

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Mission Leadership Council

Hello everyone, this week has been awesome! We are seeing miracles, it
has been a little bit more tough this week but it has helped us
appreciate the miracles. It has been pretty hot the past few days
which is awesome because I'm losing so much weight! I'm almost under
190! It's fantastic! We have had cool opportunities to talk to people
and to share the gospel. Elder Smiley cam so prepared, he is really
good at teaching people and asking questions so I've been learning a
lot from him. It's awesome.

Wednesday we got to talk with this guy who has a motorcycle, it was an
easy conversation starter but he wasn't interested. He did want the
church address. We had a dinner with the calls too and they are super
awesome and chill but it was a great dinner! We also talked with this
fellow named Brent.. He had no arms. He's homeless and he helps other
homeless people by giving them money and food, he was pretty drunk
though but he talked with us.. It was interesting. It was one of those
experiences that you will remember. We were in Chinatown so he was
pointing to all the Chinese individuals, and talking about how they
don't care to hear the gospel.

Thursday we had weekly planning, then we had to go to the Lincoln
Square Chapel for a Mission Leadership Council with all the leaders in
the city zones and their companions. It was fantastic, all about how
we can be better leaders and what we can do to help our
districts/Zones. It was an an awesome meeting, it went an hour over
and then president gave us some cliff Builders mint chocolate chip
protein bars. They are by far my favorite protein bar. President talks
about how the thoughts from Satan come, like "Have you even done any
good in the mission?" And president told us to cast those thoughts
away because we have done good, a lot of good. We had to continue
planning, then have dinner with a member family, the Shumways. They
are super awesome! I love them so much! It was a great dinner too. We
were supposed to meet with our bishop but he had to cancel.. Sadly. We
gave out a couple copies of the Book of Mormon so that's good!

Friday we had a good day. We called Dennis in the morning to see if
maybe we could meet on Saturday and he told us that we are pushing him
too much, he said that he would be at church though. We aren't gonna
push him, it's all up to him. We did teach this guy named Quindral as
we looked up one of our potentials, we looked up another one, tracted
then ran into this guy named Joshua. He wasn't interested at all but
he let us talk to his Spanish grandma, so I talked to her in my best
Spanish (which isn't too great) but we have her the number of the
Spanish elders and she said that she would call them. Josh suddenly
became interested, we talked about the Book of Mormon and he wanted to
come to church and to meet with us more. That was legit. We had an
appointment with Kevin, he flaked so we stood outside the church with
a Book of Mormon board, handing out book of Mormons. We to this lady
named Pam who seems legit. She wants to go to church! Yay! Too bad she
belongs to another area. We handed out a few books too and it is cool
to talk with people.

Saturday we had Coordination first thing and that went good! We did
the Book of Mormon board and had this lady named Monique come up to us
and ask for a Book of Mormon and she told us she wants to learn. She
gave us her number too, the sisters called her and it turns out that
isn't her number. That's sad. Miguel Lanier came down from White
Plains (my 3rd area) and we got food with him and he stayed with us
and went to an APF with us at the Bethesda Fountains. It's so weird to
see him a year later and we both look different but I do have a
picture to send you guys of us. He's way legit. At the Bethesda
fountains we had this guy from New Jersey walk up to us and tell us
that he wants to learn more and we ended up teaching him a principle
from every lesson in preach my gospel. It was wonderful! I love having
the opportunity to talk with everyone! It's awesome to be able to just
open my mouth, elder smiley told me that I just talk with everyone but
it's funny because he takes awhile to say stuff to people and it's
cool to see the difference. I'm so used to doing it. I love talking to
people. It was raining randomly too so we had to keep moving the board
under cover and take it out but it's wonderful!

Sunday we had church, I love church! We had Dennis, and Albert came.
Also Reggie who should be going to the 87th street chapel. They are
all awesome! Church was fantastic!! Dennis liked it a lot, we are
meeting with him tomorrow and we are having the 1st counsellor in the
bishopric come with us! It's gonna be awesome! We brought the
sacrament to Karin Altmayer again and she asked us to give her a
blessing, I love being able to use the priesthood and I'm grateful I'm
worthy to answer the call and bless someone's life. She is amazing,
she loves us. She calls us the salt of the earth. It was incredible.
One thing I do not like is the subways on the weekends. They go crazy.
We had to walk over a mile to our dinner in the blazing sun! That was
fun! I love the members here. We also saw Kevin, he told us that we
could meet on Monday so we were excited.

Monday we had district meeting and it was awesome! We made a goal to
hand out a Book of Mormon a day per companionship. The goal was 21 and
we got 42 handed out as a district! We got some dollar slices and ate
at the church. We did some 12 week and did some role plays for how to
begin teaching. It was great. Kevin didn't show up. We did the Book of
Mormon board and talked to a lot of people. We were out and a bout and
tried to talk with many people.

Tuesday we did a look up and got mail, did an APF at Washington
square. We did the good deed dares and it was awesome to see how many
people came up to us. We met a lot of people from Houston Texas too.
We were able to talk with this dude who is a minister in Houston and
has a really good Mormon friend. He sent a selfie of us all to his
friend and captioned it CTR. This other dude asked us "is there
anything that you need in New York that you don't have?" Our sisters
said no. Haha but it was so awesome. I love the people here. We did a
few look ups and elder smiley needed some short sleeve shirts so we
went and got some. I bought a $15 Van Heusen long sleeve and I'm now a
15 and a half neck size! Woot woot! Too bad the shirt had a hole so I
need to switch it out.

Today we are getting a hair cut and yeah it's awesome. I found this scripture

Ephesians 6:1-3

"Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.

Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;)

That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth."

I love that promise in verse 3, thou Mayest live long on the earth.
Seriously honor your father and your mother. I love you mom and dad,
I've grown to love you guys so much since I've been on my mission and
I can't wait to see you guys. Thank you so much. Ephesians 6 talks
about the armor of God too, go study that. I love you guys, thanks for
all you do for me!

Elder Casper

1&2. Miguel and I

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