefully be promising.
Today has been a good day and a long one. I made one mistake today by
not bringing any water. We were supposed to leave at 6 this morning
and get to South Ferry at 8 but we ended up getting there around 11.
It was so fun to be on Liberty Island and see the Statue and get
beautiful pictures of Manhattan and of the surrounding areas like
Brooklyn and New Jersey. We went to liberty island and I got a lot of
pictures, and there was a huge spider on my shirt collar and I didn't
see it but someone came up to me and flicked it off, and it was super
close to my neck. That freaked me out. Anyways we decided to not go to
Ellis island because we were starving and thirsty and we didn't feel
like walking around a museum. We got back to shore and walked for a
good 45 minutes to the Brooklyn bridge and went to the halfway point
(where the north and south missions boundaries are). Got pictures,
went to china town for some Chinatown buns, for like .90 cents a
piece. Then to century 21 and we got a unity tie. We met this guy
named Matthew who is from queens who just got off his mission from
Bakersfield California. He talked to us for a bit and then asked if we
have eaten yet, and we told him we have a dinner tonight. He was
totally going to offer to take us out. People in our mission are so
dope. I have some pictures to send, well a lot but I will only be able

to send you some today! I want to send them all!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Many Miracles

Hello to anyone reading this email,
I hope everything is going to well back home and everyone is safe. So
on Monday our Zone leaders told everyone that we are meeting together
as a zone so they can tell us a special announcement. President Morgan
has announced that every companionship needs to spend 3 hours of their
day finding people. The numbers in our mission are too low, so we need
to find more people to teach and have a big teaching pool!
Missionaries find people to teach and then teach that person and stop
finding, but we always need to have people to teach so we don't have
to keep repeating the process of finding. If we are continuously
finding then we will always have someone to teach. I have seen
blessings come from these 2 days where we spend hours of our day
tracting. There is always someone to teach, someone we can reach out
to and teach them. Everyday we have done this we have found a person
to teach and the mission is going to explode with baptisms and people
to teach and we are excited!
Saturday we went Service tracting. We saw this older lady doing some
gardening and we offered service to her and she accepted. We planted
10 trees, and The gardening that I have done before my mission has
helped me do better planting. She was asking us questions about our
church while we were doing service. We finished and she offered us
water and we shared the he lives video with her and she is interested.
Her boyfriend offered to buy us pizza, and we never turn down free
food. We taught them and they are interested in learning more. They
are in their 60s and not married and living together so this will be
fun! :) that was super successful!
I went on with 2 splits within a week, wither Elder Leung again, and
Elder Whittaker. I have learned a lot from them and I had a wonderful
time with them. We tracted a lot together and we didn't see much
success but there are a lot of people who are friendly towards us and
thinks what we do is nice and good for everyone to hear.
Yesterday we ran into some Jehovah witnesses and one of the guys sees
us and says "it looks like Mormons" and we are like "Yeah how are you
sir?" He tells us that when he was in Germany he would buy the
missionaries 7 UPs because they were American. We thought that was
dope. He left the military to be a Jehovah's Witness. They are nice
and we respect each other for what we do, we don't dis each other.
They know a lot of Mormons and are great friends. It was a cool
We offered service to this guy yesterday and he tells us that he is
Hindu, tells us about his religion. He showed us his Hindu temple in
his house and it was a cool experience! We gave him a B.O.M. And
invited him to read it. He wants to hear what we believe. There has
been a lot of cool experiences. Without the guidance of our Heavenly
Father we wouldn't be able to find these people who he has prepared
for the gospel. Prayer is an important aspect of missionary work, and
talking with EVERYONE! It is a lot different to find people upstate
compared to the city. In the city we talk with everyone, here we tract
for days.
There hasn't been too many interesting things going on, I am letting
Elder Neuerburg drive now, I am bored of it and I want to be able to
relax a bit in the car. I am excited to teach more people and have
more fun here and really feel the need for the gospel in these
people's lives. I am excited to skype with you guys on Mother's Day, I
really love each and every one of you. I hope you have a blessed week!
Remember what Christ has done for us, read the Book of Mormon and pray
about it. Ponder everything you read and you will find your answer.

Elder Domenick Casper

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Great Week

Hello to everyone who is interested in my week,
How is everything? There is not much to say about this week. We have
been tracting still, at least 1 door a day and on Monday we knocked on
this door and told this guy who we are are what we do. We asked if we
could share a video. He says "yeah, let's see it" so we showed him.
Gave him a Book of Mormon and it was great! He was interested but he
was busy. We will probably go back and see him soon.
Our progressing investigator Darwin is doing good, but has been really
busy and hasn't been able to meet with us lately. He is the closest to
baptism. The 2 new investigators we got haven't been free to meet and
have been really sick so we will be meeting with them soon. Yesterday
I went on another split with Elder Leung and we got 2 member present
lessons which was dope. We tracted yesterday and we knocked this door
and this guy who is tall looks through the window above the door at
us. He opens the door and says "no" and shuts the door. That was
pretty funny. We got a new investigator yesterday, a part member
family where the girlfriend is a member and the boyfriend is not. He
was interested in learning more so we will teach him.
We are hoping to see many more miracles as long as we show God we are
willing to do the Hard work. We really want this area to become strong
and have a strong teaching pool. We have been using our time more
wisely and seeing blessings because of it. I need to get better at
contacting and tracting so if I train I can do a lot of it with him.
One thing that has been cool this week is I've lost 10 pounds in 7
days. I'm back on the meal plan and I'm excited to start dropping
weight. I've been so stocked to go do missionary work ever since I've
been losing weight. Hopefully by Mother's Day when we skype, you can
see a difference in how I look! I'll be skyping you in one month! :)
I've been waiting to buy short sleeve shirts until I am smaller so I
don't waste any money. I love you mom and dad, thanks for being
supportive of me to go on a mission. Thanks for giving me that push
and really allows me to make my own decision. I love you all and hope
you the best of week! :)

Elder Domenick Casper

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

General Conference and Miracles

Hello everyone, this week has been pretty crazy with a new companion
and all. This last Wednesday was crazy with getting home from
transfers and writing family that we had to finish our shopping and
that was the end of it.
So I'm taking over the area, because my companion is new here so
planning was a bit difficult but I managed getting good plans and
goals with Elder Neuerburg. We made a VGPA, which is our vision for
this area, goals, plans and accountability. It really helps us do good
and be better hard working missionaries.
My Birthday was very fun, it was our most jam packed day of teaching
last week. Came back from the gym and our door was decorated with
balloons and a Happy Birthday sign, with a card from the sisters in
our district. We had a good time teaching and some missionaries in
this zone threw me a small birthday party with 2 pies. We walked into
the Danbury building and we walked into the back and the room light
was off but there was like a fire flicker, I was wondering what that
was exactly. Walked into the room with a surprise "Happy Birthday
Elder Casper!" I was so happy, and suspected it was that. I love the
missionaries in our Zone, and they are super amazing. A member was
going to take us out but he was tired from a flight home so he left
$40 in the door for us to go get food. We got Burger King. Haha but it
was close and I wanted to teach more children of God. So we ate then
went to a members and shared the Because he Lives video. It was a good
I love general conference, and all the talks were great! Those two
days flew by and then we were back to normal missionary work. So much
revelation that comes from the prophet and the apostles. Jeffrey R.
Holland was my favorite but Elder Pearson of the 70 had a good talk.
Watching general conference as a missionary is different than back
home. I was paying so much attention and every time they talked about
missionaries I was like "I'm one of those missionaries!" It was really
fun and I felt the Spirit so strongly.
The Willis's had us over for Easter Breakfast and we had an Easter Egg
Hunt, I found the Golden Egg!
Now getting to the Miracles, During Personal Study I read in Preach my
Gospel about how to recognize promptings from the Spirit as
promptings. I have been feeling like we are having no success and I
feel like I wasn't getting promptings to do things. And while reading
that section I had the thought that I need to go Tracting. Something
President Morgan has said over and over, there is no way to show
Heavenly Father that you want it more, than by tracting. Tracting is
the most difficult part of missionary work, but doing that shows
Heavenly Father that you are ready for blessings. So Elder Neuerburg
and I made the goal that we would tract at least one door a day, and
if we have time do more. So we prayed and started tracting. The first
door we knocked on, this lady answered and she asked if we come back
another day. So we will be stopping by soon. A couple houses down we
gave a Book of Mormon to this guy. We have seen a lot of blessings in
the past couple days.
Yesterday we tracted in the morning, 4th door this girl comes out and
watches the video and we talk a lot about Christ, and gave her a Book
of Mormon and she was interested. Going to send the sisters over to
see her. President doesn't want us teaching girls, that is a rule he
has, and a good one to have. We got a media referral for this guy and
we decided to go hit him up at night. We get to the door and all we
heard was yelling and screaming and everything. We were thinking about
coming back later. We decided to knock, we hear this lady yelling "who
is it?" And we didn't say anything. The door swings open and we tell
her "Hi we are missionaries from the church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints, we got a message saying that Elliot wanted a Bible." She
yells to Elliot "Elliot the Jehovah's are here!" We correct her "no we
are Mormons" and she says "oh, come on in" so we went in and gave the
bible to them, Elliot didn't remember asking for a bible, even though
it was the same day we got the referral. She was telling us that she
was "church shopping and wishes there was more churches than just
Protestant and Catholic Churches". We told her that "We have a church
in Newtown". She was way excited and we were teaching them a little
bit about what we do. She was interested, she said "how can I do this
thing?" And we were confused and responded "what?". She says "how do I
learn more, do I sign a paper or anything" and we just told her how we
will teach them. Gave the Book of Mormon on the way out. Set up an
appointment for Thursday. They already said they would be baptized and
were way excited to read the Book of Mormon, she wanted to study it
all day. 2 days into doing the work we have already been blessed
immensely. The people in this area are so ready to hear what we have
to say, their hearts have been softened. 3 new investigators in 1 day.
We were so excited we were going to call President Morgan to tell him
about that cool experience we had.
I love this work and I really love being a missionary. I really
encourage you all to read Alma Chapters 37-42 because I have been
reading these chapters and have been able to do a lot of amazing
things. I invite you all to read from the Book of Mormon and pray
about it. Gain that testimony in this book of holy scripture that
testifies of Jesus Christ. Build your faith with a foundation of
Christ. I truly believe that this is the True Church, President Thomas
S. Monson is a prophet of God. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I
love you all and hope you have a great week.

Elder Domenick Casper


My Birthday was really fun, some of the missionaries in my zone decided to throw me a little party with pie, I'll talk about that more in my weekly email. Being 20 doesn't feel that different, I'm still a missionary. We taught a crazy amount of lessons that day. Oh also thanks for the Tie, I wore it on my birthday! 

I did see conference, and I went to the priesthood session. My favorite talk was by Jeffrey R. Holland and elder Pearson of the 70. 

Easter was fun, thanks for the Candy. I'm back on the Meal plan though and lost 4 pounds already. 

My new Companion is tight, we go hard and do a lot to show the Lord we are ready for Blessings. We have gotten 3 new investigators in the past 3 days, the work is starting to go. 

Tell Brandi Congratulations for getting into BYU-Idaho, it is truly an amazing school! That is cool about the Winter/Spring track! She should go to Sunrise Village, I love those apartments! 

Thanks for sharing your mission experience, that really brings me a lot of Joy. I love hearing missionary experiences.

Love you,
Elder Domenick Casper

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Ward Conference

Dear all who has come to read this,
How is everything? So this week has been a weird kind of trunky week
with Elder Tancayo coming to the end of his mission and I found who my
new companion will be last Saturday. I will talk about everything
later on.
Last Wednesday was a lot of driving to the mission home to drop Tank
off and then do the trio split thing, but that night was just
finishing our planning and then he slept because he was dead tired.
Thursday we got a hair cut and mine looks great. We went to this
member in the Spanish Branch and she cuts our hair for free all she
wants is for us to help her clean things. Her name is Mayera and she
cuts hair really quick, within minutes. My hair was exactly how I
wanted it and I can actually spike it again. It took her assistant an
hour to do my hair but then Mayera came over and just finished it
super quick and gave me a fresh look. We went home afterwards to
shower and plan. That night a less active took us to Buffalo Wild
Wings and told us to get whatever so we did. Afterwards we went to
Cold Stone Creamery and got some delicious ice cream. If you listen to
the people around you, you hear interesting things. People really do
see us, and we stand out as missionaries. Even though they may not
know what the means. It was pretty cool.
We have been doing this Month of Rescue thing in our Ward so we have
been busy looking up all the less actives and staying busy. We have
seen success because of it and we have loved the feeling of being
Saturday we got our shot calls, which is what is happening in our
zone. Most importantly with us. So of course Elder Tancayo but we have
been joking that he is opening a new area on Molokai Hawaii, looking
for that 10 cow wife, his eternal companion. But he will have a good
time at home. I am getting an Elder Neuerburg who is my Trainers
trainer. And he has 6 weeks left so I am killing yet another
missionary. It's funny that he is going to be my new companion. Before
we got calls I was wondering what it would be like to kill my
"grandpa" in the mission and sure enough. I heard he really goes hard
and loves missionary work so it should be fun. I'm taking over the
area and I know that it will be a fun 6 weeks but I'm going to be so
Sunday was my FIRST Ward conference in the mission and Our Bishop
spoke, then Elder Tancayo bore his farewell testimony, and then
President Checketts then spoke to us. It was on how we can build Zion
and it was super amazing. I got a picture with President Checketts. I
guess he used to own Madison square garden. He is an amazing Stake
These past couple days have been a little slow because of Elder
Tancayo packing and freaking out because he is going home. There are a
lot of thoughts that have been flowing through my mind and really
making me homesick but I have been trying to keep my mind off Elder
Tancayo. We have had a lot of fun while driving together. We have been
bonding so much more and we love being around each other. Now he is
going home so it is bumming. Anyways Transfer meeting is today so I
will let you know how things are going next week.
I love you all, remember the lord in all that you do. Check out the website, the video is now up and it is an inspiring

Elder Domenick Casper