

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

7 More Weeks in Manhattan!

Hello everyone, transfers came and went and I stayed with Elder
Smiley! I'm glad because Dennis' baptism is in less than 2 weeks and I
didn't want to leave, I love Dennis more than I can put into words and
I have seen him change a lot, every time we meet with him he changes
more and he is really excited about his baptism on the 27th of this
month. August is almost over, haha.

Wednesday was awesome, we chilled at our church and played his board
game called Pathfinders, then we had a dinner with the Shumways at
this place in the mall down around south ferry called Umami Burger. We
got this burger called "The Manly Burger" and oh boy was it manly, it
had super good beef and Bacon Chunks on it with really good cheese and
amazing sauce. We also got sweet potato fries and these truffle fries
that we so excellent. To top it all off we went to shake shack and got
some of the best shakes ever. So delicious, they seriously love the
missionaries and spoiled us. It was incredible and it tasted so good!
We were pretty full!

Thursday we did our planning and then we had Dennis with Brother
McKnight, and we talked about the last of the commandments we need to
teach him! Dennis really liked the choices talk by president Monson.
He connected to it and he will follow the prophet, the Sunday before
we talked about prophets so Dennis already knew most of what we talked
about and we just wanted to review. Earlier in the day we went to
trader joes so I could show elder smiley what it is and lo an behold a
missionary opportunity came about in there. This guy came up to us and
told us we should get some of the kind bars and it turns out he talked
with missionaries in Brazil and he accepted a Book of Mormon from us!
Awesome! Good stuff!

Friday we did a bucket load of look ups and didn't really talk to
anyone except the last dude, who told us to come by around another day
after 6. We got a Frosty from Wendy's and then went to the church to
email a few people and then we went to do a few look ups with no
success. We street contacted for a bit. No success. Then we felt to go
see Sauce to see if Kevin was there and he wasn't. Kevin got mad the
other day and cut his hand, he punched the glass on a stairwell door
in the projects. He is pretty messed up. We got in the elevator to go
down and the elevator took us up to the 21st floor, and there had to
be a reason so these 2 people got in the elevator, Isaiah and Liz and
they saw us sweating and we talked about what we do, they said they
would be interested in meeting with us. We have them both a Book of
Mormon and got both their info, it's pretty awesome how God places
people in our paths and all we have to do is talk with them. It was
awesome! On our way back we happened to talk to a dude and as I turned
around to look behind me I saw Kevin.. Who rode up on his skateboard.
We met with him at the church and threw down on him, telling him that
he is addicted to sauce and his life is a mess and he knows and he
wanted to change and we told him how he can change, through the
atonement of Jesus Christ. It was good. We had dinner with sister
Cabral and it was pretty yummy for sure. It's super awesome. We met a
member who served his mission in the Niagara Falls Canada mission,
that was dope.

Saturday we did some service at the temple village, and of course it's
been a quadrillion degrees with the humidity, and we had to deal with
potatoes that were sitting in a humid room and let me tell you what, I
don't want to eat potatoes for a while. Elder Smiley and I almost
threw up and I was the one really dealing with them and throwing the
bad ones out and cleaning the good ones. All day we had a glimpse of
the potato smell. It was by far the worst smell I've probably ever
smelled. It was fun to serve! I never want to deal with rotten
potatoes again. We met with our recent convert Avi, who was baptized
in January, and we taught him the plan of salvation.. He's a funny guy
and a pretty quiet one at that. We did comp study and 12 week and then
went to Central Park to do our Book of Mormon APF with the zone. There
is this place in Central Park called the mall. It's this huge strip of
straight walkway where people set up their booths and we put our huge
Book of Mormon board there and a table with books and wanted people to
take free copies. It was fun, a few people took one. We then went to
go see our less active member named Cody Hoyer, we weren't really
expecting much and he talks to us at his door and invites us in and
tells us he has pizza for us, it's called Grandmas pizza. He also
bought us Powerade's and a lot of other drinks. Him and his partner
live there and his partner Kfir doesn't know a ton about the church so
we gave him a Book of Mormon. He is from Jerusalem and wants to learn
about our religion. It was really cool and kind of shocking but it was
awesome. We are gonna get a Hebrew Book of Mormon to give to Kfir and
they want us back over. Kind of a weird experience and we will see
what happens.

Sunday we got to church and Dennis, Albert, Reggie and Yun came to
church and it's awesome. Dennis asked brother Anderson to baptize him.
He had an index card that said "Dennis Caron Baptism August 27th,
baptizer Brother Tye Andersen" then he said "yes or no?" So it was
totally like Dennis asked brother Andersen to prom. It was wonderful.
Also Dennis threw his coffee and coffee maker away so that's awesome
too! Miracles are happening! We had dinner with a member family and
their family was visiting and one of them served in this mission a bit
ago and he had president Morgan as his mission president so we talked
about the areas we served and it was incredible. I do love talking
about this mission. It was a good day and we handed out some book of
Mormons to end out the night.

Monday we had our final district meeting and the spirit was so strong,
it was great. It's always sad saying good bye to missionaries. We got
181 book of Mormons handed out as a district this past 5 weeks. We
handed out 9 book of Mormons on Monday, we found this girl named
Mayumi Ihara who met with missionaries in Scotland and has read the
Book of Mormon like 5 times, she wants to meet with us and we will
teach her using Facebook. We had a good day. We had a dinner with the
Calders who fed us chicken enchiladas. We also taught Yun about
repentance and I had a thought during the opening prayer to ask Yun
how his prayers are going. We helped him understand how to pray and
that he needs to be sincere to the answer he gets. We also told him to
ask specific questions because he can get a specific answers. It was
awesome! We asked this guy if he has read the Book of Mormon before,
he said "Yes I've read the whole book, I've looked at your history and
you're all F***ed up".

Tuesday we helped our sisters with luggage, we carried sister Vassau's
luggage to grand central, then took it all across and went up to
Inwood. It was heavy but it was a good work out. Such a tiring. The
suitcase I took was broken on the back wheels so we used the front
wheels and yeah that didn't work.. My shoulders kill today. We also
got the new sister missionary, sister Leavitts luggage which is new
and it was easy to take it to their apartment. We got a good workout.
We did an APF at Washington Square Park with the Book of Mormon. It
started to rain, and it was super sunny outside. It looked really
cool, eventually the rain stopped. We gave 2 copies of the Book of
Mormon out. I said "how are you doing" to this lady and I thought she
said "good, you?" So I asked "how's the day going?" And then I heard
what she was really saying, she said "F*** you" twice. Yeah. We taught
Dennis with sister Andersen, we taught him about Priesthood and
Auxiliaries, and serving in the church. We are almost done teaching
him everything. He realizes that he is gonna make a big change in his
life but he is excited! It's so awesome! Good way to end the night.

Today we went to practice our singing at the ambassador room at the
65th street building, we gonna be singing for the Jewish and Muslim
community, we will be singing How great thou art and another song.
Singing is fun. We are getting hair cuts not and then we will chillax
for a bit and do our shopping.

Being a missionary is the best thing ever, like I don't ever want it
to end. Missions change you, you stretch and grow and are forged into
someone who God wants you to be. It's really cool how the mission is
set up. As you serve others, you are benefitted. It's wonderful and
I'm grateful that's how it works. God knows more than us and we can
never know everything God knows but we can learn a lot. Also I'm
almost done with the New Testament, I'm reading revelations right now
it's it's kick butt. John probably saw all the wars and tanks, and
helicopters and planes with missiles and all that kick butt stuff.
Anyways the church is true, reach out with love and serve those around
you, you will see a big difference in your life. Love you all and have
a fantastic week!

1. This kick butt comic book store, forbidden planet. Terminator
pose.. Looking good huh?
2 and 3. Our sisters brought donuts so we had a photoshoot.
4. Mtn dew black label

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